
  1. 债转股与股东平等原则。

    The SEC with the principle of shareholder equality .

  2. 再次,股东平等原则也是相关案件审理的裁判准则。

    Furthermore , the principle of equality of shareholders is the case to the referee guidelines .

  3. 信息充分披露原则和股东平等原则是上市公司要约收购监管中的两个最为重要的原则。

    Full disclosure of information principles and the principle of equality of shareholders of listed companies are in the tender offer regulation the most important principle .

  4. 本文以公司法中的股东平等原则做为研究对象,写作目的可分为两个层次。

    This dissertation regards the principle of equality of shareholders in Company Lawas the study object , the purpose of writing can be divided into two levels .

  5. 从实践来看,股份回购易生不少弊端,如违反资本维持原则、股东平等原则及导致股份不公正交易等。

    In practice , the share repurchase brings much abuse easily , such as disobeying the rule of capital maintaining and shareholder 's equality and leading to unjust bond bargain etc.

  6. 股东平等原则在小股东的保护,消除资本多数决原则对大股东权力造成的影响,预防和救济资本多数决之滥用上有着重要的功能和作用,世界各国的公司法均承认这一原则。

    The legal principal of shareholders equality which can quell the influence with the big holders by the capital majority rule plays a important role in the protection of the shareholders .

  7. 解决这些冲突应当遵循股东平等原则、禁止权利滥用原则与激励小股东投资原则,尤其是后两个原则对根本不分配利润的行为有重要的适用价值。

    Resolve these conflicts should follow the principle of shareholder equality , prohibition of abuse of rights principle and the principle of small shareholders investment incentives , especially after the two principles do not distribute profits behavior has important practical value .

  8. 但是该制度由于存在危害资本维持原则、股东平等原则以及产生内幕交易的可能性,各国均对股份回购制度建立了严格的法律规制制度。

    However , because of Share repurchase system doing harm to the doctrine of capital maintenance and the doctrine of shareholder equality and the possibility of insider dealing , both countries establish a strict system of legal regulation to supervise the share repurchase .

  9. 在本文中,笔者首先对所涉及的基本概念进行界定,并在此基础上从股东平等原则和要约收购中的各种利益冲突两方面探讨了保护小股东权益的必要性。

    In this paper , firstly the author will define some basic concepts , and discuss the necessity of protection of the rights and interests of minority shareholders from the following respects : the principle of equality of shareholders and various conflicts of interests during a tender offer .

  10. 目标公司股东待遇平等原则;

    The basic principles of takeover of listed companies are as follows : ( 1 ) The principle of shareholders of target company having equal treatment ;

  11. 上市公司收购的基本原则应当包括信息披露原则和公司股东平等待遇原则。

    The article explains that the main principles of listed company acquisitions should include the principle of open information and the principle of equal opportunity of shareholders .

  12. 从有关国家和地区的要约收购立法来看,其基本原则主要有三项,即目标公司股东平等待遇原则、保护中小股东利益原则与充分披露原则。

    The tender offer legislations of related countries and regions show that there are three major principles : the principle of e-qual benefits among target company shareholders , the principle of protecting the interests of small and medium-sized shareholders , and the principle of full exposure .

  13. 控制股东滥用控制权是破坏股东平等原则的重要来源。

    Controlling shareholders ' misuses of their controlling rights undermine the principle of equality of shareholders .

  14. 公司章程对于股权转让的规定应当遵循公司章程意思自治有限原则、股东意思自治补充原则和股东平等原则、股东权益保护原则。

    Company regulations about share transferring should abide by limited autonomy principle of the Articles of Association , shareholder autonomy principle of complementarity , the principle of equality of shareholders and shareholders ' rights and interests .

  15. 股东表决权行使的原则是股东平等原则,股东平等原则是以股份平等原则为基础的。

    Principle of equality is its guiding principle , and reflects the equality of shares .

  16. 第三部分从对小股东利益保护进行法学分析,从股东平等原则与股份平等原则的区别以及股东平等原则与小股东利益保护的联系,论证了小股东利益保护的法学基础,理论依据。

    In part three , we discuss the law bases of the minority protection and theoretical foundation . The difference between shareholder equal principle and pro rata principle and its relation to minority protection are clarified .

  17. 股东权保护的基本原则为股东有限责任原则和股东平等原则。

    The essential principles for protection of shareholders ' rights are the principle of limited liabilities of share-holders and the principle of equality of share-holders .

  18. 如果任由资本多数决原则来解决股东间的矛盾,势必容易产生滥用权利与影响、违背股东平等原则的消极现象,对于处于弱势地位的中小股东尤为不利。

    If only make " vote rules " solve the problem , it probably results in negative things of abusing rights and disobeying the equality between shareholders and is harmful to minority .

  19. 对大股东课予诚信义务,并在公司法中明确其违反诚信义务的民事赔偿责任,是股东平等原则的必然要求,也是确立现代企业制度的根本所在。

    When it comes to the requirement of Equality Principle and the establishment of the Modern Corporation , it is essential to make the big-shareholders assume the Honesty Obligation and what the civil compensation they should make when breaking it in " Companies act " .