
  1. 其次详细描述了案例背景,并提出本文所要分析的问题;并根据存在的问题明确了G银行S支行个人理财业务的营销战略定位,并就目标客户的选择以及理财产品市场设计进行了分析;

    The Second particular describing case background and putting forward the problems in existence of case Then Fixing a definite position of marketing stratagem about PWM , and analyzing the choice of target customers and marketing design of personal wealth product ;

  2. 具体分为营销战略定位分析、营销组合策略分析、营销组织管理分析、企业文化分析、资源分析和SWOT分析。

    It can be divided concretely into analyzing the orientation of marketing strategy , analyzing combination of marketing strategy , analyzing management of marketing organizations , analyzing the corporate culture , analyzing resources and analyzing SWOT .

  3. 论文主要对云铜股份公司的营销战略定位进行分析。

    Thesis mainly on yunnan copper co. , LTD marketing strategy are analyzed .

  4. 通过对公司现状的研究,将威胜公司品牌营销战略定位在了服务营销、关系营销、质量营销和技术营销上。

    Writer starts from actual situations of Wasion , focuses Wasion 's brand marketing strategy on quality , relationship , technology and service .

  5. 为通信行业移动业务营销战略定位、策略设计和整合提供了借鉴案例,为今后类似企业的移动业务营销策略制定提供借鉴。

    To provide a reference case for mobile service marketing strategy , communications industry marketing strategy design and integration , to provide a reference for similar enterprises in the future mobile service marketing strategy .

  6. 文章中还论述了民营会展公司围绕着营销战略定位如何进行有效的市场细分及定位,品牌建设,渠道建设,以及以客户关系管理为中心确定有效的差异化服务策略。

    This essay also discusses privately managed exhibition companies how to do market location , to set up their own brand and mediums of market and formulate the strategy of different service focusing CRM .

  7. 基于以上分析,把东风商用车公司的营销战略定位问题和东风商用车公司营销战略系统性思考的问题,作为本文优先解决的课题,并确立了研究的思路和方法。

    Based on the above analysis , this article gives the priorities to the matter of Dong Feng CV 's marketing strategy orientation as well as to the matter of its lack of systemic consideration , and formulates the analysis methods .

  8. 同时也对分销渠道在整体营销中的战略定位和价值进行了概述,分析了分销渠道的模式及功能。

    But also for the overall marketing distribution channels in the strategic positioning and value of an overview , analysis of the distribution channel modes and functions .

  9. 第四部分重点介绍了园林景观企业品牌营销战略中的品牌定位策略、产品策略、塑造品牌形象策略与企业对市场的应变策略;

    The forth section introduces brand orientation strategy , product strategy , shaping brand strategy and emergency responding strategy in corporation brand marketing strategy .

  10. 理论的创新点主要表现在以下三个方面:1.提出整合营销的整合模型,在该模型中强调了整合营销的战略定位,避免企业追求大而全的营销战略。

    Theoretical innovation performance in the following three main points : 1 . By the integration of marketing integration model , the model highlighted in the integration of marketing strategies positioning enterprises seeking to avoid large and all marketing strategies .

  11. 在对大量市场数据研究的基础上,确立了在国内营销上以打造全国棒线第一品牌,实施销售三集中的营销战略定位。

    On the basis of the research on market data , set up to " build first national bar line brand ", implement " three sales concentrations " strategy orientation .

  12. 本文首先在定位理论和相关市场营销理论的基础上提出了定位营销的定位营销要素、定位营销战略及竞争定位营销分析框架。

    Firstly , on the basis of positioning theory and correlating marketing theory , this text prefers the frame of positioning marketing element , the positioning marketing strategy and competitive positioning marketing about positioning marketing .