
  • 网络US stock market;american stock exchange
  1. 就在同一天,摩根士丹利(MorganStanley)的美国股票市场研究主管亚当•帕克(AdamParker)也收到了一封类似的邮件,只不过他没有选择无视。

    The same day Adam Parker , head of US equity research at Morgan Stanley , received a similar message , only he didn 't ignore it .

  2. 参照Fama和French鉴定美国股票市场三因素模型的方法,研究中国股票市场的资产定价模型。

    With reference to the method of appraising the tri-factor model of American stock market by means of Fama and French , this paper studies the assets pricing model of China 's stock market .

  3. 纳斯达克omx与洲际交易所表示,它们的搅局竞购将缔造“一个统一的美国股票市场”,并“确保美国能够在全球范围内更好地竞争”。

    NASDAQ OMX and ice said their spoiler bid would create " a unified US equities market " and " ensure that the US is better able to compete globally " .

  4. 类似的冷静也在美国股票市场上演。

    Similar sangfroid is being displayed about America 's stockmarket .

  5. 然而,美国股票市场的公信力正遭遇严峻考验。

    Yet that public trust in US equity markets is being severely tested now .

  6. A股、红筹股及美国股票市场定价比较

    Market Pricing Comparison among the A Stock , Chinese Concept Stock & American Stock

  7. 通过选取美国股票市场S&P500的实际交易数据对所建模型进行了实证分析。

    We analyze the model by selecting real transaction data of America stock market S & P 500 .

  8. 美国股票市场金融指数波动对我国股票市场影响的实证分析

    The Empirical Analysis of the Influence of Fluctuation of Financial Index of American Stock Market on Chinese Stock Market

  9. 他把这个指数作为测量美国股票市场上工业构成的发展。

    Dow compiled the index as a way to gauge the performance of the industrial component of America 's stock markets .

  10. 中国视频流媒体服务平台爱奇艺--通常被称为中国的Netflix--已经申请在美国股票市场上市。

    Chinese video streaming service iQiyi - often called China 's Netflix - has filed to be listed on the US stock market .

  11. 在对美国股票市场其中一支股票的多维信息因素进行了主成分分析的方法,检验此降维方法在实时股票数据上压缩信息量的可行性。

    The principal component analysis on a certain stock about American stock market are designed and the feasibility in compressing information capability is analyzed .

  12. 瑞星思达负责使慧康公司在美国股票市场上上市。

    It shall be the responsibility of RSH to have Huikang listed on one of the stock exchanges in the United States of American .

  13. 一些人则想使其影响力同占全球市场资本总额一半的美国股票市场不相上下。

    Some want it to have influence commensurate with the size of America 's equity markets , which account for almost half of global market capitalization .

  14. 当我们反思美国股票市场的状况时,我们会对其在去年混乱局势中的表现感到自豪。

    As we reflect on the state of the US equity markets , we can take pride in their performance through the tumult of the last year .

  15. 在经历了东南亚金融危机和美国股票市场的科技股泡沫后,人们开始更多地关注金融市场上的羊群行为,特别是机构投资者的羊群行为。

    The Southeast Asia financial crisis and technology stock bubbles in America 's stock market have drawn more attention to herd behavior in financial markets , especially herd behavior among institutional investors .

  16. 自从新的评级结果公布之后,美国股票市场始终处于大起大落的状态,甚至在上周四出现了大幅跳水;而投资者正绞尽脑汁,想弄明白目前糟糕的国内外经济形势究竟会如何演变。

    The stock market has been see-sawing since the announcement and it took a significant dive yesterday , as investors struggle to wrap their heads around gloomy economic conditions abroad and at home .

  17. 鉴于这些研究主要针对的是美国股票市场,而各国股票市场具有不同的特征,那么这些计量模型就不能直接用于对我国上市公司盈余管理的计量上。

    In view of most practice in major United States stock market and different characteristics shown in different stock markets , these models can not be measured directly in measuring Chinese companies ' earning management .

  18. 昨晚,收看了美国股票市场暴跌对其他国家造成间介负面影响的实况报道,我得出结论,面对某种改变,应该警觉但不应害怕。

    Last night I watched a commentary on the repercussions of the crash in American stocks outside of the US and I came to conclusion that I should be alert about certain changes but not alarmed .

  19. 美国股票市场星期四一开市就走低,到了中午的时候,道琼斯工业平均指数便已经下滑了将近300点,主要由于最新的经济数据显示,上个星期美国首次申领失业救济的人数增加到七年多来的最高水平。

    But U.S. stocks opened down and sank even lower by midday trading . The losses came amid another indication of a slowing American economy : applications for unemployment benefits have risen to their highest level in more than seven years .

  20. 基于剩余收益模型对1993~2006年年初A股市场泡沫进行了测度,并根据对美国股票市场泡沫分析结果,研究了中国A股市场泡沫合理性问题。

    Using the Residual Income Model , the paper measures market bubbles at the beginning of each year from 1993 to 2006 in China 's A-share market . According to the bubble analysis of American stock market , the bubble rationality in China 's A-share market has been researched .

  21. 高盛(GoldmanSachs)美国股票资本市场主管斯蒂芬皮尔斯(StephenPierce)表示:市场脱离底部已有3到4个月时间,投资者试图达到或超过基准指数的表现,他们现在愿意重新谈论IPO了。

    Three to four months off market lows , as investors attempt to match or exceed their benchmark indices ' performance , investors are willing to talk about IPOs again , says Stephen Pierce , head of equity capital markets for the Americas at Goldman Sachs .

  22. 实际上,据美联储推算,仅就2008年而言,美国对股票市场和期权市场实施的卖空禁令,估计就已导致流动性成本增加逾10亿美元。

    Indeed , the Fed calculates that in 2008 alone the inflated costs of liquidity attributable to the short-sales ban in US equity and options markets are estimated to exceed $ 1bn .

  23. 本文认为送转股行为导致上市公司的股票数量增加、价格下降,与美国等股票市场上的股票股利和股票拆分行为相类似。

    Because of increasing the number of common shares and decreasing the price per share , they are regarded as the same kind of actions as the stock dividend and stock splits in American stock market .

  24. 一家这样的网站——世纪佳缘网已经在美国的纳斯达克股票市场上市。

    One such site , Jiayuan , is listed on America 's NASDAQ stockmarket .

  25. 亚洲、欧洲和美国的主要股票市场指数都应声强劲上扬。

    In response , key stock market indexes in Asia , Europe and the United States made strong gains .

  26. 从1980年到2001年,美国每天通过股票市场公开上市的公司超过了每个工作日一家。

    From 1980 to 2001 , the number of companies going public in the United States exceeded one per business day .

  27. 做市商制度是证券制度创新的产物,已有近四十年历史,在美国纳斯达克股票交易市场取得巨大成功,后为各国所效仿。

    The market maker rule is an outcome of the innovation of Securities System with a history of nearly forty years , which makes a huge success in the market of NASDAQ Stock Exchanges and imitated by many countries .

  28. 结果表明,美国两个股票市场呈弱式有效性,中国两个股票市场还不能确认呈弱式有效性,本文对中国股市的信息传递机制提出了看法和建议。

    The results show that two stock markets in U S A. present has weak-form efficiency , and it is not conformed whether two stock markets in China present weak-form efficiency , and brings up some views and suggestions about the mechanism of information transmission of stock markets in China .

  29. 在美国和欧洲的股票市场星期一再次下滑之后,人们现在谈论更多的是这次经济衰退将会持续多长时间以及会有多么严重。

    After another down session on the European markets , the talk is how long and deep the recession will be .

  30. 中投见什么就买什么:大型美国公司股票、新兴市场股票、大宗商品、期货、房地产和基础设施。

    CIC bought anything and everything : large-cap US stocks , emerging-market equities , commodities , futures , real estate , infrastructure .