
ɡǔ piào hé bìnɡ
  • Stock merger;reverse stock split;split-downs
  1. 美国相关机构正对此笔全股票合并交易展开调查。美国司法部(DoJ)的调查被看作是对奥巴马政府推动反垄断法执行意愿的考验。

    Authorities in the US are probing the all-stock merger , where the Department of Justice inquiry is seen as a test of the Obama administration 's will to boost antitrust enforcement .

  2. 这两家航空公司的市值分别位居欧洲第四和第六。两家公司表示,双方正就纯股票合并进行谈判,此次谈判得到了双方董事会的全力支持。

    The two carriers , ranked fourth and sixth in Europe by market capitalisation , said they were negotiating an all-share merger in talks that had the full backing of both boards .

  3. 那一年还没有结束,电讯盈科股价已从131.75港元的最高点(经股票合并调整后)跌至30港元以下,而且过去4年多数时间都低于5港元。

    Before the year was out PCCW 's shares had tanked from a peak of HK $ 131.75 ( adjusted for stock consolidation ) to under HK $ 30 , and for the past four years have mostly been trading below HK $ 5 .

  4. 估值不当的股票,其合并资产价值高于总市值,以而具有吸引力。

    Asset play an incorrectly valued stock that is attractive because its combined asset value greater than its market capitalization .

  5. 随着公司经营的成熟,可以通过公开发行股票,公司合并或者出售,或用其他方式的获得资本。

    As the business matures , an initial public offering may take place , or the business merged or sold , or other sources of capital found .

  6. 相反,纳斯达克试图通过收购纽交所,双倍押注于具有高竞争力的现金股票交易,合并后衍生品业务对收入的贡献度总计只有13%。

    By acquiring NYSE , in contrast , NASDAQ doubles down in highly competitive cash equities trading and would emerge with only a combined 13 per cent of revenues from derivatives .

  7. AGL表示,该公司正考虑以无溢价、全股票的方式进行合并,但目前尚未敲定报价,也未确定是否会继续交易。

    AGL , Australia 's largest electricity and gas retailer , said it was considering a no-premium , all-stock merger but that it had yet to finalise its proposal or decide whether to proceed .

  8. 5月6日,虎视眈眈的保时捷和皮耶希,这两大拥有所有保时捷表决权股票的家族同意合并两家汽车公司。

    On May6th the warring Porsche and Pi ë ch families , which own all the voting stock of the holding company that controls Porsche , agreed to find a way of merging the two carmakers .

  9. 支持资方的投资者,其拥有某一公司大量股票,可以凭股票吸收合并此公司,这是资方所不愿看到的。

    An investor sympathetic to management who holds a large block of stock in a company that is or could be subject to a takeover unwanted by the management .

  10. 伦敦股票交易所和法兰克福股票交易所合并产生世界第三大证券交易所的计划扫除了一个重要障碍。

    Frankfurt 's board discussed the merger at a speacial meeting Plans to merge the stock markets of London and Frankfurt as the world 's third biggest financial marketplace have cleared an important hurdle .