
  • 网络corporate deadlock;corporation deadlock
  1. 最后,将学界关于公司僵局救济的理论基础逐一进行了介绍。

    Finally , it introduces some theories of corporate deadlock relief .

  2. 该章首先对公司僵局的成因进行了剖析。

    At first , the chapter analyses how corporate deadlock is formed .

  3. 司法介入公司僵局合理性的法理分析

    Legal Analysis on the Rationality of Judicial Intervention in Corporation Deadlock

  4. 有限责任公司僵局与司法介入

    Corporation Deadlock in the Limited Liability Company and Judicial Intervention

  5. 本文围绕公司僵局的司法救济这一核心问题展开。

    This thesis focuses on the judicial relief of the corporation deadlock .

  6. 本文研究的对象是有限责任公司僵局及其救济问题。

    The object of this thesis is corporate deadlock and its remedies .

  7. 本文将研究视角聚焦于公司僵局这一法律问题。

    This article focuses on the legal issue of the corporate deadlock .

  8. 有限责任公司僵局司法破解机制探析

    Research on Judicial Solution Mechanism of Limited Liability Company Deadlock

  9. 司法介入公司僵局处理制度的探讨

    On the System for Dealing with Corporation Deadlock with the Intervention of Judicature

  10. 第四部分将研究视角投向到我国实践中的公司僵局问题上来。

    Part IV : It returns to the practical issue in our country .

  11. 其次,由表及里地对公司僵局的形成原因进行分析。

    Second , it analyzes the causes of corporate deadlock from all aspects .

  12. 第三章介绍国外关于公司僵局的立法状况。

    Chapter 3 This chapter introduces the overseas legislation situation about corporate deadlock .

  13. 公司僵局法律问题研究

    Legal Study on the Problems of Corporation Deadlock

  14. 论公司僵局纠纷的司法救济

    On the Judicial Assistance of the Corporation Deadlock

  15. 首先,介绍了一些反对司法介入公司僵局的理由。

    At first , it introduces some opposed reasons of judicial intervention in corporate deadlock .

  16. 近些年来,公司僵局的问题在有限责任公司中比较容易发生。

    In recent years , the corporation deadlock problems easily occurred in limited liability companies .

  17. 解决公司僵局有司法介入和非诉救济两种方式,其中,司法介入是我国目前最常用的方式。

    The judicial intervention and non-litigation relief are both ways to deal with corporation deadlock .

  18. 公司僵局是公司经营过程中经常遇到的问题。

    Corporation deadlock is a problem which not infrequently besets the management of a corporation .

  19. 第一章阐述有限责任公司僵局的基本法律问题。

    The first chapter focuses on deadlock basic legal issues about the limited liability company .

  20. 第四部分:建立并完善我国公司僵局救济体系。

    Part Four : The establishment and improvement of corporate deadlock remedies system in China .

  21. 国外打破有限责任公司僵局的理论与实践。

    Part IV indicates how to deal with the limited liability corporate deadlocks in our country .

  22. 论公司僵局的法律救济&兼评新《公司法》183条

    On legal redress to the company 's deadlock-Comment on item No. 183 of new Company Act

  23. 公司僵局及相关问题探讨

    Company Deadlock and Related Problems

  24. 其次,从五个方面论述了公司僵局司法救济的理论基础。

    Secondly , it explicates the theoretical bases of judicial remedies for corporate deadlock from five aspects .

  25. 公司僵局是闭锁公司运营实践中经常出现的一种非正常现象。

    Corporate deadlocks is a kind of unusual phenomenon , which appears frequently in corporation operation practice .

  26. 因此,寻求公司僵局解决之道就成为公司法的一个现实课题,司法解散作为打破公司僵局的一种方法,有其引入的必要性和现实性。

    Hence , seeking for the solution of company deadlock becomes a realistic subject of company law .

  27. 因此,公司僵局大多发生在人数较少、人合性较强的有限公司中。

    Therefore , the corporation deadlock always occurs in small limited liability companies with stronger people combination .

  28. 有限责任公司僵局使公司内部各方的利益都受到不同程度的损害,但小股东受到的损害尤为突出。

    Limited liability company deadlock make all shareholders are subject to damage , but small shareholder suffers more .

  29. 长期以来,如何处理公司僵局问题始终是立法上的空白。

    For a long time , how to deal with the corporate deadlock is a gap in legislation .

  30. 公司僵局,主要发生于有限责任公司,在股东人数较少时更为常见。

    Company deadlock , mainly occurs in limited company , more common when the shareholder is fewer in number .