
  • 网络proxy statement
  1. 性格现在从股东委托书上就可以很容易地判断&他们给自己的报酬是什么和是怎么给的?

    Character today is best judged in the proxy statement – what do they pay themselves and how ?

  2. 通用电气在股东委托书的开头,概述了公司的薪酬计划。

    GE put a summary of its pay programme at the start of its proxy statement .

  3. 但上述信息仅代表库克的“已披露收入”,即公司在最新股东委托书中给出的CEO薪酬。

    But these figures merely represent the rise in Cook 's " reported pay , " which is what a company gives as a total figure in its latest proxy statement .

  4. 征集股东委托书法律制度研究

    Researches on the Legal System of Acquisition of Shareholders ' Letter of Authorization

  5. 又是一年,上周惠普发布了新的股东委托书。

    It is a new year and HP issued its new proxy last week .

  6. 高盛的2011年股东委托书在讨论高管表现时,毫无认罪之意。

    Goldman's2011 proxy includes no recognition of the violations in the discussion of its top executives'performance .

  7. 而且,今年的股东委托书和去年犯了同样的毛病:不合理的高管薪酬和董事提名。

    And the proxy this year reveals the same shortcomings as it did last year : misguided compensation and board nominations .

  8. 若该雇员在下期股东委托书中能够说明理由,则董事会可以免除其担任独立董事的冷却期。

    Board of directors can make an exception for one former officer , provided the reason is explained in the next proxy statement .

  9. 征集股东委托书制度是我国近年来公司法学界、证券法学界共同关注的一个新课题。

    The system of acquisition of shareholders ' letter of authorization is a new question for study in the fields of corporation law and securities law .

  10. 惠普在提交股东委托书前夕为这个由董事长雷•兰恩牵头的任命流程给出了多种解释,各种说法彼此并不一致。

    In the run up to the proxy filing , HP provided varying explanations about the process , which had been headed by chair ray lane .

  11. 在2013年的股东委托书中,高盛设定了12%的净资产收益率目标,以能够完全支付公司的长期薪酬方案。

    In its 2013 proxy statement , Goldman revealed that it has set a 12 % ROE target for a full payout on its long-term compensation plan .

  12. 因此,加强对有关委托书征求活动的规范并进一步完善我国股份公司股东会委托书征求法律制度,已经成为一个现实问题。

    Therefore , enhance the proxy contests concerning activity and further perfect the joint-stock company of our country shareholder meeting for the law system have already become a realistic problem .

  13. 上周五,戴尔公司(Dell)发布了股东签署的委托书。委托书详细阐述了首席执行官迈克尔?戴尔和私募基金公司银湖资本(SilverLakePartners)联手开出的总价高达224亿美元的收购要约的出炉过程。

    Dell Inc. ( DELL ) today filed a proxy statement , detailing the process leading up its its $ 24.4 billion buyout proposal from CEO Michael Dell and private equity firm Silver Lake Partners .

  14. 根据股东签署的委托书显示,雅虎考虑过一系列申请。

    Yahoo weighed a variety of offers , according to the proxy statement filed .

  15. 圣何塞市在线拍卖公司透露了证券交易委员会整理的股东签署的委托书上关于惠特曼的收入。

    The San Jose-based online auction company revealed Whitman 's compensation in a proxy statement filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission .