
pí fū ái
  • skin cancer;cancer of the skin
  1. 有可靠证据表明日光曝晒与皮肤癌之间有联系。

    There is convincing evidence of a link between exposure to sun and skin cancer .

  2. 人们可以通过避免阳光照射来预防皮肤癌。

    People can keep out of the sun to avoid skin cancer .

  3. 如果及早治疗,多数的皮肤癌是可治好的。

    Most skin cancers are curable if treated early .

  4. 大多数的皮肤癌是完全可以治愈的。

    Most skin cancers are completely curable .

  5. 如果及早发现,大多数皮肤癌都是完全可以治愈的。

    Most skin cancers are completely curable if detected in the early stages .

  6. 主要有3种皮肤癌。

    There are three major types of skin cancer

  7. 冒患上皮肤癌的风险是愚蠢的。

    It is foolish to risk skin cancer .

  8. 我有来自权威人士的说法,这种光不可能引起皮肤癌。

    I have it on good authority that there 's no way this light can cause skin cancer .

  9. 其他皮肤癌也越来越有可能发生。

    Other skin cancers are increasingly likely with long-term exposure .

  10. 黑瘤是最具侵犯性的皮肤癌。

    Melanomas are the most aggressive skin cancers .

  11. 晒伤才是最令人担忧的问题——最近的一项研究显示,青少年时期五次晒伤的经历就足以增加所有皮肤癌的患病风险。

    It is sunburn that is most worrying — recent research shows five episodes of sunburn in the teenage years increases the risk of all skin cancers .

  12. 对于防晒霜减少黑瘤的有效性一直存在争议——比起对于预防其他类型的皮肤癌,其证据更加乏力。

    There is continuing debate as to how effective sunscreen is in reducing melanomas — the evidence is weaker than it is for preventing other types of skin cancer .

  13. 致癌的第三大根源是过多接触太阳光或日光浴床中的紫外线辐射而导致的皮肤癌,共有13000起病例。

    Too much ultraviolet radiation from the sun or sunbeds , leading to skin cancer , is the third most common cause , with more than 13000 cases .

  14. 研究背景和目的:鲍温病(Bowen'SDisease)又称表皮内原位鳞癌,是一种低度恶性皮肤癌,本病可发生于任何年龄,但以中老年人较多。

    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE : Bowen 's disease is intraepidermal squamous cell carcinoma , which is also less malignant skin carcinoma .

  15. 然而,实际操作中则要小心,因为太阳的紫外线B能导致皮肤癌;

    However , people need to exercise caution since the sun 's ultraviolet B rays also can cause skin cancer ;

  16. 颜面皮肤癌中VEGF表达和微血管密度的临床意义

    Significance of VEGF expression and microvessel density in facial skin carcinoma

  17. 皮肤癌组织中p53基因的光突变

    Ultraviolet-specific Mutations in p53 Gene in Epithelial Skin Cancers Among Chinese Patients

  18. 和紫外线B不同,紫外线A几乎不会引起明显的晒伤,但会引起光老化,也有可能导致皮肤癌。

    These rarely trigger obvious sunburn , unlike UVB rays , but cause most photo-ageing , and can also lead to skin cancer .

  19. 结果69.05%颜面皮肤癌组织呈VEGF阳性表达。

    Results VEGF expression was observed in 29 of 42 patients ( 69.05 % ) .

  20. COX-2在颜面皮肤癌中表达和肿瘤血管生成的研究

    Study of COX-2 Expression and Angiogenesis in Facial skin carcinoma

  21. 结论35%的皮肤癌组织存在p53基因5~8外显子突变。

    Conclusions The total frequency of mutations in exon 5-8 of p53 gene in skin cancers was 35 % .

  22. 因为,一项旨在人类健康的动物试验研究显示,晒早上的阳光也许不太容易损害你的DNA从而引发可怕的皮肤癌。

    Because a new mouse study suggests that , for humans , tanning in the mornings may be less likely to permanently damage DNA and cause skin cancer .

  23. 非黑色素性皮肤癌与正常皮肤组织对照有统计学意义(P0.05)。

    Comparing the positive expression rates of non-melanoma skin cancer and normal skin tissue are statistically significant ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  24. 目的:探讨和评估δ氨基酮戊酸光动力疗法(ALAPDT)治疗皮肤癌的疗效。

    Objective : To explore the efficacy of ALA PDT for skin cancers .

  25. Rb及P~(16)蛋白表达与皮肤癌相关性研究

    Relationship between the p ~ ( 16 ) and Rb protein expression and skin squamous cell carcinoma

  26. 结论:HIF-1α、VEGF的表达可能通过增加皮肤癌组织的血管形成在肿瘤的发生和发展中起重要作用。

    Conclusion : Overexpression of HIF-1 α and VEGF may play key roles in the development and invasion of skin carcinoma .

  27. VEGF表达阳性的颜面皮肤癌组织MVD显著高于VEGF表达阴性者。

    The microvessel count was significantly higher in the facial skin carcinoma with VEGF positive than that in the carcinoma with VEGF negative .

  28. 一种可以提高身体自有的DNA修复机制的护肤霜显示出对小鼠皮肤癌有预防作用。并且可以抑制小鼠在体癌细胞的生长。

    A skin cream that can hyperactivate the body 's natural DNA repair mechanisms has been shown to protect mice from skin cancer , and to reduce the growth of cancers already present .

  29. 但PAT系统缺乏一种容易进入皮肤癌细胞的造影剂。

    But the PAT system lacks an optimal contrast agent that can easily enter skin cancer cells and make them visible .

  30. 这些结果证明BAX在人的皮肤癌的凋亡过程中明显作用和暗示它在癌的化学预防策略中的作用。

    These results establish an unambiguous role for BAX in apoptotic processes in human epithelial cancers and may have implications for cancer chemoprevention strategies .