
  • 网络strategic marketing plan
  1. 成都泰康房屋开发有限公司休闲花园项目战略营销计划

    House Development of Thai Health of Chengdu Limited Company Recreation Strategic Marketing Project of Garden Plan

  2. 在研究商业模式问题时往往会与战略、营销、计划、组织等传统管理学理念混在一起。

    Specifically , business model appears to be mixed with the traditional management concepts such as strategy , marketing , plan , and organization .

  3. 分析市场营销环境、制定市场营销战略和市场营销计划是解决企业市场营销活动中应该做什么和为什么要这样做的问题;

    We always analyze the marketing environment , make marketing strategies and marketing plans in order to solve " what " and " why " However , marketing implementation can be used to answer " who ", " when " and " how " .