
  • 网络Equity acquisition;share acquisition;tender offer;stock acquisition
  1. 外资股权收购境内企业的最终目的也是设立外商投资企业。

    The final purpose of foreign stock acquisition is instauration of foreign investment corporation .

  2. 上星期,他通过一次4亿美元的股权收购并费厄查尔德工业公司。

    He acquired Fairchild industries in a $ 400 million tender offer last week .

  3. OfficeDepot未透露股权收购价格。

    Office Depot did not say how much it paid for its stake .

  4. 美国私人股本集团黑石(blackstone)警告称,由于信贷市场发生剧变,大型私人股权收购交易将会减缓。

    Blackstone has warned of a slowdown in large private equity takeovers due to the upheaval in credit markets .

  5. 根据委托声明书,该交易将涉及来自于伯克希尔和3G公司162.4亿美元的股权收购,以及通过各种杠杆方式获得的126亿美元。

    According to a proxy statement , the deal will include $ 16.24 billion in equity from Berkshire and 3G , plus another $ 12.6 billion in various forms of leverage .

  6. 著名投资者沃伦?巴菲特和亨利?克拉维斯(HenryKravis)2007年对一桩价格创纪录的公共事业公司股权收购交易进行了投资,他们押注美国天然气的紧缺会推高价格。

    Famed investors Warren Buffett and Henry Kravis invested in a record-setting utility-company buyout in 2007 , wagering that a dearth of U.S. natural gas would send prices higher .

  7. 美国股权收购公司tpg-新桥(tpg/newbridge)此前曾提出,向少数股东每股支付0.30新元收购盈科拓展股票,使该公司退市。

    TPG / Newbridge , a US buy-out firm , has offered to take the company private by offering minority shareholders S $ 0.30 a share .

  8. 典型的股权收购则是对上市公司的收购。

    Acquisition of the listed company is a typical practice .

  9. 股权收购定价应回归私法自治。

    The acquisition in stocks should go back to autonomy in private law .

  10. 然而,中国的银行到海外进行股权收购交易十分罕见。

    However , it is rare for Chinese lenders to do deals abroad .

  11. 对员工来说,股权收购要约让他们得以卖出作为激励薪酬的股票。

    For employees , tender offers allow them to sell the shares they receive as incentive pay .

  12. 股权收购的绩效表现不购稳定,而资产收购样本的绩效值保持稳定且缓慢的上升。

    However , share acquisition shows an unstable performance and asset acquisition has a steady but slow-growing performance .

  13. 并就我国有关救济渠道的过于单一性,提出了强制股权收购和强制公司分立两种替代性救济措施。

    According to our excessive uniqueness for judicial relief , this paper proposes mandatory equity acquisitions and mandatory separation system as two alternative remedies .

  14. 上市公司并购包括上市公司合并、资产收购、股权收购三种行为。

    Listed company merger and acquisition includes three kinds of acts , namely , listed company consolidation , asset acquisition , stock right acquisition .

  15. 起草“股权收购框架协议书”,并设计陈述与保证等保障条款,由收购方与目标公司签署;

    Draft " Stock Purchase Framework Agreement " and guaranteeing articles as statement and promise , letting them signed by buyer and target company .

  16. 第二部分为税务处理方式选择的税收筹划。分股权收购、资产收购和企业合并三种情况进行讨论,分别对应第三、四、五章内容。

    It is devided into three cases , share acquisition , asset acquisition and enterprises merger , corresponding to the third , fourth , and fifth chapters .

  17. 当今跨国并购方式纷繁复杂,本文以六个标准论述不同的分类,并特别论述了目前我国法律规定的两种方式&资产收购与股权收购。

    This paper introduced six kinds of classification and especially discusses two kinds of transnational M & A regulated in China-Equity Merger and Acquisition and Asset Merger and Acquisition .

  18. 政府控制并购的初始动因和路径传承是减少财政负担,但上市公司股权收购中政府控制方式有所变化。

    Original motive and path dependence of government control are to reduce social burden , but the methods of government control changes in tender offers of listed companies in China .

  19. 如今私人股票二级市场最大的一个组成部分,是企业发起的股权收购要约,也就是企业允许员工或初期投资者将股票出售给选定的买家。

    The biggest part of the private secondary market today is company-sponsored tender offers , in which the company allows employees or early investors to sell shares to selected buyers .

  20. 此外,中国商务部等多个部委近日发布《关于外国投资者并购境内企业的规定》,将首次允许外国集团使用股权收购中国公司。

    Separately , the Ministry of commerce is circulating draft proposals that , if adopted , would allow foreign groups for the first time to use shares to take over a Chinese company .

  21. 第二章,介绍了外资并购的模式问题。我国现有的并购法律只规定了股权收购和资产收购两种方式,可是实践中还存在诸多其它并购模式。

    Chapter 2 introduces the modes of foreign capital M A. Chinese existing laws only stipulate two modes , equity acquisition and assets acquisition . However , in practices , there are others .

  22. 例如,由于它们并不像私人股本公司那样依靠大量借款来为股权收购提供资金,因此它们投资的公司不会背负大量债务。

    For example , because they do not depend on borrowed money nearly as much as private equity firms do to finance their stakes , the companies in which they invest do not become loaded with debt .

  23. 他说,美国也在同时全力推进收购陷入困境的抵押贷款相关资产的计划。他表示,该收购计划与我们正在进行的股权收购衔接得很好。

    The Treasury secretary said the US was pressing ahead in parallel with its plan to buy troubled mortgage-related assets , which he said would dovetail and fit very well with what we are doing in terms of equity purchases .

  24. 中国经济高速发展以来,尤其是在信贷紧缩令为美欧大规模股权收购融资更加困难之际,大批私人股本集团涌入中国,寻求投资机遇。

    A flood of private equity groups are pouring into China in search of investment opportunities amid its rapid economic growth , especially as the credit squeeze has made it harder to fund big Buy-outs in the US and Europe .

  25. 本文在分析信托制度的基本特征与功能的基础上,探讨了信托制度在企业股权收购中的应用优势、应用模式和应用形式,并就信托制度在实际应用中存在的相关问题提出了管理建议。

    Based on the analysis of characteristics and functions of trust system , this paper explores the application advantages , models and forms of trust system in purchase of stock ownership . The author also brings forward some managerial proposals for related problems in trust practice .

  26. 印度瓦蒂亚家族(wadia)也表示,正在考虑几份对其低成本航空公司goairlines部分股权的收购要约。

    And the Wadia family of India says it is studying offers for a stake in go airlines , its low-cost carrier .

  27. 联同新股发行的完成,本公司同步完成了对PPLH45%股权的收购。

    In conjunction with the Placement completion , the Company has also completed the Acquisition for45 % of the shares in PPLH .

  28. 二是中外合资企业中的外方通过对中方股权的收购实现独资化经营。

    Second , multinational companies through the acquisition of the equity of the Chinese in the Sino-foreign joint ventures achieve the Sole Proprietorship .

  29. 直译为“管理者收购”,是指公司的经理层利用借贷所融资本或股权交易收购本公司的行为。

    Management Buy-outs ( MBO ) mean manager layer to utilize debt-credit finance or stock right transaction to purchase the behavior of our company .

  30. 第三章是国外对国际私募股权基金收购本国企业的法律规制及其借鉴。

    Chapter III is other countries on International Private Equity Funds related to the acquisition of domestic enterprises ' legal regulation and legal reference .