
  • 网络corporate governance;Corporate governance structure
  1. DA公司治理结构模式的建立和完善

    Establishment and Perfection of the Corporate Governance Mode in DA Company

  2. 从这一全新视角研究IPO发行审核问题,将有助于探明公司治理结构在IPO上市过程中所起到的作用及相应作用机理。

    From this new perspective , it helps to find out the useful of corporate governance structure in the process of the IPO market .

  3. 健全公司治理结构迎接WTO的挑战

    Improve Administrative Structure of Company and Meet the Challenge of WTO

  4. 得出结论,MBO仅是对现存缺陷的公司治理结构进行修正的一种手段;

    And make such conclusion , MBO is only a kind of means to amend the defective structure of corporate governance ;

  5. 面对国际化竞争的要求,中国大型企业设立CEO职位(首席执行官的领导体制),是大型企业公司治理结构体制创新的产物。

    Facing international competition , China establishes its leadership of CEO ( Chief Executive Officer ) in large-sized enterprises , which is necessary in the improvement of the company management structure for large companies .

  6. MBO是优化公司治理结构,降低公司代理成本和促进公司管理、激励机制变化的有效工具。

    MBO is a tool that can optimize the management construction of company , decreases the agency cost , promotes the improvement of management and change the irrational encouraging mechanism .

  7. 在完善公司治理结构和规范运营机制的同时,还应积极借鉴国外商业银行先进的EVA评价理论和方法,不断提高自身的经营管理效率和价值创造能力。

    In improving corporate governance structure and regulate the operation mechanism should also be actively learn from the foreign commercial banks advanced EVA evaluation theory and methods , and continuously improve their management efficiency and value creation .

  8. 完善公司治理结构,强化内控约束机制;

    Perfecting corporate governance structure , strengthening internal control binding mechanism ;

  9. 公司治理结构和会计定位理论研究

    A Theoretical Research of Company 's Administrative Structure and Accountant Orient

  10. 公司治理结构的价值取向是在公平与效率之间徘徊的。

    The values go back and forth in fairness and efficiency .

  11. 第三部分,公司治理结构下的会计舞弊。

    Part ⅲ, The accountant information fraud under corporate governance structure .

  12. 试论国有商业银行如何建立有效的公司治理结构

    How to build the effective company governance in national commercial banks

  13. 第2章介绍了公司治理结构的传统理论,包括占主流地位的代理理论及与之相应的公司治理结构理论和影响较大的利益相关者治理理论。

    Chapter 2 is on the traditional theories of corporate governance .

  14. 期权、期股制的若干探讨&兼论公司治理结构

    Several Discussion on Executive Stock Option & Also on Corporate Governance

  15. 股权结构对公司治理结构和行为的影响

    The Impact of Share Ownership Structure upon Corporate Governance Structure and Behavior

  16. 薪酬设计问题一直是公司治理结构的重要议题。

    Compensation plan design always is the important issues of corporate governance .

  17. 论利益相关者理论与我国公司治理结构的完善

    On Stakeholder Theory and the Improvement of Corporate Governance in Our Country

  18. 加强内部审计完善公司治理结构

    Strengthen the Internal Audit to Improve Corporate Governance Structure

  19. 高新技术企业公司治理结构的建立和完善

    Establishment and perfecting of high - technology corporate governance

  20. 而普遍存在的信息不对称现象扭曲了公司治理结构。

    The information asymmetry that generally existed has twisted company 's administration structure .

  21. 良好的公司治理结构又是实施股票期权必不可少的前提。

    Good corporate governance structure of the stock options is an essential prerequisite .

  22. 中外证券公司治理结构比较分析

    Comparative Analysis about Corporate Governance Structure of Security Companies at Home and Abroad

  23. 股权分置改革与公司治理结构的完善

    The reform of stockholder 's rights division and the perfection of company governing

  24. 研究结果表明,公司治理结构确实显著影响审计质量。

    Research results shows corporate governance structure affect the quality of audit obviously .

  25. 为改善公司治理结构提供了基础。

    To improving corporate governance structure provides a basis .

  26. 公司治理结构中的权力制衡研究

    Study on the Balance of Power in Corporate Governance

  27. 第三部分介绍了目前西方发达国家两种主要的融资模式和公司治理结构&英美模式和日德模式,对两种融资模式和公司治理结构的特征进行了归纳和比较,希望以此作为借鉴。

    The two have different type corporate governance according to their financial mode .

  28. 我国上市公司治理结构的有效性研究

    Study on the Effectiveness of Corporate Governance of Market Company in Our Country

  29. 从博奕角度看投资基金公司治理结构

    The game theory and the construction of managing in the investment fund enterprises

  30. 公司治理结构决定公司股利政策。

    Corporate governance structure determines company dividend policy .