
měi ɡuó ɡuǎnɡ bō ɡōnɡ sī
  • abc;American Broadcasting Co.
  1. 他在美国广播公司的新闻部工作——他是晚间15分钟新闻播报的主持人。

    He worked in the news division of ABC — he was the anchor of its 15-minute evening newscast .

  2. 盖特纳是在美国广播公司ABC的《本周》节目上将这些话的。

    Geithner was speaking on ABC 's This Week program .

  3. 美国广播公司(abc)对丰田的报道引起广泛关注,但看起来也很可疑。

    A report by ABC on Toyota has gained wide attention but also appears questionable .

  4. 眼下已经到了将美国广播公司(ABC)赶出迪士尼(Disney)奇妙王国的时候了吗?

    Is it time for Disney to finally banish ABC from the Magic Kingdom ?

  5. 我们是一个法制国家,他告诉美国广播公司(ABC)电视台,我们签有合同。

    We are a country of law , he told ABC television . There are contracts .

  6. 海夫纳并不知道,时任美国广播公司的执行总监耶鲁·尤多夫(YaleUdoff)也参加了那次派对。

    Little did Hef know , Yale Udoff , an ABC executive was attending .

  7. 美国广播公司(abc)的民调显示,三分之二的美国公众认为,阿富汗战争不值得再打下去。

    According to an ABC poll two-thirds of the American public believe the war is no longer worth fighting .

  8. 据美国广播公司报道,在美国加州,一台iPhone6Plus在充电时发生爆炸,伴随着滚滚的黑烟。

    An iPhone 6 Plus in California , US , exploded with black smoke as it was charged , the ABC News reported .

  9. 他在ABC美国广播公司电视台的“本周”节目中说,我们非常需要行动而不是空谈,以提升对私人部门的信心和鼓励企业雇佣员工。

    DeMint said actions , not words , are sorely needed to boost confidence in the private sector and encourage businesses to hire workers .

  10. 美国广播公司ABC的分析家马修.道得说,像佩林这样造成民调突然或大幅度改变,通常是暂时的。

    ABC analyst Matthew Dowd says when there is a sudden and large shift in polls such as with Palin , it is usually temporary .

  11. 但开始的时候,我以为是有人在跟我闹着玩,我并不知道发生了什么事情。他告诉美国广播公司(ABC)的记者。

    At first , I thought someone was just playing with me , and I didn 't know what happened , ' he told ABC .

  12. 年,他将节目从美国广播公司(NBC)搬到哥伦比亚广播系统(CBS)。

    In nineteen forty-eight , he moved his show from the National Broadcasting Company to the Columbia Broadcasting System .

  13. 美国广播公司(ABC)晚间新闻节目《今晚世界新闻》(TheWorldNewsTonightwithPeterJennings)不仅是美国而且也是世界范围内最具影响力的优秀的电视新闻栏目之一。

    The World News Tonight with Peter Jennings of ABC is one of the most influential TV News Programs not only in the United States but also in the world .

  14. 拥有美国广播公司(ABC)和体育频道ESPN的迪斯尼公司(WaltDisneyCompany),已投入巨资推广这项运动。

    The Walt Disney Company the owner of ABC and ESPN is deeply invested in the promotion of the game .

  15. 他周五告诉美国广播公司(ABC)无线电台,中信的指控是“无中生有,就像《爱丽丝梦游仙境》,媒体可以借题发挥”。

    He told ABC radio on Friday that Citic 's claims were " just a made-up story like Alice in Wonderland that the press can run . "

  16. 美国广播公司的报道说,美国代表团的队服是由拉尔夫&12539;劳伦公司(ralphLauren)设计,衣服上有中国制造的标签。

    The uniforms , designed by Ralph Lauren , have made in China labels on them , the ABC report said .

  17. 这部剧改编自西班牙热剧,由朗格利亚和本·斯柏克(BenSpector)的娱乐公司UnveliEVAbleEntertainment和美国广播公司联手打造。

    The project , from Longoria and Ben Spector 's UnveliEVAble Entertainment and ABC Studios , is based on the the popular Spanish series .

  18. 基梅尔和播出该节目的美国广播公司(ABC)后来都为这一言论致歉,但上述请愿活动仍征集到101768个签名。

    Kimmel later apologized for the segment and so did ABC , the network that airs ' Jimmy Kimmel Live , ' but the petition has nonetheless drawn 101,768 signatures .

  19. 据美国广播公司(ABC)消息,美国总统布什的女儿芭芭拉在阿根廷遭到抢劫,手机和钱包被洗劫一空,当时她的身边还有多名美国特工。

    One of US President George W.Bush 's daughters has been robbed of her mobile phone and purse in Argentina , despite her heavy Secret Service protection , ABC News reported .

  20. 美国广播公司(ABC)正在拍摄《大饭店》(GrandHotel),剧本出自《绝望的主妇》(DesperateHousewives)演员伊娃·朗格利亚(EvaLongoria)和美国广播公司当红情景剧编剧布莱恩·泰诺(BrianTanen)。

    ABC is developing Grand Hotel , a soapy drama from former Desperate Housewives star Eva Longoria and the hit ABC / ABC Studios dramedy 's writer Brian Tanen .

  21. 目前,公司最有可能接替我位子的人是迪斯尼总裁兼首席营运官鲍勃?伊格尔(BobIger)。他曾负责美国广播公司(ABC)。

    My most likely internal successor at the moment is Bob Iger , Disney 's president and chief operating officer , who used to run ABC .

  22. 她的宣传计划包括首次接受大型电视采访,一个是接受美国广播公司(ABC)戴安娜•索耶(DianeSawyer)的采访,另外还要登上BBC的Panorama节目。

    The publicity schedule includes Ms Yousafzai 's first big television interviews - with ABC 's Diane Sawyer in the US and the BBC 's Panorama .

  23. 这则广告视频于周六在美国广播公司的“NBA倒计时”节目中首次播出,之后才播出NBA卫冕冠军金州勇士队与休斯顿火箭队的对决。

    The video was shown last Saturday on ABC 's " NBA Countdown " ahead of Curry 's playoff opener with the defending champion Golden State Warriors against the Houston Rockets .

  24. 艾美奖得主JimmyKimmel是美国广播公司深夜脱口秀《吉米现场秀》的主持人以及执行制片人。

    Emmy-winner Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Jimmy Kimmel Live , ABC Television Network 's distinctive late-night talk show .

  25. 实际上,纳努拉非常谨慎,他甚至反对艾斯纳收购一家电视网络。1995年,艾斯纳还是坚持己见,以190亿美元收购了美国广播公司(ABC)。

    Actually , Nanula was so cautious that he discouraged Eisner from buying a TV network & which Eisner went ahead and did , acquiring ABC in a $ 19 billion deal in 1995 .

  26. 据美国广播公司新闻网(ABC新闻)报道,家住明尼阿波利斯的汤姆·格罗廷似乎是该活动的发起人。他把冷冻裤放在外面展示给邻居们看的举动,在当地颇为有名。

    The trend seems to have started with Minneapolis resident Tom Grotting , who is well known in the area for freezing his pants and displaying them for his neighbors to see , ABC News reports .

  27. 为了物色约翰•艾克斯的继承人,董事会指派了一个专门委员会,其中包括美国广播公司(ABCCapCities)首席执行官汤姆•墨菲和声名卓著的强生公司(Johnson&Johnson)前任首席执行官吉姆•伯克。

    To find a successor to CEO John Akers , it appointed a committee that included Tom Murphy , CEO of ABC cap cities , and Jim Burke , the highly acclaimed former CEO of Johnson & Johnson ( JNJ ) .

  28. 美国广播公司的高管称,《迷失》DVD销量、视频点播量和iTunes下载量领先整个行业,这几方面的观众有数百万,尼尔森公司(Nielsen)的收视率调查没有将其计入。

    Lost ' is an industry leader in DVD sales , video-on-demand and iTunes downloads , which add several million viewers not included in Nielsen ratings , ABC executives say .

  29. 美国广播公司ABC将“JimmyKimmellive”节目移至晚间档,与DavidLettermanandJayLeno的节目对阵。新的调整将于1月开始,JimmyKimmel的晚间报道将占据每周晚间的黄金时段。

    ABC is moving Jimmy Kimmel live into the time slot against David Letterman and Jay Leno , starting in January . Nightline will follow and get a weekly prime-time slot .

  30. 奥巴马总统的高级经济顾问萨默斯星期天在美国广播公司电视节目上说,尽管他觉得这笔津贴数目惊人,但是从执行契约的角度,AIG有义务支付这笔钱。

    A top economic adviser to President Barack Obama , Lawrence Summers , said Sunday on ABC television although he thinks the compensation is outrageous , AIG is contractually obligated to pay them .