
  • 网络stock acquisition;TOB
  1. Facebook周三公布,同意以190亿美元现金加股票收购WhatsApp。

    Facebook announced Wednesday that it agreed to buy WhatsApp for $ 19 billion in cash and stock .

  2. 2008年7月,twitter用公司股票收购了summize,把它变成了自己的内部搜索引擎。

    Summize was acquired by twitter and became its in-house search engine in July 2008 .

  3. 这家软件公司已表示,如果能够实现以价值420亿美元的现金加股票收购雅虎(Yahoo),该公司将首次进入债券市场。

    The software company has said it will turn to the market for the first time if it pulls off its cash-and-stocks offer for Yahoo , worth $ 42bn .

  4. 然而,仍有大宗交易在酝酿中,2001年9月3日,惠普(HP)向康柏(Compaq)发出250亿美元的全股票收购报价,此举令市场感到意外。

    However , there were still significant deals in the pipeline and on September 3 2001 , Hewlett-Packard surprised the market with a $ 25bn all-paper bid for Compaq .

  5. 2012年,该公司以10亿美元的现金和股票收购了Instagram,一款能够帮助人们分享照片的热门应用。

    The company in 2012 agreed to pay $ 1 billion in cash and stock to buy Instagram , a popular app used to help people share photos .

  6. 上述股票收购,以及三星SDS(科技物流)和三星爱宝乐园(建筑、高尔夫球场和时尚)的上市计划,都是出于家族的需要。

    That is unlikely . The share purchases , as well as the proposed listings of Samsung SDS ( technology logistics ) and Samsung Everland ( construction , golf courses , fashion ), are about the family .

  7. FacebookInc.已同意以190亿美元现金加股票收购即时通讯应用提供商WhatsApp。这一巨额收购交易引起市场轰动,也令其他初创公司近期卖出的已经极高的价格相形见绌。

    Facebook Inc. agreed to buy messaging company WhatsApp for $ 19 billion in cash and stock , a blockbuster transaction that dwarfs the already sky-high prices that other startups have been able to recently command .

  8. 如果按最低发行价计算,Facebook的市值将略低于770亿美元。这个数字与上月Facebook董事会对该公司的估值相符,当时Facebook刚以10亿美元现金加股票收购了照片分享应用Instagram。

    At the lower end of its price range , Facebook would be worth just under $ 77bn , a price that is in line with the valuation that its board put on the company last month at the time that it used cash and stock in its $ 1bn acquisition of photo-sharing app Instagram .

  9. 特斯拉汽车(TeslaMotors)首席执行官埃伦•马斯克(ElonMusk)周一没有理会有关企业伸手过长和利益冲突的批评,他公布了一项协议,将用价值26亿美元的股票收购由他担任董事长的太阳能发电公司SolarCity。

    Elon Musk , chief executive of Tesla Motors , brushed aside criticisms of corporate over-reach and conflicts of interest yesterday on Monday as he unveiled an agreement to pay $ 2.6bn in stock for SolarCity , the solar power company where he is also chairman .

  10. 就在周三的博客文章发出一个月前,马斯克曾提出以价值总计30亿美元的特斯拉股票收购SolarCity的收购要约,引起了许多人的怀疑。SolarCity是一家太阳能电池板安装公司,马斯克是该公司董事长。

    Wednesday 's blog post came a month after Mr Musk ran into a wall of scepticism with an offer to buy SolarCity , the solar panel installation company of which he is chairman , for Tesla stock worth up to $ 3bn .

  11. 据知情人士称,总部位于斯图加特的德-美汽车制造商戴姆勒克莱斯勒正在考虑这项全股票收购方案。

    According to people familiar with the situation , the Stuttgart-based German-American carmaker is weighing this all - share option .

  12. 利用其股票收购其它公司(就像在永乐的交易中一样),将是顺理成章的下一步。

    Using its scrip to acquire other companies , as in the China Paradise transaction , was the logical next step .

  13. 据知情人士称,伦敦证交所将利用在多伦多上市的二次发行股票收购多伦多证交所集团。

    The LSE will use its secondary shares listed in Toronto to acquire TMX , according to people close to the situation .

  14. 格拉森伯格坚称嘉能可会遵守规定,但他也表示,该公司可能会利用股票收购较大的资产。

    While insisting that Glencore would be disciplined , Mr glasenberg said it could use its shares as currency to buy larger assets .

  15. 卡夫公司采取减少现金收购的方式,打败了它的前任对手,并降低股票收购的报价,这让大股东巴菲特笑容满面。

    Kraft sweetened its cash offer to win over its former rival and reduced the stock offer to make Warren Buffet , its largest shareholder , happy .

  16. 吉百利昨日拒绝了卡夫的现金加股票收购要约。卡夫是在近两周前接洽吉百利的,它对吉百利的估价为每股745便士,较后者上周五的收盘价有31%的溢价。

    Cadbury yesterday rejected a cash and stock offer from Kraft , which approached the company nearly two weeks ago , valuing it at 745p per share a 31 per cent premium to its closing share price on Friday .

  17. 无论如何,在外国收购人获准利用其持有的海外上市公司股票收购中国上市公司股份之前,有必要进一步做出监管方面的变革,因为中国目前还不存在这方面的监管机制。

    In any case , further regulatory changes are necessary before a foreign acquirer will be permitted to use its foreign-listed shares to pay for the shares in a Chinese listed company , since the regulatory mechanisms for this do not exist yet .

  18. 力拓的股价昨日暴跌17%,至23.57英镑,比竞争对手必和必拓(BHPBilliton)全股票敌意收购该集团的价格低了很多。

    Rio 's shares plunged 17 per cent to 23.57 , a sizeable discount to rival BHP Billiton 's hostile all-share offer for the group .

  19. 伦敦&芬兰电信公司诺基亚(Nokia)周三表示,已同意以全股票方式收购法国竞争对手阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent),对后者估值为156亿欧元(约合1027亿元人民币)。

    LONDON & The Finnish telecommunications company Nokia said on Wednesday that it had agreed to an all-share takeover of Alcatel-Lucent that valued its French rival at 15.6 billion euros , or about $ 16.6 billion .

  20. 伦敦——芬兰电信公司诺基亚(Nokia)周三表示,已同意以全股票方式收购法国竞争对手阿尔卡特朗讯(Alcatel-Lucent),对后者估值为156亿欧元(约合1027亿元人民币)。

    LONDON - The Finnish telecommunications company Nokia said on Wednesday that it had agreed to an all-share takeover of Alcatel-Lucent that valued its French rival at 15.6 billion euros , or about $ 16.6 billion .

  21. 存在两种基本交易结构:跨国法定兼并和股票要约收购。

    There are two basic deal structures : merger and tender offer .

  22. 每一次他买入股票和收购企业之时,都是在预测未来。

    Every time he buys a stock or a business or some other investment , he 's forecasting the future .

  23. 虽然相关细节还有待理顺,但中信泰富表示将通过现金和股票为收购母公司资产融资。

    While details have yet to be ironed out , Citic Pacific said it would finance the acquisition of its parent 's assets through cash and shares .

  24. 上市公司收购是收购人为取得或巩固目标公司的控制权,在证券市场外,于一定期间内大量取得该公司股票的收购方式。

    An acquisition of a listed company is a way of purchasing a company 's share outside of the stock market in order to acquire or strengthen the control of the target company .

  25. 该公司表示,将支付170亿美元现金和大约200亿美元的股票,收购总部位于加州的博通,后者专业制造通信芯片,产品用于数据中心以及苹果和三星等企业生产的移动设备。

    It said it would pay $ 17bn in cash and about $ 20bn in stock to acquire California-based Broadcom , which makes communication chips used in data centres and mobile devices made by companies including Apple and Samsung .

  26. 其次,过去高盛大部分的利润都来自自营投资,即利用银行自有资金买卖股票,收购公司,以及投资私募和对冲基金。

    Second , Goldman has traditionally generated big profits from principal investments , using its own capital to trade in and out of stocks , take ownership positions in companies , and invest in private equity and hedge funds .

  27. 苹果市值超过7200亿美元,资产负债表上有1780亿美元现金,接近五年来最高点的股价也让苹果股票成为收购硬通货。

    With a market cap of more than $ 720 billion , Apple has $ 178 billion of cash on its balance sheet but is also trading close to its 5-year high , which makes its stock a strong currency for an acquisition .

  28. 工行所收购的标准银行股权,一半来自新股,一半来自现有股票,收购价较周二之前30个交易日的平均股价溢价15%。

    Half of ICBC 's stake is to come from the issue of new shares and half by the acquisition of existing shares at prices equivalent to a 15 per cent premium to the average stock price in the 30 trading days before Tuesday .

  29. 卡夫表示,已将收购报价中的现金部分从300便士提高到360便士,这在一定程度上是回应股东对公司的要求,即“少用估值偏低的卡夫食品股票作为收购货币”。

    Kraft said it had increased the cash element of the bid from 300p to 360p , partially in response to its shareholders who wanted it " to be more sparing in its use of undervalued Kraft Foods shares as currency for the offer " .

  30. 施乐表示,它对每股联盟计算机股票的收购价格是4.935股施乐股票外加18.60美元现金,即对联盟计算机的估值为每股63.11美元,比该公司上周五的收盘价高出34%。

    Xerox said that it would issue 4.935 of its own shares and $ 18.60 a share in cash for each share of ACS , valuing the company at $ 63.11 a share , or a 34 per cent premium over its closing price on Friday .