
  • 网络market crash
  1. 股票市场崩溃时他们损失了很多钱。

    They lost a lot of money in the stock market crash .

  2. 旁白:具有讽刺意味的是,俄罗斯1998年的股票市场崩溃及拖欠债务可能是一个转折点,是俄罗斯新兴的市场经济的第二次机会。

    NARRATOR : In Russia , ironically , the1998 stock market crash and the default on debts may have been a turning point , a second chance for Russia 's still-new market economy .

  3. 由于恐慌有可能导致股票市场崩溃,纽约证券交易所(NewYorkStockExchange)当年秋季曾关闭了10天。

    The New York Stock Exchange closed for10 days in the fall of that year because the panic threatened to collapse the stock market .

  4. 学校体制正在崩溃;股票市场崩溃了。

    The school system is collapsing ; the stock market collapsed .

  5. 股票市场崩溃后这三年内,该国国民生产总值下跌了近一半。

    During the three years after the stock market collapsed , the GNP of this country has plunged by almost a half .

  6. 2001年股票市场崩溃时,我对自己没有孤注一掷感到非常高兴。

    When the stock market crashed in2001 , I was very happy with my decision to not put all my " eggs " in Cisco .

  7. 尽管在德国股票市场崩溃后,这些贷款可能引起了德国经济的大衰退,但至少在经济衰退前,德国进帐的钱比出帐的钱多。

    While these loans may have contributed to Germany 's economic collapse after the stock market crash , at least until that time Germany was taking in more money in loans than it was paying out .

  8. 年股票市场的崩溃使许多人破了产。

    The stock market crash of1929 ruined many people .

  9. 由于股票市场的崩溃,结果许多人损失了金钱。

    Many people lost their money in consequence of the crash of the stock market .

  10. 在股票市场总崩溃后,随着股票的价值低于原票面价值,数百万英镑的股票帐面价值降低了。

    After the stock market crash , millions of pounds were written off shares as their value fell below par .

  11. 当股票市场大崩溃时,罗斯福上电视,不单只埋怨别人如何贪心。

    When the stock market crashed , Franklin D.Roosevelt got on the television and didn 't just talk about the , you know , the princes of greed .

  12. 而在非正常的情况下,股票市场的崩溃往往与市场的流动性严重不足直接相关,流动性消失会对整个市场造成灾难性的后果。

    Under abnormal circumstances , the collapse of stock market is always directly related to serious insufficient liquidity . If liquidity disappears completely from market , the whole stock market will be damaged seriously .