
pí fū
  • skin;superficial;flesh;hide;derma;baragnosis
皮肤 [pí fū]
  • (1) [skin]∶指身体的表面覆盖层,由复层鳞状上皮及毛发、汗腺和皮脂腺等构成,起保护、调节体温及排泄等作用

  • 被晒黑的皮肤

  • (2) [superficial] 比喻肤浅;浅近

  • 皮肤之见

皮肤[pí fū]
  1. 保湿霜有助于保持皮肤柔软有弹性。

    Moisturizing cream helps to keep your skin soft and supple .

  2. 需从他的背部移植新皮肤。

    New skin had to be grafted on from his back .

  3. 按摩有助于使颏下松弛的皮肤柔韧起来。

    Massage will help to tone up loose skin under the chin .

  4. 火辣辣的太阳和寒风可使你的皮肤很快变干燥。

    Hot sun and cold winds can soon dry out your skin .

  5. 试试这种乳霜吧——对皮肤斑点挺有效。

    Try this cream ─ it 's great for spots .

  6. 使用对皮肤刺激性不强的肥皂。

    Use a soap that is mild on the skin .

  7. 她手上的皮肤粗糙而没有弹性。

    The skin on her hands was hard and rough .

  8. 晒黑的皮肤更加衬托出了她那浅色的头发。

    A tan emphasized the fairness of her hair .

  9. 这种爬行动物的皮肤坚韧并带有鳞片。

    The reptile 's skin is tough and scaly .

  10. 两栖动物的皮肤是透水的。

    The skin of amphibians is permeable to water .

  11. 她能感觉到皮肤开始晒得发烫了。

    She could feel her skin beginning to roast .

  12. 香水和皮肤的天然化学物质相互作用。

    Perfume interacts with the skin 's natural chemicals .

  13. 他忍受不住衣服磨蹭他那被太阳灼伤的皮肤。

    He could not bear the touch of clothing on his sunburnt skin .

  14. 皮肤暴露在太阳下与皮肤癌直接相关。

    There is a direct correlation between exposure to sun and skin cancer .

  15. 如果及早治疗,多数的皮肤癌是可治好的。

    Most skin cancers are curable if treated early .

  16. 他的皮肤布满深深的皱纹。

    His skin was cleft with deep lines .

  17. 她的皮肤雪白。

    Her skin was as white as snow .

  18. 她把润肤液揉搓进皮肤里。

    She rubbed the lotion into her skin .

  19. 她的皮肤像丝绸一样光滑。

    Her skin was as smooth as silk .

  20. 太阳曝晒会使皮肤粗老。

    Exposure to the sun ages the skin .

  21. 太阳的辐射能透进皮肤。

    The sun 's radiation penetrates the skin .

  22. 据描述这男人高个子,深色皮肤,年龄在20岁左右。

    The man was described as tall and dark , and aged about 20 .

  23. 棉织品能使皮肤透气。

    Cotton clothing allows your skin to breathe .

  24. 他的皮肤干燥,脱皮屑。

    His skin was dry and flaking .

  25. 她的皮肤上汗津津的。

    Her skin was damp with perspiration .

  26. 她苍白的皮肤下一条条血管清晰可见。

    Veins showed through her pale skin .

  27. 将护肤霜揉擦到皮肤上。

    Massage the cream into your skin .

  28. 粗布扎我的皮肤。

    The rough cloth prickled my skin .

  29. 大多数的皮肤癌是完全可以治愈的。

    Most skin cancers are completely curable .

  30. 他的皮肤开始起疱。

    His skin was beginning to blister .