
  • 网络Business Registration
  1. 商事登记管辖权应相对集中,按法人登记与营业登记划分,省级登记主管机关负责企业法人登记;

    Business registration jurisdiction should be centralized relatively , and be classified as registration of ArtificialPerson and Operation .

  2. 法人的主营业地与登记地不一致的,可以适用主营业地法律。

    If the main business place of a legal person is inconsistent with the locality of registration , the laws of the main business place may apply .

  3. 客户需提供商标注册证、营业执照税务登记证和组织代码证复印件并签定委托加工合同。

    Clients should provide copy versions of trademark registration certificate , business license , tax registration certificate , enterprise code certificate and sign the OEM entrust contract with meisheng .

  4. 除以商号营业时需要登记投资人的真实姓名之外,一般对独资企业的经营没有正式要求。

    There are generally no formal requirements for operating in this form , other than registering the true name of the business owner if the business is conducted under a trade name .

  5. 缴费单位申请办理社会保险登记,应当填写社会保险登记表,出示营业执照或者登记证书以及组织机构代码证书。

    A payer shall , when applying for social insurance registration , fill out social insurance registration forms , and show its business license or registration certificate , and the certificate of institutional code .

  6. 受资方所提供的可行性分析资料、公司营业执照、税务登记证等法律文件必须完备。

    The recipient of the investment must provide full and complete legal documents , such as documents of feasibility analysis , business license and tax registration certificate .

  7. 一般企业需要年检的证件主要有:营业执照;税务登记证;一般纳税人资格证。

    Average company needs the certificate of the yearly check to basically have : business charter ; duty Wu registers card ; card of average taxpayer qualification .

  8. 由公司登记机关吊销营业执照。公司登记机关核准注销登记后,应当收缴分公司的《营业执照》。

    Shall have its business license canceled by the company registration authority . After having approved the cancellation of registration , the company registration authority shall withdraw the branch 's Business License .

  9. 营业转让合同的登记与公示制度是法律对营业转让进行特别调整的体现,其目的在于通过这一制度设计,加强对转让双方当事人特别是转让人的债权人的利益保护。

    The registration and publication rule of the enterprise transfer contract is designed as a particular means to enhance the protection of interests of the related parties , especially the creditor of transferor .

  10. 企业法人歇业、被撤销、宣告破产或者因其他原因终止营业,应当向登记主管机关办理注销登记。

    An enterprise as a legal person shall go through the procedures for canceling its registration with the registration authority when it closes down , is dissolved , declares bankruptcy or terminates its business operations for other reasons .

  11. 7企业注销登记时,应交回营业执照正、副本。营业执照被登记机关吊销后即自行失效。

    For the logout registration , the enterprise should return the original and copy . The Business License would be invalid automatically when being withdrawn by the register department .

  12. 营业执照的管理是企业管理的核心内容,吊销营业执照是企业登记机关对企业进行管理的一项重要活动。

    The management of business license is the core of business management . The cancellation of the license is a major action by the registration organ in its management of a business .