
  • 网络corporate action;corporate behavior
  1. 此外,一些公司行为例如拆股和股票分红,需要对指数中该公司的普通股流通股数和股价作一些简单的调整。

    Some corporate actions , such as stock splits and stock dividends , require simple changes in the common shares outstanding and the stock prices of the companies in the Index .

  2. 通过调整“指数除数”来反映股票市场的价格的变动,可以使标准普尔500指数的价格不受公司行为的影响。

    Adjusting the Index Divisor for a change in market value leaves the value of the S & P500 Index unaffected by the corporate action .

  3. 解雇位高权重但却表现不合格的人物可以传递出这样一个信息:CEO与普通员工享受平等待遇,公司行为准则不容破坏。

    Firing powerful people who fail to uphold standards sends a message that no one is immune , that codes of conduct are set in stone .

  4. 通过公司行为隐患识别的状况和效果,发现公司行为隐患识别中的问题,并对其进行了分析;其次,H化工公司安全生产个体行为隐患识别方法的设计。

    Searching the problem of the identification of behavior risks in H chemical company by the present situation and the effects , and analysis the issues . Second , design of the method of individual behavior risks in safety production of H chemical company .

  5. 对上市公司行为的影响表现在融资行为和投资行为上。

    It also effect on the behaves of financing and investment .

  6. 作为一种公司行为,管理层收购同样会对企业的企业家问题产生影响。

    As a corporate activity , MBO will influence the choosing of the entrepreneur of enterprises .

  7. 这些不只和政府政策有关,经济政策和公司行为也同样重要。

    These are not only questions about government policy ; they involve business policy , and the behavior of firms .

  8. 首先,本文详细介绍了基于组织行为的公司行为观创业模式和基于创业过程的交互式公司创业模式,并对其做出简要评价。

    The conceptual model of entrepreneurship as firm behavior and the interactive model of the CE process are presented and evaluated .

  9. 我国政府对跨国公司行为规制初探电力市场中的串谋溢价和串谋行为规制

    Initial Probing into the Chinese Government 's Regulations of MNCs ' Behavior Research on Colluding Premium Price and Collusion Behaviours Regulation in Electricity Market

  10. 在标准金融学中,公司行为像普通投资者的行为一样,是建立在完全理性的假设基础上的。

    In mainstream finance , research in corporate behavior , just like that of normal investors , is based upon the hypothesis of complete rationality .

  11. 目前,我国股市存在着上市公司行为、机构行为的不规范性甚至违法性问题,严重损害了中小投资者的利益。

    Abnormal and even illegal conduct of listed companies and institutions exists in our present stock market , which seriously harms the interests of middle and small investors .

  12. 监事会制度不但没有监督公司行为的合法性、适当性,反而引起公司治理结构设置复杂的问题。

    The board of supervisors system not only failed to enhance the legitimacy of corporate behavior , appropriateness , but caused the corporate governance structure set up complex issues .

  13. 通过股权结构的调整、管理层的激励和监督以及外部的约束与监管这三种途径对上市公司行为进行有效的控制,提高我国上市公司的绩效,促进我国证券市场的发展。

    Adjustment of equity structure , encouragement and supervision on managers and exterior restrictions are three means to control behaviors of listed firms efficiently , promote performance of China listed firms and develop the security market .

  14. 在先公司行为契约责任方面,首先明确无论发起人以什么名义签定先公司契约,都不应该否定契约的效力。

    On the aspect of pre-corporation conduct contract , several points are to be followed : first , the effectiveness of the contract should not be negative no matter what nominal sponsors ' adopted to reach the pre-corporation contract .

  15. 该公司的行为是与大众利益相悖的。

    That company 's actions are contrary to the public interest .

  16. 这种情绪概括了20世纪末很多科技公司的行为,从英特尔到甲骨文(oracle)和微软(microsoft),都是如此。

    That sentiment epitomised the behaviour of many technology companies in the late 20th century , from Intel to Oracle and Microsoft .

  17. 此外,马特•泰比在《滚石》(RollingStone)杂志上援引SEC一位律师的话撰文称,SEC正在掩盖公司犯罪行为。

    And there was the rolling stone tale by Matt Taibbi of the SEC lawyer who said the SEC was covering up corporate crime .

  18. 决定因素讨论跨国公司投资行为、投资区位、投资方式和规模、东道国的优势等;后果讨论FDI的效应,直接效益和间接的效应。

    Discussions on causes include investment behavior , investment location , investment modes and scales of MNCs ; Consequences are about effects of FDI ( direct and indirect ) .

  19. 结果发现:(1)当采用OLS方法进行估计时,管理层持股比例、公司投资行为与公司价值存在相互影响关系,而且管理层持股比例与公司价值呈非线性关系;

    OLS regression results show that there exits mutual relationship among managerial ownership , investment and corporate value .

  20. 以Hansen所研究的临界回归估计方法研究不确定性下融资约束对公司投资行为的影响,结果发现,我国上市公司不存在临界效应。

    With the help of Threshold Estimate Method , the listed company of our country does not have critical effects .

  21. 比如说,索尼一直通过playstationnetwork,将一次性客户转化为重复回访的付费用户、专有网络的会员、以及通过每次按动游戏手柄或敲击键盘向该公司提供行为数据的消费者。

    The Playstation network , for example , has been a means for Sony to turn one-off customers into repeat subscribers , members of a proprietary network and consumers who provide behavioural data with each click of a controller or keyboard .

  22. 为此,我们进一步采用Logit模型,从融资成本、破产风险、负债能力约束、代理成本和控制权等因素多角度考察了我国上市公司融资行为的影响因素。

    Therefore , we use a Logit model , examining the determinants of China 's listed companies ' financing behavior from the aspects of financing cost , bankruptcy risk , debt capacity , agency cost and corporate control .

  23. 本文通过数据分析详细刻画了中国上市公司融资行为和资本结构的特征,发现中国上市公司融资行为与G-7国家实践和西方经典公司金融理论的预期截然相反。

    This paper describe the financial behavior of China listed companies clearly by data . We find that the financial behavior is totally different with the characteristics of G-7 nations and the explanations of classical corporate financial theories .

  24. 上市公司配股行为的研究

    A study on activities of a rights offering of listed corporations

  25. 股票价格对中国上市公司投资行为的影响&基于不同股权依赖型公司的实证

    The Effects of Stock Valuations on China ′ s Corporation Investments

  26. 融资环境与我国上市公司融资行为选择

    Financing Circumstances and the Selection of Financial Actions for Chinese Listed Companies

  27. 管理者过度自信与公司融资行为研究

    A Study on Managers ' Overconfidence and Corporate Financing Behavior

  28. 负债融资对公司投资行为的影响研究

    Study on the Impact of Debt over Firms Investment Behavior

  29. 第三章,主要讨论如何规范国有控股公司的行为。

    Chapter III mainly discuss how to regulate the actions of state-holding company .

  30. 上市公司做庄行为的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on the Manipulation of the Listed Company