
  • 网络Pixar
  1. 2010年,乔布斯在推广iPad时,展示了皮克斯公司制作的电影“飞屋环游记”。

    Steve Jobs shows a scene from " Up ", a Pixar film , during his speech introducing the iPad in2010 .

  2. 第三名是少有的原创电影大片《头脑特工队》(InsideOut),来自迪士尼的皮克斯公司,国内票房达3.482亿美元,全球票房达7.06亿美元。

    Third place went to one of the few original movies to hit big : " Inside Out , " from Disney 's Pixar unit , took in $ 348.2 million ( $ 706 million worldwide ) .

  3. 在2006年,迪斯尼公司以74亿美元购买皮克斯公司。

    In 2006 , Disney buys Pixar for 7.4 billion dollars .

  4. 皮克斯公司相信爱玩的员工更有创意。

    Pixar believes playful employees are more creative employees .

  5. 是什么卡通片?是皮克斯公司新品的关于小汽车的新片吗?

    What 's the cartoon ? Is it the new Pixar film about cars ?

  6. 我在皮克斯公司停留了一下,是为了看一看他们到底在孵育什么样的人工生命。

    I stopped by Pixar to see what kind of artificial life they were hatching .

  7. 该电影是皮克斯公司在1999年上映的。

    The Pixar film debuted in 1999 .

  8. 正如你们所知,我是皮克斯公司的董事长兼首席执行官——谢谢。

    As you know , I 'm the Chairman and CEO of a company called Pixar . Thank you .

  9. 第三章以皮克斯公司制作的动画造型为例初步研究动画造型形式,从而说明造型在市场推广上的意义。

    The fourth chapter the animation modelling which company manufactures by Pixar for the example preliminary study animation modelling form .

  10. 为其他公司的产品设计卡通广告成了皮克斯公司财务收入的唯一主要来源。

    The only significant way the company was earning money was by making cartoon advertisements to sell other companies ' products .

  11. 在1991年皮克斯公司会彻底决裂,和迪斯尼签署一项用计算机制作3部动画电影的协议。

    In 1991 , Pixar gets it break , signing a deal with Disney to produce 3 full-length computer animated films .

  12. 就如同打开了潘多拉的宝盒一样,这部该由被称为皮克斯公司的非传统的小电影工作室和史蒂夫·乔布斯打造的电影,让全世界为之惊叹。

    The world is the very first release from a small unconventional flim studio called Pixar with Steve Jobs at the hell .

  13. 皮克斯公司现在盈利数百万,数十亿甚至是天文数字,好吧,我的意思是,这就是你需要知道的一切。

    Pixar with millions and its payout was billions , okay I mean , and that 's really all you need to know .

  14. 在经历了超过十年的等待后,皮克斯公司和导演布拉德伯德终于给我们带来了《超人总动员》的第二部。

    After waiting more than a decade for a sequel , Pixar and director Brad Bird is finally giving us The Incredibles 2 .

  15. 但是它已经花费皮克斯公司和乔布斯将近10年的心血,它差点就胎死腹中。

    But it has taken Jobs and Pixar nearly ten years to get this bar , and it almost didn 't happen at all .

  16. 此类理念在迪斯尼和皮克斯公司之前推出的动画片中同样有所体现,如《海底总动员》(2003)以及《超人特工队》(2004)。

    This kind of thing has repeatedly been seen in Disney or Pixar animations like Finding Nemo ( 2003 ) or The Incredibles ( 2004 ) .

  17. 1995年迪士尼公司和皮克斯公司制作的《玩具总动员》是第一部完全运用电脑技术制作的动画电影。

    Toy Story , produced by Walt Disney Productions and Pixar Animation Studios , became the first full length feature film animated entirely by computer when it was released in1995 .

  18. 本文以皮克斯公司为研究对象,从艺术和商业两个方面详细分析其能够在如此短暂的时期内获得巨大成功的原因。

    This thesis is based on Pixar company and analyses in detail the reason why Pixar achieves so great success in so short time from artistic and commercial aspects on the basis of Pixar company .

  19. 皮克斯动画公司CEO乔布斯(此时乔布斯已重返苹果公司)在苹果展销会上作演讲,1997年,1月7日

    In this Jan. 7 , 1997 , file photo , Steve Jobs , chief executive of Pixar , speaks at the MacWorld trade show in San Francisco .

  20. 皮克斯动画公司(Pixar)镜头下的年轻人并不轻松愉快——2006年迪士尼买下了皮克斯。

    Youth through the lens of Pixar , which Disney bought in 2006 , is no picnic .

  21. 他向皮克斯动画公司投入了5千万美元以维持公司的运作

    He ploughed $ 50 million into Pixar , keeping it afloat

  22. 这不仅是因为他领导了苹果公司在移动通信技术上的革命,还因为他对皮克斯电影公司的发展也起到非常重要的作用。

    Not only did he lead Apple in its revolution of mobile technology , but he also played a part in the growth of Pixar as a film company .

  23. 他将皮克斯电影公司卖给迪士尼后,拥有迪士尼44亿美元的股份,两倍于他在苹果21亿美元的股份,这一点似乎让人讶异,因为他是因苹果电脑公司而闻名于世的。

    His shares in Disney , which Mr. Jobs acquired when the entertainment company purchased his animated film company , Pixar , are worth about $ 4.4 billion . That is double the $ 2.1 billion value of his shares in Apple , perhaps surprising given that he is best known for the computer company he founded .

  24. 皮克斯动画制片公司:故事的设计(Pixar:TheDesignofStory)


  25. 这之后,他先后创立了苹果、NeXT电脑公司和皮克斯动画制作公司,成为影响现代文化版图的重要力量。

    He would go on to eventually found Apple , NeXT Computer and Pixar , becoming an instrumental force in shaping the landscape of modern culture .

  26. 他与人合伙创建了一家名为皮克斯的新公司,专营电脑绘图。

    He co-founded a new firm , Pixar , which specialised in computer graphics .

  27. 观众热盼的皮克斯动画制片公司出品的《海底总动员》续集《海底总动员2:多莉去哪儿》可能会拯救暑期票房。这是自然,但是分析人士仍然在设法弄明白:续集的表现为何如此糟糕?

    Pixar 's eagerly anticipated Finding Nemo follow-up Finding Dory could save the summer box office , of course , but analysts are still trying to understand : Why are sequels doing so poorly ?