
  • 网络cutaneous respiration;cutaneous breathing
  1. 彻底擦干双脚,选择天然布料的袜子,帮助皮肤呼吸。

    Dry your feet thoroughly and wear natural fabrics to let your skin breathe .

  2. 大部分是陆栖的蝾螈,它们通过其潮湿的皮肤呼吸;在地面潮湿的地方生蛋;很少下水。

    Mostly terrestrial salamanders that breathe through their thin moist skin ; lay eggs in moist places on land ; rarely enter water .

  3. 刺激皮肤细胞呼吸,生长和血液循环。

    Greatly stimulates cell respiration , growth and blood circulation .

  4. 漂白粉有刺激性,可能会灼烧双眼,皮肤和呼吸系统。

    Bleach is a known irritant and can burn your eyes , skin and respiratory system .

  5. 结果:刺五加注射液引起的不良反应主要为过敏性休克(33.98%),其次为全身反应、皮肤及呼吸系统损害。

    Results : The adverse effects were mainly anaphylactic shock ( 33.98 % ), then systemic reactions and disorders in skin and respiratory system .

  6. 美国国家环境保护局表示,商业化的家具抛光液中含有石油馏分,这些强烈的化学品会刺激双眼,皮肤和呼吸系统。

    According to the U.S. EPA , commercial furniture polish contains petroleum distillates . These harsh chemicals can irritate your eyes , skin and respiratory system .

  7. 铬是人体中不可缺少的微量元素之一,但如果过多摄入铬,对皮肤、呼吸系统和消化系统都会产生极大地伤害。

    Chromium is one of essential trace element in human body . Under the excessive intake of chromium , there will have a great harm on the skin , respiratory system and digestive system .

  8. 即便摄入的剂量很小,它也可能导致癌症、皮肤病和呼吸疾病。

    It can cause cancers , skin diseases and respiratory illness , even if ingested in small doses .

  9. 速发型过敏反应可能包括麻疹、搔痒、皮肤发红、呼吸困难、气急、喘鸣、晕厥、腹部绞痛及呕吐。

    Symptoms of anaphylaxis may include hives , pruritis , flushing , dyspnea , wheeze , stridor , syncope , crampy abdominal pain , and vomiting .

  10. 自然纤维可以让皮肤更好地呼吸,所以寝具和睡衣最好选择自然材料。睡前冷水洗澡也有帮助。

    Natural fibres allow the skin to breathe better , so use those for night wear and bedding . A cold shower before bed may also help .

  11. 最新的药品安全科技行动将致力于寻找中药注射剂不良反应的根源。这些不良反应包括皮肤红肿、呼吸急促。

    The new research programme aims to discover which substances cause negative responses such as redness of the skin and shortness of breath as a result of TCM injections .

  12. 这些小玩意可以追踪人在受到压力时的生理症状——皮肤排汗、呼吸模式和心率的变化,以期帮助人们了解自己的压力水平。

    The gadgets track the biological symptoms of stress - changes in skin perspiration , breathing patterns and heart rate - in hopes of helping people become aware of their stress levels .

  13. Matt教授说他的研究表明不吸烟的人的皮肤能够吞咽,呼吸或者吸收来自“第三手烟”的化学物质,这使孩子们置于危险的状况中。

    Professor Matt , says his research suggests the chemicals from this'third hand smoke'can be swallowed , inhaled or absorbed through the skin of non-smokers , putting babies at particular risk .

  14. 结果安痛定注射液所致ADR临床表现复杂多样,累及皮肤及其附件、呼吸、神经、心血管、消化、血液、免疫、肌肉、骨骼、泌尿等多个器官系统,严重者可导致死亡。

    Results The adverse was involved in the skin and its appendages , respiratory system , nervous system , cardiovascular system , gastrointestinal trace , blood system , immune system , muscle and skeleton systems , urinary system , etc , seriously leading to death .

  15. 商业性的空气清新剂中含有化学品,会刺激你的皮肤,眼睛和呼吸系统,而且只是把异味掩盖,而不是清除。

    The chemicals in commercial air fresheners can cause irritation to your skin , eyes and respiratory system and cover up odors rather than removing them .

  16. 最常见的反应有皮肤出疹、皮肤搔痒、呼吸困难和面部等部位肿胀。

    The most common reactions include skin rashes , itching , breathing problems and swelling in areas such as the face .

  17. 性质温和,能有效洁净毛孔,排除皮肤毒素,让皮肤自然自由呼吸,不泛油光。

    Mild nature , effective clean pores , eliminate toxin and make skin naturally breathe without oily gloss .