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  • Associated Press
  1. MattSmall为您报道美联社一分钟新闻节目。

    Matt Small , the Associated Press with AP News Minute .

  2. 据美联社(associatedpress)报导,送医的受伤者中至少有4人伤势严重。

    At least four victims were in serious condition at hospitals , according to the associated press .

  3. 美联社(theAssociatedPress)及其他媒体纷纷报道称,蒂姆•库克是2011年收入最高的首席执行官,事实真是如此吗?

    Was Tim Cook really the highest-paid CEO of 2011 , as the associated press and others suggest ?

  4. 史蒂夫•乔布斯称生父生母只是自己的“精子和卵子库”【美联社(AssociatedPress)】

    Steve Jobs refers to his biological parents as his " sperm and egg bank " ( Associated Press )

  5. 这是美联社的珊迪·克希尔为您播报的AP一分钟新闻节目。

    Sandy Kozel , the Associated Press with AP News Minute .

  6. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报道,如果政府决定这么做,越南将是第一个承认同性婚姻的亚洲国家。

    If it does , the country would be the first in Asia to do so , the Associated Press reported .

  7. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报导,越南卫生部门官员周二也表示,一位8岁的女童经检测禽流感病毒呈阳性反应。

    Also on Tuesday , health officials in Vietnam said an8-year-old girl had tested positive for the disease , the Associated Press reported .

  8. 美联社(AssociatedPress)已经警告,对那些使用旗下报纸内容却不付费的网站,将采取一切必要举措,追究其责任。

    The Associated Press consortium has warned it would take all actions necessary to pursue sites using member newspapers ' content without paying .

  9. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报道,有26%的雄性大熊猫幼崽和20%的雌性幼崽在出生后一年内死亡。

    According to the Associated Press , 26 % of male panda cubs and 20 % of females die within their first year .

  10. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报道,上周三,一家西班牙法庭裁决六名索马里人犯有海盗及非法携带武器罪,判处其多年徒刑。

    On Wednesday , a Spanish court handed multiple-year sentences to six Somalis convicted of piracy and arms possession , according to the Associated Press .

  11. 我自认为是个数学家,而这个奖是经济学奖,他对美联社(AP)表示。

    I consider myself a mathematician and the award is for economics ,'' he told AP .

  12. 美联社(AssociatedPress)报道称,克林顿周一说,我的访问体现出当今美国外交政策的战略重点。

    ' My trip reflects a strategic priority of American foreign policy today , ' ' Ms. Clinton said Monday , according to the Associated Press . '

  13. 根据美联社的一篇新闻分析,FDA很少退回从中国进口的食品原料。

    The FDA rarely rejects such food ingredients from China , according to an AP analysis .

  14. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报道,一家音像店被纵火,两台自动柜员机被打开,一家银行被抢,一家超市被抢空。

    A video store was set ablaze , two automatic teller machines were broken open , a bank was robbed and a supermarket emptied , the Associated Press reported .

  15. 2004年11月,美联社(AssociatedPress)称,有三位经济经济学家可能接替时任美联储主席艾伦•格林斯潘,其中并没有本•伯南克。

    In November 2004 , the associated press said there were three economists who were likely to replace then-fed head Alan Greenspan , none of which were Ben Bernanke .

  16. 美联社(AssociatedPress)的一项调查显示,在从美国南部边境偷运出的每一百美元中,官员们只能截获25美分。

    Out of every $ 100 that is smuggled across the southern US border , officials seize a mere 25 cents , according to an investigation by the Associated Press .

  17. 请美联社的BenFeller先提问。

    I 'll start with Ben Feller of AP .

  18. 新闻通讯社美联社(AssociatedPress)援引一位匿名的“美国官员”的话称“高度怀疑”该零件来自一架波音777。

    Associated Press , the wire service , quoted an anonymous " US official " as saying " with a high degree of confidence " that the part came from a 777 .

  19. NoelWaghorn为您报道美联社一分钟新闻。

    Noel Waghorn , the Associated Press with AP News Minute .

  20. 美联社(TheAssociatedPress)去年公布的一份调查报告称,经检测,某些水体中的致病细菌含量严重超标,是美国南加州海岸警戒标准的170万倍。

    An investigation by The Associated Press last year recorded disease-causing viruses in some tests that were 1.7 million times the level of what would be considered hazardous on a Southern California beach .

  21. 美联社-这张NASA提供的未注明日期的照片,是由哈勃太空望远镜拍摄的一张快照

    AP – This undated handout photo provided by NASA , taken by the Hubble Space Telescope , shows a snapshot of

  22. 据美联社(AssociatedPress)报导,一份新的政府报告估计,一个中等收入家庭将去年出生的孩子抚养到17岁将花费大约22.1万美元。

    A new government report estimated that a middle-income family with a child born last year will spend about 1,000 raising that child from birth through age 17 , according to the Associated Press .

  23. 无论我是不是嫌犯,我相信政府希望除掉我,麦卡菲据报在本周写给美联社(AP)的电邮中说。

    Suspect or no , I believe the government wants me out of the way , he reportedly told AP in an email this week .

  24. 在星期三,Menu食品公司首席执行官告知美联社,他们公司正将一种不知名的食品配料当做动物肾衰竭的可能原因。

    The chief executive of Menu Foods told the Associated Press on Wednesday that the company is looking at one unnamed ingredient as the possible cause of the renal failure .

  25. 美联社(AP)的报道,估计暴风对长岛的影响将会更大,长岛现在正在搭建避难所并且关闭了所有的公园。

    The effects were expected to be stronger on Long Island , where emergency shelters were opened and parks were closed , the Associated Press ( AP ) reported .

  26. 住在简陋房屋中的纽约居民希尔斯(AntoneHills)对美联社(AssociatedPress)表示,他认为陈光标是一个好人,在向美国提供帮助。

    I think he 's a good guy and he 's helping our country , ' Antone Hills , a shelter resident , told the Associated Press .

  27. 美联社-联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)的头帕乔里看在记者招待会上张望

    AP – U.N. 's Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change ( IPCC ) head Rajendra Pachauri looks on at a press

  28. 据MSNBC网站6月1日报道,在一次接受美联社的采访中,黄武树先生表示,未来将会建成的细胞银行将会把当前的干细胞线统一起来进行研究和管理。

    The bank would consolidate current stem cell lines in one research location .

  29. 美联社报道,大型强子对撞机(LHC)将于今年夏季正式启动。

    According to AP , the Large Hadron Collider ( LHC ), is expected to begin operations this summer .

  30. 纽约市,甘斯沃尔特(美联社)——来自纽约市HowesCave的埃莉诺·坎宁安(EleanorCunningham)打破了总统老布什的记录。

    GANSEVOORT , N.Y. ( AP ) - Eleanor Cunningham of Howes Cave , New York , has bested former President GeorgeH . W.