
ɡànɡ ɡǎn shōu ɡòu
  • leveraged buyout
  1. 各位可以在《苹果公司管理层杠杆收购的潜在可能》(Apple’sLeveragedManagementBuyoutPotential)一文中看到喀拉密的分析。

    You can read his analysis at Apple 's Leveraged Management Buyout Potential .

  2. 管理层收购(Managementbuy&outs,简称MBO),是杠杆收购的一种。

    Management Buy & out ( MBO ) is a kind of Leveraged Buy - out s ( LBO ) .

  3. 由伦敦智库金融创新研究中心(centreforthestudyoffinancialinnovation)发表的这份报告,可能会重新点燃有关杠杆收购的社会价值的辩论。

    The report from the centre for the study of financial innovation , a London-based think-tank , is likely to reignite the debate about the social value of leveraged buy-outs .

  4. 私人股本(PE)一般通过债权和股权为已经比较成熟的企业提供支持,通常会对整个公司进行杠杆收购。

    Private equity ( PE ) generally backs established businesses using debt and equity , normally carrying out leveraged buy-outs of entire companies .

  5. MBO作为企业杠杆收购方式的一种,曾在欧美国家取得了成功。

    MBO , as one pattern of LBO ( Leveraged buy-out ), has achieved success in the western countries .

  6. 尽管流动性危机使杠杆收购活动陷于停滞,但合并套利型基金(mergerarbitragefunds)获得了正收益:上涨0.6%。

    Despite the liquidity crisis bringing leveraged buyout activity to a halt , merger arbitrage funds recorded a positive number : up 0.6 per cent .

  7. DIC成立于2004年,初期主要面向北美和欧洲的企业进行杠杆收购。

    Formed in2004 , DIC focused early on leveraged buyouts , targeting North American and European firms .

  8. 去年,市场信息服务S&PLCD公司称,价值超过10亿美元的杠杆收购交易的平均股权比例为39.28%。

    Last year , S & P LCD reported that the average equity portion of a $ 1 billion + leveraged buyout was 39.28 % .

  9. 房地产企业成都LW公司杠杆收购方案设计

    The Design on Leverage Buy - Out for a Realestate Enterprise

  10. MBO作为杠杆收购的一种形式,融资体制建设是其健康发展的重要环节。

    The healthy development of MBO , a special form of Leveraged Buy-Outs , depends a lot on the development of financing systems .

  11. ClearChannel退市交易的价值将超过175亿美元。这将是传媒业迄今规模最大的杠杆收购交易,也是大型家族企业放弃上市公司身份的最新实例。

    A deal to take Clear Channel private would be worth more than $ 17.5bn , making it the biggest leveraged buy-out in the media industry and the latest example of large family-run businesses abandoning the public markets .

  12. 福斯特曼是杠杆收购业务的先驱,也是投资公司ForstmannLittle&Co.的高级创始合伙人,还是IMGWorldwideHoldingsInc.的董事长兼首席执行长(CEO)。

    Forstmann was the senior founding partner of the investment firm Forstmann Little & Co. , and chairman and CEO of IMG Worldwide Holdings Inc.

  13. 管理层收购(MBO)作为杠杆收购的一种,在实施的过程中需要大量的外部资金。

    To be one kind of leveraged buy-outs ( LMO ), there need a greet deal of external funds during the course of implement .

  14. CLO把主要用于为杠杆收购融资的企业贷款打包成单一可投资工具。

    CLOs bundle corporate loans taken out primarily to fund leveraged buyouts into a single investable package .

  15. troweprice并不是有名的维权投资者,但有一种事情会让它愤怒,那就是私人股本公司杠杆收购的趋势。

    T Rowe price is not known as an activist investor , but one area where its hackles have beenraised is the trend to leveraged buy-outs by private equity firms .

  16. 该交易可能会被构造为一项杠杆收购(LBO),德国政府将向收购者的债务融资提供担保支持。

    It could be structured as a leveraged buy-out , with an investor raising debt backed by German guarantees .

  17. 在贝尔斯登的时候,三人开创了一种杠杆收购,后来在KKR,他们正式确立了这种模式。

    At KKR , the three men set up leveraged buy-outs of the kind they had pioneered at Bear Stearns .

  18. KKR一直是私人股本行业知名的参与者,投资于一些有史以来规模最大的杠杆收购。

    KKR has remained a prominent player in the industry , investing in some of the biggest leveraged buy-outs on record .

  19. 历史上最大的杠杆收购案例是美国雷诺兹-纳贝斯克公司(RJRNabisco),收购价为310亿美元。

    The largest LBO in history was RJR Nabisco , at $ 31 billion .

  20. 管理层收购MBO(Managementbuy-Out)起源于英国,是杠杆收购LBO(LeverageBuy-Out)的重要形式之一。

    MBO ( Management Buy-Outs ) is a important style of LBO ( Leverage Buy-Outs ) which was first happened in England during the great economic depress in European countries 60 's of 20 century .

  21. 另外,杠杆收购(LBO)基金的平均收益率(除去管理费)低于标准普尔500指数。

    In addition , on average LBO ( leveraged buy-out ) funds returns net of fees are lower than those of the S & P 500 .

  22. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)表示:数年来,企业热衷于从市场收回股票,不是通过回购,就是通过杠杆收购。而在2009和2010年,可能出现相反的情况。

    After several years when corporates have been happily withdrawing equity from the markets through share buybacks and leveraged buyouts , the opposite is likely to be true in 2009 and 2010 , Goldman Sachs said .

  23. 杠杆收购(LeveragedBuyout,简称LBO),最早出现在20世纪60年代的美国,盛行于80年代的一种重要的企业并购方式。

    Leveraged Buyout ( called LBO ), appeared in early 20th century 60 's US , LBO is popular with an important kind of M & A in the 80 's.

  24. 知情人士称,被杠杆收购集团贝恩资本(BainCapital)和百仕通(Blackstone)买下的艺术品及工艺品零售商Michael'sStores,其债券一度沦为不良债务,但现在交易价格已高于面值。

    Once-distressed bonds in Michael 's Stores , an arts and crafts retailer bought by leveraged buy-out groups Bain Capital and Blackstone , are now selling at a price above par , according to people familiar with the matter .

  25. 结果,到了12月3日,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)的一位分析师暗示,戴尔公司可能适合做杠杆收购——这一下子就让戴尔的股票涨了4.4%,到了每股10.06美元。

    Then , on Dec. 3 , a Goldman Sachs ( GS ) analyst suggested that the company might be ripe for a leveraged buyout -- sending Dell stock up 4.4 % to $ 10.06 per share .

  26. 结果,到了12月3日,高盛集团(GoldmanSachs)的一位分析师暗示,戴尔公司可能适合做杠杆收购&这一下子就让戴尔的股票涨了4.4%,到了每股10.06美元。

    Then , on Dec. 3 , a Goldman Sachs ( GS ) analyst suggested that the company might be ripe for a leveraged buyout & sending Dell stock up 4.4 % to $ 10.06 per share .

  27. 其结果是,CDO市场被关闭,公司获得信贷特别是杠杆收购债务的渠道大幅减少。

    As a result , the CDO market is closed , and companies ' access to credit - especially for leveraged buyout debt - has been severely curtailed .

  28. 2002年10月,新颁布的《上市公司收购管理办法》首次认可了MBO这一新生的杠杆收购形式,MBO从此在我国迅速盛行起来。

    The newly issued Managing Method of Listed Company Acquisition in Oct. 2002 legalized MBO as a kind of leverage acquisition for the first time , and MBO becomes more and more popular from then on .

  29. 管理层收购(MBO)是杠杆收购(LBO)的一种方式,曾一度流行于欧美国家,正在引起我国学术界和企业界的广泛关注。

    Being a kind of Leveraged Buyout ( LBO ), Management Buyout ( MBO ) had prevailed in Europe and America , and now in China is arousing extensive attention in academy and entrepreneur group .

  30. KKR是杠杆收购行业的先驱,该公司最为知名的案例是20年前以300亿美元收购了RJRNabisco。

    KKR , a pioneer in the leverage buy-out business , is best known for its $ 30bn takeover of RJR Nabisco two decades ago .