
ɡǔ dōnɡ dà huì
  • general meeting ;shareholders' meeting;stockholders' conference
  1. 上周五,波顿在富达中国特殊情况基金(FidelityChinaSpecialSituations)的第一次股东大会上还表示,上周黄金价格创下每盎司1632.30美元新高之后,他已在削减自己的黄金敞口。

    Speaking on Friday at the first annual general meeting of his fund , Fidelity China Special Situations , Mr Bolton also said he was reducing his exposure to gold after the precious metal hit fresh highs of $ 1, 632.30 an ounce this week .

  2. 股东大会决议瑕疵诉前救济制度建构

    On the Remedies before Litigation of Resolution Flaws of the General Meeting

  3. 通用电气(GeneralElectric)去年在股东大会投下反对票后调整了高管薪酬。

    General Electric adjusted its executive pay after shareholders objected last year .

  4. 中国平安(pingan)因召开股东大会停牌一天。

    Ping An was suspended from trading due a shareholder meeting .

  5. 眼下正值许多公司举办年度股东大会的时候,许多企业的董事会和CEO也有着同样的担忧。

    The same happens with boards and CEOs in the run up to their companies ' respective annual shareholder meetings .

  6. 在本月举行的年度股东大会上,苹果(apple)将面临来自美国最大公共养老基金的全新压力:改革董事选举制度。

    Applefaces fresh shareholder pressure at its annual meeting this month from the largest US public pension fund , to change the way it elects directors .

  7. 去年的惠普(HP)股东大会上,“薪酬话语权”提案被多数票否决,这样的结果多少让人有些疑惑。

    Last proxy season , HP achieved the dubious distinction of receiving a majority no vote from its shareholders on its executive compensation programs .

  8. 上周,苹果公司(Apple)召开了股东大会。正如大家所知,大会对苹果如何使用所持的1370亿现金展开了积极的讨论。

    Yesterday was Apple 's shareholder meeting and , as many of you know , there 's been healthy debate about what they should do with its $ 137 billion in cash .

  9. 该交易还有待股东大会和监管机构批准。这是凯雷在台湾金融领域的首笔投资,也是在今年收购日月光半导体(AdvancedSemiconductorManufacturing)失败后的首笔交易。

    The deal , subject to shareholder and regulatory approval , is Carlyle 's first investment in Taiwan 's financial sector and its first deal since it failed this year to acquire Advanced Semiconductor Manufacturing .

  10. 他谈到了年度股东大会、董事会,以及与美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)之间的合作伙伴关系。与美国银行的战略合作为建行带来了信用卡管理及其它财富管理业务方面的新技能。

    He points to annual general meetings , a board of directors , and a partnership with Bank of America that has brought new skills in terms of managing credit cards and other forms of wealth management .

  11. 在Facebook的首次股东大会上,扎克伯格依然穿着运动鞋和标志性的连帽衫。一些人认为他这样做很不成熟,对公司界也很失礼。

    He famously wore sneakers and the trademark hoodie for Facebook 's first big investor meeting - a move that was slammed as immature and disrespectful to the corporate world .

  12. 鸿海精密(HonHaiPrecision)将在今日的年度股东大会上遭遇罕见挑战,全球机构投资者将质问这家又名富士康(Foxconn)的苹果(Apple)供应商的公司治理事务。

    Hon Hai Precision , the Apple supplier also known as Foxconn , faces a rare challenge at its AGM today from a group of global institutional investors over its corporate governance .

  13. sundance将于11月30日召开一次股东大会,就该交易投票,这笔交易需要获得75%的投资者批准才能完成。

    A Sundance shareholder meeting is scheduled for November 30 to vote on the deal , which requires 75 per cent investor approval .

  14. 就在汇丰(hsbc)将于本月底召开股东大会、投票表决薪酬方案之际,这家英国银行的股东警告称,该行在薪酬问题上可能有违最佳实践。

    HSBC could be in breach of best practice on pay , shareholders of the UK bank have been warned , ahead of the vote at the annual meeting on remuneration at the end of the month .

  15. 股东大会运作现状及完善措施

    Revolution Status Quo and Consummation Measure of the Shareholder 's Meeting

  16. 董事会向股东大会负责。

    The board of directors shall be made accountable to shareholders .

  17. 股东大会提案制度研究

    The Research on the Proposal System of General Meeting of Shareholders

  18. 滥用多数决的股东大会决议

    Resolution at the Shareholder Convention Resulting From Abusing Majority Law

  19. 股东大会决议瑕疵的救济

    The Remedy for the Defective Resolution of the General Meeting of Shareholders

  20. 第二部分是股东大会决议撤销之原因。

    The second part is about the causes of the resolution rescission .

  21. 完善股东大会制度与中小股东权益保障

    Perfection of Shareholders Assembly System and Rights and Interests of Mini-intermediary Shareholders

  22. 上市公司股东大会网络通讯表决制度研究

    Research on the Shareholders Network Voting System of Listed Companies

  23. 年度股东大会的日期提前到五月十日。

    The date of the agm have been advanced to may 10th .

  24. 申请上市的股东大会决议;

    The decision made by the shareholders'meeting to have the company listed ;

  25. 这里可能没有召开股东大会的规定。

    There may be no requirement to hold shareholder meetings .

  26. 董事长正在修改他的年度股东大会上的讲话。

    The chairman is revise his speech to the agm .

  27. 上周,它甚至在西安举办了年度股东大会。

    Last week , it even held its annual shareholders'meeting in Xi'an .

  28. 股东大会召集程序瑕疵法律问题研究

    Studies on the Flaw of Convenes Procedure of General Meeting of Shareholders

  29. 在股东大会上,每一股有一个投票权。

    Each share carries a vote at a shareholders'meeting .

  30. 男:下周的股东大会。

    Man : The shareholders ' meeting next week .