
cǎi guāng
  • lighting;daylighting;natural lighting;light selecting;pick or pluck till none is left
采光 [cǎi guāng]
  • [natural lighting;daylighting] 建筑物内部光亮的程度

  • 屋檐高,采光好

采光[cǎi guāng]
  1. U形玻璃采光窗在工业建筑中的应用

    U glass used for lighting window in industrial building

  2. GE防弹采光板

    GE Bullet-proof Lighting Board

  3. 金矿并非无底的宝藏,金子终究会被采光。

    A gold mine is not a bottomless pit , the gold runs out

  4. 这个房间有十来扇窗户,采光甚佳。

    The room was well lighted by a dozen windows .

  5. PC建筑采光板的生产、应用及发展趋势

    Production and application of the PC panel and sheet and their developing trend

  6. CPC装置的采光反射出去损失

    The Loss of Light by the Reflection form CPC Devices

  7. 结论:提速后列车应加强采光照明、控制风速和CO2浓度,以提高乘客舒适度。

    Conclusion : It is needed to strengthen running of light , wind control speed and concentration of carbon dioxide .

  8. 结论表明:CdS的掺入有利于薄膜对可见光吸收的增强,从而提高其采光效率及光电转换效率。

    The results indicate the absorbency to solar light and light-converting efficiency is improved when CdS nanocrystals is doped into TiO_2 film .

  9. 针对这些问题,国内已开发和设计了一些日照分析系统,但这些系统大多是基于CAD平台开发的,主要是针对室内采光分析。

    Some sunlight analysis systems have been designed in order to solve these problems , but most of them were developed based on CAD platform and mainly aimed at lighting indoor space .

  10. 光的渗透&对德国柏林GSW总部自然采光的简要分析

    The penetration of light : a short analysis of the use of daylight in GSW headquarters , berlin

  11. 首先,在CIE标准的全云天环境下针对单个采光井按照不同的尺寸和参数进行反射模拟以及漫射模拟;

    First , the efficiency of light wells alone was computed using the CIE standard overcast sky as a function of light-well dimensions and coefficients of reflection of the sides .

  12. 温室技术是现代农业技术的典型代表模式,PC板覆盖材料以其采光性能好、强度高、抗冲级破坏性能强、使用寿命长等优点,广泛地应用于现代温室。

    Greenhouse technology is the typical representative of modern agricultural technology model , PC board covering material with its day lighting function , high strength , good resistance to blunt class damage performance is strong , long life and other advantages , is widely used in modern greenhouse .

  13. 利用Low-E镀膜可以组合形成集保温、隔热、采光于一体的多功能建筑外窗玻璃系统。

    The multi-functional architectural outer window glass system with the properties both thermal in ˉ sulation and lighting can be composed and formed by used of Low-E coating .

  14. 该教学区由这个emba项目和几个高管课程专享,采光极佳,大量采用可再生木材,墙上挂着当地艺术家的画作。

    The campus which is used exclusively for the EMBA programme and a handful of executive courses is flooded with natural light and sustainable woods , walls hung with paintings from local artists .

  15. 论文证明了采用重庆、天津的实测数据校正,进行建筑采光模拟,Perez全气候天空模型能得到较高的精确度,满足采光模拟的要求。

    Paper demonstrates the use of Chongqing , Tianjin , measured data correction , Perez all-weather sky model to get higher accuracy , to meet the requirements of building lighting simulation .

  16. Radiance软件是建筑采光设计和研究领域的权威模拟软件,国外学者以所在地域的气候数据对其精确度进行了验证,软件能够实现基于地域性光气候进行建筑采光模拟。

    Radiance software architectural lighting design and research the authority of the simulation software , foreign scholars to the entire region , the climate data was verified for its accuracy , software-based architectural lighting for regional climate simulation of light .

  17. 在Hottel模型的基础上,提供了平板集热器采光面积实用计算式的无因次曲线。

    Based on Hottel model , the practical formula available to calculate the insolation area of a flat-plate solar collector is plotted in dimensionless form as shown in Fig.

  18. 白色的展厅有些带有高大的天花板,起到采光井的作用,盖里建筑事务所的前设计伙伴埃德温·陈(EdwinChan)称这里是一处庇护所,他曾与盖里和大项目建筑师劳伦斯·泰伊(LaurenceTighe)合作。

    The white galleries , some with tall ceilings that act as chimneys of light , are a refuge , said Edwin Chan , a former design partner in the Gehry firm , who worked with Mr. Gehry and the main project architect , Laurence Tighe .

  19. 所有toft都刷了不同的颜色,里面有提供食宿服务的公寓。这些房间既宽敞又有品味,良好的采光和清晰的线条彰显着斯堪的纳维亚设计的特质。

    The tofts are painted different colors and contain apartments , which comprise the accommodations . The rooms are spare and tasteful , with the streaming light and clean lines that are the hallmarks of Scandinavian design .

  20. 这还包括更好的采光和改善室内空气质量。

    They also include better lighting and improved indoor air quality .

  21. 吉林滑冰馆采光设计

    The Design of Day Lighting System of Jilin Gymnasium for Skating

  22. 太阳能光导采光系统的导波机理

    Wave conduction mechanism of solar energy lighting system with optical fibers

  23. 房间固然不大,采光和透风却很好。

    Though not large , the room was light and airy .

  24. 我们自己的公寓采光很好,空间开阔,刚刚装修过。

    Our own apartment was sun-filled , open and recently renovated .

  25. 中华广场二期工程玻璃采光棚防护方案

    Protection shelter with lighting glass in China square phase 2 project

  26. 电加热玻璃在采光顶设计中的应用优势

    Application superiority of electric heating glass using in natural lighting roof

  27. 光纤采光照明系统在建筑中的应用

    Applications of Daylighting System for Illumination by Fiber Optics in Buildings

  28. 厂房采光设计的人工神经网络方法

    A method of daylight design of mill building based on ANN

  29. 玻璃采光顶预应力索桁架支承体系固有振动

    Natural Vibration of Prestress Cable Truss Support System of Glass Roof

  30. 规划许可建筑采光权纠纷的法律问题

    The Law Questions about Lighting Right Disputes over the Licensed Building