
Chapter 4 concretely contrives the marketing channels strategy for IA .
Study on the Marketing Channel Choice and Coordination Based on E-Commerce
The Market Analysis and Channels Selecting on Information Appliance
Chapter 2 reviews the literature on marketing channel choice , including traditional marketing channel choice and the internet marketing channel choice ;
The marketing channel options of this project include two forms of indirect channel ( agent channels ) and direct channel ( network channel ) .
By research , this thesis in order to design mode for the marketing channel selection of big size steel tube of Heng Steel and this thesis with the sense of available reference for the selection of marketing channel of steel tube industry .
Chapter 4 includes summary , evaluation and revelation from the case of KYD international distribution channel mode selecting .
Haier Roller Washing Machines Marketing Channels Mode Selection and Management Strategies
On Choice of Marketing Channel of Commercial Banks in China
The channel designing of various businesses are very different .
The author thinks the marketing channels of Chinese books should be diversified and networked .
The Strategies for Selecting the Marketing Channels
Choice of marketing channel of commercial banks is an important strategic policy , which has large impact on operating performance and cost level .
The selection criteria and evaluation system of cooperative sales outlets are established with the reference to the theories of marketing channel member selection and management .
Marketing channel management includes initiating channel strategy 、 designing marketing channel 、 selecting channel members 、 channel management 、 motivating members 、 channel conflict management and evaluation and etc.
So the choice and management of international marketing channels is not only a way of everyday management , but more a channel for corporation to get international comparative advantages .
This chapter designs the selection index system of the marketing channel member of Yanchuan Jujube , and uses the Delphi Method to scoring and sorting with present marketing channel member .
Combining with the sales channel member choice and management theory , choice standard and encouragement , examine rules for the three VIP agents which are one of the channel members .
The use of the basic principles of management , from the Bancassurance marketing channels strategic choices facing the internal and external environmental analysis , analyzes the regular business options for the importance of bancassurance channel .
The core of real estate channel choice for marketing is the needs of customers , and channel position 、 consumer behavior 、 product characteristic 、 communication with channel broker and the capability of making profit are considered in order to ensure sales channel operate effectively .
The choice of marketing channel structure is an important link within process of the product marketing .
The efforts of power from channels integration is not inadequate , so its impact on transaction characteristics and channels integration model of farmers agricultural marketing was not general .
Then , according to edible fungus marketing channel mode evaluation selection principle and analytical method , from guarantee the Channel members ' interests , Channel operation capacity , Channel competitiveness and Industrial environment these four aspects to constructed edible fungus marketing channel mode evaluation index system .
In light of Transaction Cost Economics ( TCE ) theory , it summarized and overviewed different marketing channels governance patterns and its selection .
Marketing Channels Model and Choice of Chinese Electrical Household Appliances
This thesis is going to study how to choose the model of the marketing channels on this background .
Summarized the agricultural marketing channel theory and the selection of design theory . Chapter three analyzed agricultural marketing channel members and inducted agricultural marketing channel modes .
According to the rural living dispersed characteristics , direct marketing channel is not suitable for its development , and indirect marketing channel development is insufficient .
Marketing channel is one of enterprise 's important resources and choice of marketing channel mode will directly influence development of enterprise .
Reviewing current marketing channels for stainless steel wire rods in USA market , it is found that DSSC should pay more afford to consummate and strengthen their designing , choice and management .