
  • 网络skin gland
  1. 啮齿动物嗅觉通讯的信号来源主要是粪便、尿液和特化皮肤腺等,对这些化学信号的成分分析主要集中在各种信息素(Pheromone)的结构、来源及其引起的行为反应。

    Faeces , urine , secretion of skin gland , etc. are main sources of odor in rodents . The component analyses on these chemical signals have been focused mainly on structures , components and behavioral effects of pheromones .

  2. 南方鲇的皮肤腺和味蕾结构研究

    Study on structure of skin gland and taste bud in Silurus meridionalis Chen

  3. 扬子鳄皮肤腺结构与发育的初步观察

    Structure and development of the integumental glands of the Chinese Alligator

  4. 皮肤腺样囊腺癌1例报告并文献复习

    Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the Skin : One Case Report and the Literature Review

  5. 方法:对1例皮肤腺样囊腺癌进行光镜及免疫组化染色,结合临床病理、免疫组化等特点进行探讨。

    Method : One case of Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma of the skin was stained and analyzed by immunohistochemistry .

  6. 人体气味是具体人的一种生物信息,皮肤腺是人体气味产生之源。

    Human body odor is a kind of biology information and root in skin gland of the human .

  7. 人胎儿皮肤皮脂腺细胞和外泌汗腺细胞的分离培养及鉴定

    In vitro isolation , cultivation and identification of sebocytes and eccrine sweat gland cells from human fetal skin

  8. 倒置相差显微镜下观察人胎儿皮肤皮脂腺、外泌汗腺细胞的形态及变化,并进行细胞克隆形成率测定。

    Cell morphology was observed by inverted phase contrast microscopy , and the cultured cells were identified with cell clone efficiency determination .

  9. 目的建立人胎儿皮肤皮脂腺、外泌汗腺细胞的体外分离培养与鉴定方法。

    Objective To explore the preliminary methods of in vitro isolation , culture and identification of sebocytes and eccrine sweat gland cells from human fetal skin .

  10. 结论用酶消化法和显微分离法可体外分离人胎儿皮肤皮脂腺、外泌汗腺细胞,两者均具备上皮细胞的标志和生物学特点,但皮脂腺细胞增殖速度较为缓慢。

    Conclusion In vitro cultured human fetal sebocytes and eccrine sweat gland duct cells displayed the markers and biological characteristics of epithelial lineage , but human fetal sebocytes proliferated more slowly .

  11. 油性皮肤和皮脂腺分泌的调控

    Oil skin and control of the sebaceous glands

  12. 在颈部皮肤的淋巴腺处涂抹皮维碘软膏,核辐射首先伤害淋巴系统。

    Swab neck skin with betadine where thyroid area is , radiation hits thyroid first .

  13. 外耳道的皮肤具有皮脂腺、耵聍腺和多种大量的毛囊。

    The skin of the auditory canal contains many sebaceous glands and modified apocrine ( ceruminal ) glands and variable numbers of hair follicles .

  14. 结果实验组伤后第1天,SP及EGFEGFR表达在伤缘皮肤毛囊及皮脂腺细胞。

    Results In the experimental group , immunohistochemical stain of SP and EGF / EGFR was located on the hair follicles and sebaceous glands at the 1st day .