
  • 网络AEP;American Electric Power;American Electric Power Co
  1. 美国电力公司正在建设美国第1条6分裂导线765kV输电线路

    The First Six-Conductor 765 kV Transmission Line in the United States is Being Constructed by American Electric Power Company

  2. 本文介绍了光伏发电在电力工业中的发展前景及一些美国电力公司在光伏发电方面的活动。

    This paper introduces the prospect of photovoltaic application in electric power industry and activities about photovoltaic application which some of the American electric power companies are engaged in .

  3. 为推进上述协议,帮助快速发展的印度解决能源短缺问题,希拉里表示,已与印度总理曼莫汉辛格(MAnmohanSingh)讨论了美国电力公司建造核电站的选址问题。

    In a move that will advance this deal , Mrs Clinton said she had discussed with Manmohan Singh , India 's prime minister , sites where US power companies would build nuclear power plants to help the fast growing nation overcome an energy deficit .

  4. 一家美国电力公司即将送走印度投资者、迎来中国投资者。

    A US electricity company can say goodbye to an Indian investor - and hello to a Chinese one .

  5. 其二,美国电力公司担心,他们不久就要为一种特殊污染物二氧化碳付出代价,因为在其它的富裕国家地区正开始发生这种现象。

    Second , American power companies are fearful that they will soon have to pay for one particular pollutant , carbon dioxide , as is starting to happen in other parts of the rich world .

  6. 美国南方电力公司在星期一的开盘抢购中收购了英国西南电力公司11.2%的股份。

    Southern acquired 11.2 per cent of Sweb in a dawn raid on Monday .

  7. 位于亚特兰大的美国南方电力公司(SouthernCompany)是进展最顺利的,美国政府已承诺为其拨付80亿美元,用于其在乔治亚州建造总造价达140亿美元的核电厂。

    Atlanta-based Southern Company ( so , Fortune 500 ) is the farthest along and has been promised $ 8 billion by the government for the construction of a $ 14 billion plant Georgia .

  8. 美国的电力公司将可善加运用2005年能源法案中的条款,以便建造新的输送走廊。

    And u.s.utilities will take advantage of provisions in the2005 energy act that make it easier to open new transmission corridors .

  9. 介绍美国PacificCorp电力公司在Web上实现系统运行、停电管理与报告、网络制图、历史负荷记录及配电系统规划等业务的详细情况。

    Pacific corp ( Portland , Oregon , US ) has implemented Web applications in many fields of their businesses , involving network operation , outage management and reporting , network mapping , load historian , distribution planning , etc.