
  • 网络strategic communication
  1. 我们要加强战略沟通,巩固多边合作纽带。

    We need to step up strategic communication to reinforce the bond of multilateral co-operation .

  2. 战略沟通为HR从业者提供一个设计、完善和实施整体薪酬沟通的一个框架体系。

    The Strategic communication provides HR professionals with a framework to design , develop and implement successful total rewards communications .

  3. 主管战略沟通的副国家安全顾问本·罗兹表示。

    Ben Rhodes is deputy national security adviser for strategic communications .

  4. 企业业绩评价的战略沟通功能研究

    Study on Strategy Communication Function of Enterprise Performance Measurement

  5. 战略沟通在提升企业战略执行力中具有重要作用。

    Strategic communication plays an important role in the implementation of its corporate strategy .

  6. 一是要保持战略沟通,把握好双边关系发展的大方向。

    First , we should maintain strategic communication and keep our bilateral relations on the right track .

  7. 同时,将业绩评价系统视为战略沟通的手段与将其视为激励手段的传统观点进行了对比。

    This view of taking measurement systems as communication devices is contrasted with the traditional view as incentive devices .

  8. 我们彼此都在增加对周边地区事务的参与度。这就需要更深层次的战略沟通,以增强互信。

    We are both increasing our engagement in our shared neighbourhood . This calls for deeper strategic communication to build mutual trust and confidence .

  9. 作者通过对战略沟通障碍的分析,提出战略沟通的一些原则以及进行有效战略沟通的基本模式。

    Through the analysis of the obstacles in the strategy communication , the author gives some basic models in building up the effective strategy communication model in this article .

  10. 未来一个时期,双方要抓好几件事情。一是保持高层往来,加强战略沟通,不断增进互信。

    I suggest that the two sides work on the following in the immediate future : First , maintain high-level exchanges , enhance strategic communication and promote mutual trust .

  11. 从短期看,举例来说,墨西哥在药品、测试、医药用品和战略沟通等方面产生大量费用。

    In the short term , the country is incurring large costs in drugs , tests , supplies , and strategic communications , to name just a few activities .

  12. 通过战略沟通,形成战略共识,促成战略执行的协同,使战略的执行进程全方位地得到有效控制。

    Through strategic communication , a strategic consensus is formed , the collaboration of strategic implementation is improved and the process of strategic implementation is controlled fully and effectively .

  13. 双方要保持高层接触,加强各层级战略沟通。要按计划完成重大合作项目可行性研究,打造中印合作旗舰项目。

    The two countries should maintain high-level contact , strengthen multi-level strategic communication , complete feasibility study on major cooperation projects as scheduled and build flagship bilateral cooperation projects .

  14. 气候中心的战略沟通副总裁兼研究主任理查德o怀尔斯表示:我们的战略是以人们能够理解的方式告诉他们当地的气候情况,唯一能实现这个目标的方法就是通过大数据分析。

    Our strategy is to tell people about their climate locally in ways they can understand , and the only way to do that is with big data analysis , said Richard Wiles , vice president for strategic communications and director of research with Climate Central .

  15. 它的实施要涉及到观念、方法、竞争、目标、战略、沟通、因果关系等多项因素,实质上是对企业进行整体上的改革。

    Its implementation involves in several factors such as staff notion , methodology , competition , target , stratagem , communication , coordination and causal nexus , etc.

  16. 企业文化是指企业成员的共同价值观体系,对企业能否成功具有重要的影响。要选择恰当的企业文化整合战略,加强沟通,制定一套政策支持这种新文化。

    II The Integration of Corporate CultureThe corporate culture is the common value system of one company members , and has an important effect to the success of the company .

  17. 平衡计分卡(balancedscorecard,BSC)是一种兼具评价系统、战略管理系统和沟通工具多重功能的管理工具。

    The Balanced Scorecard ( BSC ) is a multi-function management tool with evaluation system , strategic management system and communication tool .

  18. 平衡计分卡使得企业可持续发展战略能够有效地沟通,便于执行。

    Balanced score - cards make the strategy of sustainable development of enterprises to communicate and to be implemented effectively .

  19. 我们创造的视觉战略和目标的沟通,使你的品牌故事抓住观众-目标群体。

    We create the visual strategy and target the communication to make your brand stories catch the audience – the target groups .

  20. 从企业的营销观念、战略制定及顾客沟通等方面,对建立高度的顾客满意、培养顾客忠诚进行了初步的探索。

    This article has initially explored how to create high customer satisfaction and loyalty concerning marketing concept , strategy making and customer communication etc.

  21. 但回想起来,我完成的多是一些相对乏味,基于任务的工作,而不是更复杂的战略规划、电话沟通或者会议,后者需要在正常上班时间进行。

    But in retrospect I got more menial , task-based items done , not the more complicated strategic planning , phone calls or meetings that needed to happen during business hours .

  22. 学校音乐教育是培养国民健全人格的战略举措,应该沟通专业音乐工作者与普通中小学音乐教师之间的联系。

    School music education is of strategic importance to cultivate healthy national personality . It is necessary to strengthen the communication between the music researchers and music teachers in secondary and primary schools .

  23. 虽然,目前我国有在品牌战略建设及品牌沟通方面较为先进的汽车企业,但在国际大企业的眼里,中国还并不存在一个真正意义上强势品牌,而只是一些商标。

    Although China is currently building the brand strategy and brand communication , but in the eyes of the international enterprises , China is still not a strong brand there is a real sense , but some trade marks .

  24. 企业战略内部促销&战略沟通模式初探

    The Internal Communication of Corporate Strategy : A Discussion on Strategy Communication Model

  25. 结合国内成功房地产企业的实践,先后提出和分析了房地产服务战略、房地产顾客满意战略、价值沟通战略、缺憾最小化战略以及房地产投诉应对策略。

    The author puts forward and analyses service strategy , customer satisfaction strategy , value communication strategy , regret minimization strategy and appeal reply strategy .