
  • 网络Capital System
  1. 公司资本制度改革刍议

    A Modest Proposal for the Reform of the Company Capital System

  2. 因此,在这一部分作者只研究狭义的上市公司资本制度。

    Therefore in this partial I 'll study the narrow capital system .

  3. 刑法保护公司资本制度应遵循协调性原则、适度性原则、公平性原则。

    The principles of protection should be harmonization , proper and equality .

  4. 论公司资本制度刑法保护原则

    Principles in Protection to Company 's Assets by Criminal Law

  5. 论经济法视野下公司资本制度的改革

    Reform of company capital system in view of economic law

  6. 公司资本制度是公司法基本法律制度之一。

    Corporation capital System is the basic legal system of company Law .

  7. 我国公司资本制度的解析与重构

    The analysis and reconstruction of company capital system

  8. 人力资本视野下公司资本制度完善之研究

    At the Perspective of Human Capital , Research the Improvement on Corporate Capital System

  9. 第一部分,主要探讨了公司资本制度的几个基本理论问题。指出资本一词既是经济范畴,又是法律范畴。

    Part One mainly studies fundamental theory problems about the company 's capital system .

  10. 因此,文章的第五部分即为我国公司资本制度模式的制度设计。

    The last part is the re-design of the mode of the capital system .

  11. 商法视界中的公司资本制度

    The Company Capital System in the Commercial Law

  12. 从这一意义上讲,对公司资本制度进行专门的研究分析很有必要。

    Therefore , it is essential to research and analyze the company capital system .

  13. 公司资本制度的探讨

    The discussion about the system of company capital

  14. 公司资本制度:反思与重构

    Corporation Capital System : Reconsideration and Reconstruction

  15. 公司资本制度的价值分析

    Analysis of Value on Corporate Capital System

  16. 安全、公平、自由、效率是公司资本制度所蕴含的价值功能。

    Safe , fair , freedom and efficiency are the values of the company capital system .

  17. 公司资本制度及其学说在公司法理论中占有重要地位。

    The corporate capital system and its theories occupy an important position in corporate law theories .

  18. 公司资本制度的立法评判

    Legislative Critics of Company Capital System

  19. 如强化公司资本制度,严格资本充实规则;

    For instance : reinforcement of capital system and insist on the doctrine of capital maintenance ;

  20. 公司资本制度优化与我国公司资本制度的完善。

    The second part , the value goal of how to optimizes the company composition of capital .

  21. 公司资本制度是指公司资本的形成、维持、退出等方面的制度安排,是围绕股东的股权投资而关于公司资本形成、运作的一系列概念网、规则群与制度链的配套体系。

    The company capital system refers to a series of concepts about the capital formation , maintenance and so on .

  22. 在这个经济一体化的过程中,公司资本制度对规范公司这一主要经济主体的行为发挥了极其重要的作用。

    In the course of economic integration , corporate capital regime plays a very important role in regulating corporate behavior .

  23. 第二章从比较法角度对两大法系的公司资本制度进行研究,借以开阔视野,取长补短。

    The second chapter compares two systems of law , the advantages and disadvantages of system of capital of a corporation ;

  24. 以中美制度分析为基础看公司资本制度模式选择,中国应采取折衷授权资本制。

    China 's choice of the corporation capital mode based on the analysis of the Sino-American system should be compromised capital system .

  25. 转投资作为公司资本制度的一个重要方面,其从成立之初就在支持和反对中成长。

    As an important aspect in company 's capital system , investment of company 's foreign operation grow up gradually since it 's establishment .

  26. 公司资本制度作为一项法定的制度,直接影响着公司的一系列其他制度。

    The company capital system is used as a system of legal , affecting a series of and other system of the company directly .

  27. 因此,本着效率优先、兼顾安全的原则,应该对我国公司资本制度采取相应完善措施。

    Therefore in line with efficiency firstly considering both safety , the correspondingly reform should be taked for the corporation capital system of our country .

  28. 一个合理、高效的公司资本制度应尽量让更多的社会资产进入生产经营领域,为社会创造更多的财富。

    It is the highest priority for a proper and high-efficient company capital system to have more investment into production to make more social wealth .

  29. 但是,这种建立在资本信用基础上的公司资本制度并未完全实现制度设计时的预期效果。

    However , the corporation capital system of this mode , which shall be based on capital credit , has not realized anticipated effects completely .

  30. 同时,公司资本制度为维护公司的人合性所确立的股权自由转让的原则,为股东的利益起到了强有力的保护。

    At the same time , the corporation capital system provides powerful protection for the principle of transferring stock right freely and shareholders ' interest .