
ɡànɡ ɡǎn lǜ
  • leverage
  1. 20不会制定具体的杠杆率或流动性比率要求,诸如巴塞尔委员会(baselcommittee)之类的论坛正在讨论这个议题。

    The G20 will not provide specifics for any leverage or liquidity ratios , which are being discussed in forums such as the Basel Committee .

  2. 有多少新闻机构对证券交易委员会(sec)在2004年放松杠杆率监管的重要决定进行了报道?

    How many news organisations reported on the crucial securities and Exchange Commission Decision in 2004 to loosen its regulations on leverage ?

  3. 去年,巴塞尔银行监管委员会(BaselCommitteeonBankingSupervision)终于批准了的3%国际杠杆率,尽管这一比例仍然过低。

    Last year the Basel Committee on banking supervision finally approved a still-too-low 3 % international leverage ratio .

  4. 据高盛(goldmansachs)分析师表示,这家拥有40年历史的公司之所以吸引私人股本投资者,是因为其低杠杆率的资产负债表。

    The 40-year-old company is attractive to private equity investors because of its under-leveraged balance sheet , according to Goldman Sachs analysts .

  5. 在一个杠杆率较低、收益率也相应较低的环境中,高盛(GoldmanSachs)等大型投行未来的商业模式仍悬而未决。

    The future business model of big investment banks such as Goldman Sachs remains open in a world of lower leverage and correspondingly lower returns .

  6. 按同一衡量标准,英国能源集团Centrica去年的杠杆率为65%,英国国家电网(NationalGrid)的杠杆率更高达220%。

    By the same measure , Centrica , the UK energy group , was at 65 per cent last year and the National Gridat 220 per cent .

  7. 作为补充,欧洲监管机构应该采用巴塞尔协议III的3%杠杆率,考虑到会计标准的不同所需要做出的调整,更好的选择是采用美国的5%标准。

    European regulators should supplement this requirement with the Basel III 3 % leverage ratio & or even better , the U.S. 5 % requirement , adjusting for accounting differences .

  8. 彭博(Bloomberg)数据显示,长江基建目前的杠杆率远低于2011年时的14.3%,地位相当有利。

    CKI 's gearing is comfortably lower than the 14.3 per cent it stood at in 2011 , according to Bloomberg data .

  9. 在2008年3月美国政府为贝尔斯登(BearStearns)纾困之后,投资者们对于依赖大宗融资的高杠杆率投行显然已失去了信任。

    After the rescue of Bear Stearns in March 2008 , it was clear that investors were losing faith in highly-leveraged investment banks that relied on wholesale funding .

  10. grantcapital将避开难以出手的资产担保证券和高杠杆率(正是这些金融工具导致了peloton的垮台),坚持走自由式全球宏观对冲基金(globalmacrohedgefund)路线。

    Grant capital will avoid the hard-to-sell asset-backed securities and heavy leverage that proved the downfall of peloton and stick to the freewheeling global macro hedge fund style now coming back into fashion .

  11. 金融部门负债的增长甚至更快,因为各银行寻求通过提高杠杆率来提高股本回报率(ROE)。

    The financial sector 's debts grew even faster as banks sought to bolster their returns on equity by levering up .

  12. 结果表明:对项目的ROI正影响最大的是杠杆率,其次是折旧期和折旧率;对项目的ROI负影响最大的是项目寿命,其次是借贷利率;

    The results show : the biggest positive factor effect on the ROI is the leverage rate , then the depreciation period and the discount rate ;

  13. 有关资本金标准的国际协议《巴塞尔协议iii》(baseliii),将银行必须持有的广义资本储备水平提高了两倍多,限制了杠杆率,并为银行脱离特定业务提供了有力刺激。

    The Basel III international agreement on capital standards more than triples the broad capital reserves that banks must maintain , limits leverage and provides strong incentives to move out of certain businesses .

  14. 因花旗集团(Citigroup)与美国银行(BANKOFAMERICA)发布了令人宽慰的公告,且分析师纷纷表示这次与2008年不同,杠杆率要低很多,美国银行股在周一的暴跌后出现了反弹。

    US bank shares rebounded from a plummet on Monday , after soothing statements from Citigroup and Bank of America and as analysts stepped into argue that this time was different from 2008 , when leverage was much higher .

  15. 该集团每年在资本投资上的支出为100亿美元,而且债务比例已经很高&例如,今年6月底BG的杠杆率为24%,而壳牌(Shell)为12%。

    The group is spending $ 10bn a year on capital investment and is already highly geared – 24 per cent at the end of June compared to 12 per cent at Shell , for example .

  16. 一桩杠杆率极高、获得德意志银行(DeutscheBank)58亿美元贷款的房地产交易,使得麦克洛成为新闻人物,而麦克洛在几处重要房产【比如通用汽车大厦(GeneralMotorsBuilding)】中的股份,据称已经岌岌可危。

    A highly leveraged real estate transaction backed by a $ 5.8 billion loan from Deutsche Bank kept his name in the news , and his stake in several trophy properties , like the General Motors Building , were said to have been in jeopardy .

  17. 摩根大通预测,就整个2008年而言,Yell的杠杆率可能是4.8倍、Seat是5.1倍、PagesJaunes是3.6倍,RH当纳利是6.9倍。

    JPMorgan forecasts that for all of 2008 Yell would be leveraged at 4.8 times , Seat at 5.1 times , Pages Jaunes at 3.6 times and RH Donnelly at 6.9 times .

  18. 和美国次贷危机爆发前家庭杠杆率的惊人涨幅不同,中国家庭债务大概只相当于GDP的17%,而美国约为96%,欧元区为62%。

    Unlike the dramatic increase in household leverage that precipitated the US subprime crisis , Chinese household debt amounts to approximately 17 per cent of gross domestic product , compared with roughly 96 per cent in the US and 62 per cent in the eurozone .

  19. 摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)分析师表示,德银的一级杠杆率即最高质量的资本与总资产之比低于4%,而摩根大通和高盛则接近7%。

    Its tier one leverage – the ratio of its highest-quality capital to total assets – is less than 4 per cent , compared with almost 7 per cent at JPMorgan or Goldman Sachs , say Morgan Stanley analysts .

  20. 这些公司的杠杆率很高,净负债与利息、税项、折旧和摊销前利润(ebitda)之比高达7倍。

    Companies were leveraged heavily , with as much as seven times net debt to earnings before interest , tax , depreciation and amortisation ( EBITDA ) .

  21. 与这种想法一致的是,瑞士央行(snb)在政府机构中第一个站出来表态,明确表示20倍以上的杠杆率“在繁荣时期既不谨慎也不可取”。

    In line with this thinking , the Swiss National Bank ( SNB ) was the first authority to explicitly suggest that a leverage ratio of over 20 was " not prudent and undesirable in good times " .

  22. 研究了财务杠杆率的图像,讨论了它随税息前盈余与债息之比值变化的规律。

    This paper analyses and researches the graph of financial leverage .

  23. 经营杠杆率指标的特点及其应用

    Analysis of the Characteristics and Application of the Index of DOL

  24. 从某个角度上看,德意志银行的杠杆率达到了2000倍。

    From one perspective , Deutsche Bank is leveraged 2000 times .

  25. 毋庸置疑,一些机构过高的杠杆率加剧了本轮危机。

    Undoubtedly , the excessive leverage of some institutions aggravated the crisis .

  26. 杠杆率有所下降,约为1.3倍左右。

    Leverage has been tamed , to about 1.3 times on average .

  27. 一家机构采取降低杠杆率的行动,更有可能引发其它地方的抛售。

    Deleveraging by one institution was more likely to provoke sell-offs elsewhere .

  28. 第七,香港对家庭的杠杆率设有限制。

    Seventh , household leverage is restricted in Hong Kong .

  29. 一些杠杆率高的基金的回报率降幅高达三分之二以上。

    Some highly leveraged funds saw returns down by more than two-thirds .

  30. 另一个回应是,英国的银行仍保持着高杠杆率。

    The other is that banks remain highly leveraged .