
  1. 正是因为税盾的存在,使得杠杆企业获得负债融资的好处,从而增加企业价值。

    It is because the " tax shield " exists , making leverage the benefits of corporate access to debt financing , thereby increasing enterprise value .

  2. 修正现值法、权益现金流量法和加权平均资本成本法,是西方主流反映负债融资对投资项目价值正负效应杠杆企业的资本预算方法。

    APV , FTE and WACC rules are popular means of capital budgeting for leverage enterprises , they also reflect the positive and negative effects of debt to the investment projects value .

  3. 网络杠杆&企业竞争优势来源新探

    Network Leverage - New Exploration of Firms ' Competitive Advantage

  4. 杠杆融资企业的技术创新采用决策研究

    Study of Levered Firm 's Adoption Decision of Innovative Technology

  5. 债务杠杆与企业投资:双重预算软约束视角

    Debt Leverage and Corporate Investment : A Duplicate Soft Budget Constraint Perspective

  6. 试论财务杠杆及企业筹资效益

    On Financial Lever Principle and Efficiency of Enterprises Funding

  7. 有限责任确实带来了问题,尤其是在高杠杆的企业(比如银行)。

    Limited liability does bring problems , notably in highly-leveraged businesses ( such as banking ) .

  8. 就我国上市公司总体而言,财务杠杆对企业过度投资有抑制作用,对企业投资不足有促进作用。

    As to all the listed companies , financial leverages can inhibit overinvestment and facilitating underinvestment .

  9. 企业负债的期限构成与企业资产结构的适应性;企业财务杠杆与企业增长机会的适应性;

    The forth is the adaptation of the financial lever to the company 's growth opportunity ;

  10. 许多实证研究表明:财务杠杆对企业在产品市场竞争中的投资能力、产品定价行为和业绩的影响,以及行业特性和产品市场竞争结构对企业财务杠杆的影响。

    Empirical evidence indicate that capital structure changes affect firm and it 's rivals ' investment , pricing strategy and performance .

  11. 近年来,由于杠杆收购企业的融资成本非常低廉,帮助巩固了黑石及其它私人股本公司的核心业务。

    The cheap cost of financing leveraged takeovers has helped underpin the core business of Blackstone and other private equity firms in recent years .

  12. 企业财务杠杆、企业规模和企业违约信号对信用风险有识别作用,并研究了信号博弈的均衡解问题。

    Corporate capital structure , enterprise size and the default behavior are signals of the credit risk and the signaling games ' equilibria are studied .

  13. 政府支持肯定能够在一定程度上解释,为什么这些大杠杆比率企业的债券收益率较低。

    Government support must surely provide a part of the explanation for the low yields on bonds issued by these massively leveraged businesses ( see chart ) .

  14. 股权属性方面,财务杠杆对企业过度投资的抑制作用和对企业投资不足的促进作用在非国有企业中表现的较强,而在国有企业中表现的相对较弱。

    Financial leverage plays a stronger role of inhibiting the overinvestment and facilitating the underinvestment in non-state-owned enterprises , while plays a relatively weaker role in the state-owned enterprises .

  15. 本文利用我国上市公司1997至2002年的有关财务数据,建立了我国上市公司资本成本面板数据模型,运用该模型分析了我国上市公司资本成本与财务杠杆、企业规模的关系。

    In this paper , we build panel data model for the capital cost of listed companies in China from 1997 to 2002 to analyze the relationship of capital cost and financial leverage , business scale .

  16. 财务杠杆是企业财务管理中的重要理财工具,合理利用财务杠杆可以达到降低资本成本,获得额外收益,增加企业价值的目的。

    Financial leverage is one of the most important tools of the financial management . The proper application of financial leverage can decrease the capital cost , improve the income and increase the value of the company .

  17. 合理运用财务杠杆给企业权益资本带来的额外收益,即财务杠杆利益是现代企业资本运营的一项重要内容。

    The rational use of the degree of financial leverage can bring extra benefits to the enterprise , it means that the benefit on financial leverage is an important part in the capital operation of a modern enterprise .

  18. 在当前的债务期限结构状态下,国有控股企业倾向于通过缩短债务期限结构促进企业投资,而非国有控股企业则主要通过降低杠杆促进企业投资。

    In the current state of the debt maturity structure of state-owned holding companies tend to promote business investment by reducing the debt maturity structure , rather than state-controlled enterprises are mainly to promote business investment by reducing leverage .

  19. 浅析杠杆价值在企业中的应用

    The Analysis of the Application of Financial Leverage Value In Business Enterprises

  20. 营业杠杆及其在企业财务管理中的运用

    Operating Lever And Applying It to Finance Management

  21. 企业的财务杠杆原理对企业的资本结构优化起着重要的作用。

    The financial leverage of the capital structure of enterprises played an important role in optimization .

  22. 然而高杠杆让使企业更容易受到经济突然停顿或利率突然上升的影响。

    But leverage mechanically makes companies more vulnerable to economic hiccups or a sudden rise in interest rates .

  23. 政府对农业上市公司提供税收优惠政策时应该区别对待,企业在不享受税收优惠政策后应该充分利用负债的财务杠杆效应增加企业的价值。

    Government should provide different tax credits and firms should make good use of leverage effect to increase the firms ' value .

  24. 企业债券作为一种具有抵税、财务杠杆和防止企业控制权分散等优势的融资模式,国家和企业对企业债券融资对企业发展重要性的认识越来越深刻。

    Corporate bonds is an financing mode having the advantage of commuting tax , financial leverage and preventing the decentralizing of equity financing .

  25. 而这两个群体并没有显示出想要增加支出的任何迹象:家庭正忙于降低杠杆率,企业则乐于囤积资金。

    These are not showing any sign of wanting to spend more : households are busy deleveraging , and companies are happy to hoard their cash .

  26. 私募股权行业从未在亚洲成功打造出过杠杆收购以及企业转售的传送带,相对于其在美国和欧洲的表现有很大差距。

    The industry in Asia has never managed to create the conveyor-belt of leveraged buyouts and resales of companies that it achieved in the US and Europe .

  27. 经营杠杆是衡量企业经营风险的重要标志。一般而言,经营杠杆系数越小风险越小。

    A business lever is an important sign for measuring enterprise business risk Usually , the smaller the business lever coefficient is , the smaller the risk is .

  28. 薪酬管理运用薪酬这一激励杠杆来引导企业人力资源向着合理的方向运动,从而实现人力资源的合理配置和使用。

    Compensation management always use pay leverage to guide the corporate human resources towards a reasonable direction , then to achieve rational allocation of human resources and use .

  29. 再次,本文建立了企业融资效率体系,认为企业融资效率体系应包括企业融资成本、企业融资的杠杆效应、企业融资结构及企业法人治理效率。

    Thirdly , it constructs system of enterprises ' financing efficiency which includes enterprises ' financing cost , leverage of enterprises ' financing , enterprises ' financial structure and enterprises ' corporative governing efficiency .

  30. 环境经济手段具有强大作用,政府应当通过经济杠杆充分调动企业积极性,企业在追求经济利益的同时必须承担一定的社会责任。

    Environmental economic instruments has a strong role of the government through economic leverage should fully mobilize the enthusiasm of enterprises , enterprises must bear some social responsibility in the pursuit of economic interests .