
  • 网络verbal communication;Language communication;nonverbal communication
  1. 而单是语言沟通就有几乎无数种具体形式。

    Language communication alone can be divided into many specific ways .

  2. 听障者语言沟通法的历史演变

    The evolutionary history of language communication in hearing impaired person

  3. NLP语言沟通程序应用于医院药学保健模式初探

    Study of the NLP Application on the Pharmaceutical Care Mode in Hospital

  4. 中国式功能性语言沟通能力检查法(CFCP)和改良波士顿诊断性失语症评测法(BDAE)同时应用于20名中风后失语患者的检测。

    Chinese functional communication profile ( CFCP ) and Boston diagnostic aphasia examination ( BDAE ) were used in comparision to examine aphasic patients following stroke .

  5. 在这场多语言沟通的挑战面前,你并不孤单。

    You won 't be alone in this multilingual communication challenge .

  6. 图书馆文化与流通服务中的非语言沟通

    The Library Culture and the Non-verbal Communication in Book Circulation Service

  7. 改善实习医生与病人语言沟通的临床教学实践

    Improvement of lingual communication between interns and patients in clinical teaching

  8. 你更喜欢和数字打交道还是语言沟通?

    Do you prefer working with figures , or with words ?

  9. 非语言沟通在口腔疾患病人中的运用研究

    The Investigation of Non-languae Communication for Patients in Nonnasality Illness

  10. 这种不用语言沟通的方法叫做肢体语言。

    This nonverbal way of communication is called body language .

  11. 有较强中英文语言沟通和工作协调能力。

    Good communication skill in both Chinese and English and interpersonal skill .

  12. 语言沟通方式对幼儿词汇发育影响的研究

    Effects of language communicative style on vocabulary development of toddlers

  13. 演讲的非语言沟通:面部表情

    Non - verbal Communication in Speech : Facial Expression

  14. 想到非语言沟通的影响范围,我们其实从未真的停止沟通过。

    Considering the influence of nonverbal communication , we never really stop communicating .

  15. 优秀的语言沟通能力,精通英语口语和书写。

    Excellent verbal communication skills ; in particular proficient verbal and written english .

  16. 浅谈护士非语言沟通技巧

    Discussion on Nurse ′ s Non-language Communication Skills

  17. 确保你的非语言沟通技巧比较坚决。

    Make sure your nonverbal communication is strong .

  18. 多元文化护理中的非语言沟通技巧

    The Skill of Non-language Communication in Multi-culture Nursing

  19. 目的满足病人机械通气期间语言沟通障碍的身心需求。

    Objective To satisfy the mental and physical needs of patients on mechanical aeration .

  20. 像智者一样的思考但要用一般人的语言沟通。

    Think like a wise man but communicate in the language of the people .

  21. 我想可能是语言沟通上有点问题。

    I think it 's a language thing .

  22. 在教学过程中,非语言沟通对于提高课堂教学效果,保证教学质量,增强教学的有效性起到了辅助作用。

    Non-language communication plays important role in teaching process and effectively aids the language teaching .

  23. 我认为是缺少分销的经验和语言沟通的障碍。

    Lack of distribution and language barrier .

  24. 这就表示了人们从非语言沟通中领悟到的比从说出来的话语中的还多。

    That means people pick up more from nonverbal communication than from the words a person says .

  25. 注意你的非语言沟通方式。

    Watch your non-verbal communication .

  26. 你的语言沟通只是意识层面的动人,她的逻辑会过滤掉这个输入。

    Your verbal communication is engaging the conscious , logical part of her mind that filters input .

  27. 另一个非语言沟通的文化层面可能是你不会想到的东西:空间距离。

    Another cultural aspect of nonverbal communication is one that you might not think about : space .

  28. 初到马来西亚的中国学生和游客不会有语言沟通之障碍。

    First arrived in Malaysia 's Chinese students and tourists will not have the language communication barrier .

  29. 用积极的语言沟通。

    Communicate with positive language .

  30. 非语言沟通是一个复杂的过程,涉及到人、身体的动作、以及当时的时间和环境等因素。

    It is a complex process , and involves persons , body movements , and time or circumstances .