
  • 网络Strategic Thinking;Think strategically;strategic reflection
  1. 某二级甲等医院内涵建设的战略性思考

    A Strategic Thinking of the Internal Construction for One Hospital

  2. 新世纪医院发展的战略性思考

    A Strategic Thinking of Hospital Development in the New Century

  3. 大学生科技教育培养模式的战略性思考

    On Training Pattern of College Students ' Science and Technology Education

  4. 对团队绩效考核体系的战略性思考

    Strategic Team - based Performance Appraisal System : Some Key Issues

  5. 对淮北市率先崛起的战略性思考

    Strategic thought on taking the lead in prospering in Huaibei City

  6. 我国开展气候观测和资料获取系统建设的战略性思考

    Study on the Construction of Chinese Climate Monitoring and Data Acquiring System

  7. 奥运新周期男子体操团队训练的战略性思考

    Strategic consideration of man 's gymnastics team training during Olympic new period

  8. 中国社会事业发展的战略性思考

    Strategic Reflections on the Development of Social Undertakings in China

  9. 新时期长江三角洲区域联动发展的战略性思考

    Strategic Consideration of Regional Linking Development of the Yangtze Delta during New Stage

  10. 民营物流企业未来发展的战略性思考

    Strategic Thinking on Future Development of Private Logistics Enterprises

  11. 关于提高中国烟叶市场竞争力的战略性思考

    Strategic Consideration of the Improvement of the Tobacco Competition

  12. 宁夏农村教育与科教兴农的战略性思考

    Strategic thought on Rural Education & development of agriculture through science and education

  13. 对发展高效生态农业的战略性思考

    Strategic Thinking on Developing Efficient Eco - agriculture

  14. 跨国公司联盟网络的战略性思考

    Strategic outlook on allied network of multinational corporations

  15. 关于促进中国商业发展的战略性思考

    Strategic Thought over Commercial Development in China

  16. 本文对转型阶段资产管理公司的市场营销作出了一些战略性思考。

    This essay gives some strategic thoughts on marketing plan of FAMC in transforming period .

  17. 21世纪我国能源开发与焊接技术可持续发展的战略性思考

    Strategic thought of 21st century national continuable development for energy source exploitage and welding technology

  18. 对我国驰名商标保护的战略性思考

    Strategic Thinking of Well known Trademark Protection

  19. 关于我国继续教育办学定位和办学思路的战略性思考

    School-running orientation and thought about continuing education

  20. 中国民用机场规划布局的战略性思考

    Strategic Thinking of China Civil Airports Deployment

  21. 战略性思考核计划能力。

    Strategic thinking and planning capability ;

  22. 加快东西部教育合作发展的战略性思考

    Strategic Thoughts on Quickening the Educational Cooperation between the Eastern and the Western Regions of China

  23. 关于海外华文传媒的战略性思考

    Developing Strategy of Overseas Chinese Media

  24. 关于国企失业人员再就业工程的战略性思考

    Strategic Thinking on the Reemployment Project of the Laid-off Workers and Unemployed people in the S.O. Enterprises

  25. 我认为这是智能管理的一个好例子—充分利用了适当的战略性思考。

    I think it 's a good example of intelligent management - proper strategic thinking at its best .

  26. 通过以上研究,引发了本人对沈阳市发展循环经济的战略性思考,从可持续发展的角度,对沈阳市循环经济发展对策进行了初步探索。

    The above mentioned research has aroused the author 's strategic thinking of the development of recycling economy in Shenyang .

  27. 第三部分:调整当代中国利益格局对构建社会主义和谐社会的战略性思考。

    The third section : The strategic thought that we construct socialist harmonious society by adjusting interest pattern in present China .

  28. 数字环境下图书馆物理形态、价值定位、职能趋向的战略性思考

    The Strategic Thinking of Library in the Physical Formation and Orientation of Value and Trend of Function in the Digital Environment

  29. 出口贸易大国转向出口贸易强国的战略性思考

    The Strategy of the Export Trade Structure of China During the Process of Changing to be a Powerful Country in Export Trade

  30. 构筑珠三角经济圈农产品强势供应基地&红三角农业经济发展的战略性思考

    Formation of Strong Service Base in " Pearl River Delta " Economic Circle - Strategic Consideration about Agricultural Economic Development of " Red Triangle "