
  1. 采用较为合理的细分标准,对公司客户和个人客户进行了市场细分,选择出支行的目标市场并制定了相应的营销战略和计划;

    Through employing reasonable criteria , the sub-branch can conduct segmenting for company customers and personal customers and select its target market and draft relative marketing strategies and plan .

  2. 一个企业市场营销的成功,除了其市场营销战略计划应该正确外,还要求其营销执行运行规范和效率高。

    The success of an enterprise requires good marketing strategies and effective marketing implementation as well .

  3. 分析市场营销环境、制定市场营销战略和市场营销计划是解决企业市场营销活动中应该做什么和为什么要这样做的问题;

    We always analyze the marketing environment , make marketing strategies and marketing plans in order to solve " what " and " why " However , marketing implementation can be used to answer " who ", " when " and " how " .

  4. 许多与湖南福田动力有限责任公司类似的中小企业之所以营销业绩不佳,并不完全是因为其市场营销战略计划不正确,而往往与其营销执行过程的不规范和低效率有关。

    Many companies such as Hunan Foreland Power Engine which marketing performance is fairly bad have right marketing strategies , however , their marketing implementations are irregular and inefficient .

  5. 另外,为了保证制定的市场营销战略能够得以顺利实施,本论文还对市场营销组织管理、战略计划的制定、实施和控制等市场营销战略管理措施进行了探讨。

    What 's more , to ensure the established marketing strategy can be successfully implemented , this article discusses some marketing strategy administrant measures , such as organization management , strategic plan , actualization and control .