
  • 网络stock repurchase;share buyback;share repurchase;repurchase
  1. 这家Post-it即时贴和思高(Scotch)胶带制造商在2月份授权进行120亿美元的股票回购,取代当前75亿美元的回购计划。

    The maker of Post-it notes and Scotch tape authorized a $ 12 billion stock repurchase program in February , replacing its current $ 7.5 buyback program .

  2. 基于财务角度的股票回购研究

    The Study of Stock Repurchase Based on the View of Finance

  3. 自1987年至2007年,标准普尔500指数(StandardandPoor’s500)成分股企业利用股票回购返还给股东的金额增加了18倍。

    The amount distributed by Standard and Poor 's 500 companies using share buybacks increased 18-fold between 1987 and 2007 .

  4. 英美烟草公司在最近投资于雷诺烟草(ReynoldsAmerican)之前一直在加大股票回购力度。

    British American had been ramping up buybacks , until its recent investment in Reynolds American .

  5. 《财富》美国500强公司苹果(Apple))已宣布,将从现金中拿出300亿美元用于股票回购。

    Apple ( AAPL , Fortune 500 ) announced that it would put $ 30 billion of its cash toward share repurchases .

  6. 有一个想法很诱人:一旦美联储(Fed)上调利率,股票回购潮就会停止。

    It is tempting to believe the buyback boom will come to a halt when the US Federal Reserve puts up interest rates .

  7. 21世纪福克斯(21stCenturyFox)周二宣布,公司已撤回对时代华纳(TimeWarner)850亿美元的收购要约,取而代之的是一项60亿美元的股票回购计划。

    21st Century Fox this afternoon announced that it has withdrawn its $ 85 billion takeover offer for Time Warner , instead launching a $ 6 billion stock buyback .

  8. 美国风险投资退出渠道主要以IPO和并购为主,而德国风险投资主要以股票回购退出为主。

    Compared with the USA venture capital that usually exits by IPO and M & A , the major exit way of Germany venture capital is only Buyout .

  9. 此外,通过Zynga之前的股票回购,凯鹏华盈还获得了约597万美元的收益。

    This is on top of around $ 5.97 million in stock it previously generated via a share buyback .

  10. 在美国证券交易委员会(SEC)极为宽松的监管下,企业可通过精心安排股票回购的时机,来决定何时和以多大幅度提高高管的奖酬。

    Under remarkably lax Securities and Exchange Commission regulations companies can choose when and by how much to boost their executives ' rewards with the timing of their buybacks .

  11. 一些明智的投资者,如沃伦巴菲特(WarrenBuffett),主张股票回购是企业处理闲置资金的理智方式。

    There are wise investors , such as Warren Buffett , who argue that share buybacks are a rational way for companies to dispose of idle cash .

  12. 瑞士信贷(CreditSuisse)展示了对其单一银行一体化战略未来的信心,预告将增派35%的股息,并将进行公司151年历史上规模最大的股票回购。

    Credit Suisse demonstrated its confidence in the future of its integrated one bank strategy by pre-announcing a 35 per cent rise in its dividend and the biggest share buy-back in its 151-year history .

  13. 全球最有价值的公司苹果(Apple)周二发起巨额债券交易,以筹集资金用于其股票回购计划。目前国际债券市场在年初遭遇挑战之后开始重新启动。

    Apple , the most valuable company in the world , launched a multibillion-dollar bond deal on Tuesday to fund its share buyback programme , as international debt markets began to reopen after a challenging start to the year .

  14. 周一苹果(Apple)重返债务资本市场,售出65亿美元债券,这家iPhone制造商是在利用借债成本下降之机,为其雄心勃勃的股票回购计划融入资金。

    Apple returned to the debt capital markets on Monday with the sale of $ 6.5bn in bonds as the iPhone maker took advantage of a drop in borrowing costs to fund its aggressive share buyback programme .

  15. 另一位学者威廉•莱宗尼克(WilliamLazonick)则指出,近年来,美国许多大公司在派息和股票回购上的支出超过它们的总利润,使得它们能够用在投资和员工上的资金少之又少。

    Another academic , William Lazonick , has shown how in recent years many large US corporates have been spending more than their total profits on dividends and share buybacks , leaving precious little for investment or employees .

  16. 此外,在今年三月份,他通过公司的股票回购获得了1.1亿美元,当时每股定价实际为13.95美元(高于IPO定价)。

    This is on top of the $ 110 million he received this past March via a share buyback , which actually was priced at $ 13.95 per share ( i.e. , higher than the IPO price ) .

  17. 近期,IBM用于股票回购和发放红利的资金已经超过研发资金。这一战略当然会促进每股盈利的增长,但是它也会削弱IBM的竞争力,阻碍它寻找新的增长途径。

    IBM has spent more money on stock buybacksand dividends than research and development for some time , a strategy thatcertainly pushes earnings per share up , but only makes it tougher to compete , and even tougher to find a new path to renewed growth .

  18. 在线旅行社expedia昨日大幅缩减了其股票回购计划,称在当前紧张不安的信贷市场上,融资环境不具备吸引力。

    Expedia , the online travel agency , slashed plans to buy back its own shares yesterday , blaming unattractive financing conditions in jittery credit markets .

  19. 2006至2007年,木材产品巨头惠好公司(Weyerhaeuser)斥资8亿美元,进行了公司历史上最大规模的股票回购。

    In 2006 and 2007 timber giant Weyerhaeuser ( WY ) conducted one of the biggest share buybacks in its history .

  20. 根据彭博(Bloomberg)的数据,去年的股票回购量为5500亿美元,而进入市场的新资金仅有850亿美元,大部分投入共同基金和交易所交易基金(ETF)。

    Last year , the volume of buybacks was $ 550bn , according to Bloomberg , while the amount of new money coming into the market , mostly into mutual and exchange traded funds , was just $ 85bn .

  21. 没错,净债务已增长55%,至132亿美元,以支持资本支出、收购、股息和股票回购,但它仍低于一倍的年度ebitda。

    True , net debt rose 55 per cent to $ 13.2bn to fund capex , acquisitions , the dividend and share buybacks , but it is still below 1 times annualised EBITDA .

  22. 如今他改弦易辙,批准了一项股票回购计划。

    Now he is changing tack by authorising a share buy-back .

  23. 美国股票回购动机演变对我国回购市场的启示

    The Impact of Motivation Evolvement of the U.S.Stock Repurchase on China

  24. 论所有权保留刍议股票回购

    On the Reservation of Ownership A Discussion of the Stock Buy-back

  25. 股票回购操作的意义和作用。

    The significance and role of share re - purchase operation .

  26. 上市公司股票回购的市场效应分析

    Effect analysis of market of stock repurchase of listed company

  27. 新闻集团已经将其股票回购计划扩大至50亿美元。

    News has already increased its share buyback programme to $ 5bn .

  28. 出售所得将主要流入股票回购。

    And the proceeds will primarily flow into share buybacks .

  29. 论B股回购刍议股票回购

    On repurchase of B-share A Discussion of the Stock Buy-back

  30. 股票回购信息理论的研究

    The Research on Repurchase Announcements of Open - Market Stock