
  • 网络Strategic height;strategic level
  1. 本文认为,培养民族干部要站在战略高度予以重视。

    The author thinks on training minorities cadres at strategic level .

  2. 进一步加快文化产业的发展也已经被提高到一个战略高度。

    It has been raised to a strategic level to accelerate the development of cultural industries .

  3. 因此,需要从战略高度研究创新MS国际物流园区的规划建设。

    Therefore , we need to study the the innovative MS international logistics park planning and construction from a strategic perspective .

  4. 从战略高度积极开发CATV业务

    Taking a Strategic View to Develop CATV Services

  5. 把核心能力理论运用于企业RD投资管理,提出了基于核心能力培植的企业RD投资管理策略,即从核心能力构筑和培育的战略高度来引导RD投资活动。

    This paper originally applies the theory of core capability to R D investment management and suggests that R D investment management should be based on core capability cultivating .

  6. 本文旨在从核心能力构筑和培育的战略高度来引导RD投资行为,提高航空企业RD投资管理水平。

    The intention of this paper is to guide R D investment from the point of view of core capability cultivating and thus to improve on R D investment management of aviation enterprises .

  7. 第三,中国应从战略高度认识FTA重要性,决不要让部门或集团利益牵制谈判进程。

    Thirdly , China should recognize the important of FTA from the strategic perspective and never let the department or group interests to distract the negotiation process .

  8. 把加速水电资源开发放到战略高度

    Speeding up the Development of Hydroelectric Resources from Viewpoint of Strategy

  9. 国民经济信息化问题已摆在了一个重要的战略高度。

    The informationization of the national economy has its strategic importance .

  10. 互利共赢的开放战略高度活跃的开放格局

    An Opening Strategy for Mutual Benefits and a Setup for Active Opening-up

  11. 从战略高度加强民航科技人才队伍建设

    Enhancing Construction of Civil Aviation Science and Technology Talents Team

  12. 对此,我们首先要从战略高度制定文化产业安全目标;

    We should first work out goals for culture security .

  13. 重庆要从可持续战略高度扩大内需

    Chongqing Needs Enlarge its Domestic Demand From the Sustainable Strategy

  14. 从战略高度认识服务业的发展

    Views on Great Development of Service Industries from the Angle of Strategy

  15. 从战略高度研究煤液化项目的工业化

    Strategic Analysis of the Industrialization of the Coal Liquefaction Project

  16. 站在战略高度搞好天然气地质基础研究

    Do well in the basis research on natural gas

  17. 因此,我国从战略高度认识、发展物流服务产业显得尤为重要。

    So we should insight and develop logistics service industry from strategic height .

  18. 从战略高度重视农村金融的发展

    Recognize Development of Our Rural Finance From Stratagem Height

  19. 从公司治理的战略高度看待及推广风险导向内部审计。

    Second , promoting the risk-based internal audit at the corporate governance strategic perspective .

  20. 要把利用高新技术改造传统产业置于战略高度

    To Transform Traditional Industries by Hi Tech

  21. 因此,各国都对本国电信行业的发展予以高度的重视,甚至提到战略高度来进行发展和建设。

    Therefore , all the countries give more attention to the development of the telecommunication .

  22. 从战略高度创新思维浅议煤矿企业安全生产管理

    General Discussion to Safety Production Management in Coal Mine from Strategy and Innovation Point of View

  23. 世界上大多数国家已经把发展文化产业提升到关乎国家竞争力的战略高度。

    Many countries have taken the development of cultural industry as a strategic level of national competitiveness .

  24. 我国作为一个发展中的大国,要想成为强国,必须从战略高度重视文化产业,积极发展文化贸易。

    As a bid developing country , China must pay attention to and actively develop cultural trade .

  25. 必须从战略高度正确认识云南农村经济结构调整的意义。

    Thus from a strategic point of view , readjustment of rural economic structure must be done immediately .

  26. 现代社会,企业间的竞争已上升到战略高度,日益的激烈化。

    In Modern society , with the competition of the strategy level , enterprise competition become more sharply .

  27. 因此,我们应该从战略高度来认识和了解我国学习型政府及其构建的意义和作用。

    So we should understand the meaning and function of the studying government and its construction from strategic faction .

  28. 国家已把促进中小企业的技术创新提高到产业发展的战略高度。

    The country has put the promotion of technical innovation for small and medium enterprises to industrial development strategy .

  29. 从东部提升的战略高度重新审视黄河三角洲大开发战略

    To Re-Examine the Strategy of Developing the Yellow River Delta from the View of Strategic Development of Eastern China

  30. 中国的高等旅游教育事业,也把旅游院校的发展建设摆在战略高度加以规划。

    At the same time , higher tourism education develops and constructs tourism colleges from the viewpoint of strategy .