
  • 网络inclination;orbit inclination;orbital inclination
  1. 研究轨道倾角、轨道高度、GPS天线仰角和轨道偏心率等因素对多普勒频率搜索范围的影响。

    The orbital inclination , orbital altitude , elevation of GPS antenna and orbital eccentricity were researched as the influential factors to doppler range .

  2. 利用月球引力场改变地球卫星轨道倾角原理

    The Theory of Changing Satellite Orbit Inclination Using Moon Gravitation

  3. 利用STK软件的输出数据,分析并仿真了不同轨道倾角和高度卫星的太阳帆板和本体外表面的温度特性。

    By using the output data of the STK software , the temperature characteristics of the solar panels of the satellites at different inclinations and altitudes are analyzed and simulated .

  4. 本文在STK仿真工具中通过分析不同轨道倾角卫星星座对地面覆盖能力,选择轨道倾角为30o的24星系统搭建了卫星星际链路模型。

    This simulation tool in STK inclination through the analysis of different satellite constellation on the ground coverage , choose an orbital inclination of 30o of the 24 stars system to set up a satellite link model .

  5. 从我国第六颗卫星轨道倾角分析测定高层大气旋转速度

    Upper-atmosphere rotation rate from analysis of the orbital inclination of China 6 satellite

  6. 《大气一号》气球卫星轨道倾角变化分析

    Analysis of variations of the orbital inclination of 《 dq-1 》 balloon satellites

  7. π轨道倾角对单壁碳纳米管电子性质的影响

    Effect of the π - orbital inclination angle on single-walled carbon nanotubes ′ electron property

  8. 然而,由于这两颗卫星的轨道倾角存在差异,使得在轨道维持过程中不能同时满足相位差和地面轨迹的要求。

    Due to the inclination difference between the two , the required phase difference and ground track limits usually can not be achieved at the same time .

  9. 不同轨道倾角下大气环流特征如下:随着轨道倾角增大,温度场在赤道副热带降低而中高纬升高,且当倾角较大时,赤道温度低而两极温度高。

    The features of atmospheric circulation under different orbital inclinations on Earth are as follow : as the orbital inclination gets larger , the temperature becomes lower at equator and subtropic but higher at high latitude .

  10. 对轨道倾角不同的两种卫星的定姿性能进行了仿真,结果表明,该方案的滚动与俯仰角精度达到0.05°,航向角优于0.4°,且随轨道倾角的减小而改善;

    Attitude determination performance of a satellite on two orbits with different inclination is studied by simulation . The results indicate that roll and pitch accuracy is about 0.05 ° and heading accuracy is better than 0.4 ° . The accuracy is improved as inclination decreases .

  11. 结合光学侦察卫星的特点建立了光学成像卫星目标探测概率与卫星轨道倾角、探测幅宽、访问间隔、目标特性等因素的关系模型。

    On the basis of the analysis of the characteristic of the Photo-reconnaissance Satellite , a model was built which describes the interactions among the probability of target detection versus the satellite 's inclination , the detection width , the max access gap and the target characteristics .

  12. 以目标轨道面倾角最大为优化性能指标,获得了升力和滚转角的最优控制规律。

    The optimization performance index is to maximize the orbital plane change , and the optimal lift and bank control law are obtained .

  13. Kuiper带天体的轨道偏心率和倾角的激励程度和天体的初始轨道半长径、偏心率、倾角有关。

    Orbital eccentricity and inclination 's inspire degree are related to their initial orbital semimajor axis , eccentricity and inclination .

  14. 研究了通过遗传算法模型优化设计侦察卫星轨道高度、轨道倾角、右升交点角及平近点角等轨道参数的方法。

    Through the GA model , the orbital elements of each satellite such as altitude , inclination , RAAN and mean anomaly are optimized .

  15. 然后基于该模型,分别改变轨道高度和轨道倾角,就不同星座的网络综合连通度如何变化进行了仿真计算和分析。

    Using the model , simulation and analysis for variation of network comprehensive connectivity are performed in different constellations , altering orbital height and orbital inclination respectively .

  16. 以轨道半径和轨道倾角为未知量依据星下点轨迹要求条件构建了非线性方程组,但直接求解过于复杂,采取迭代的方法解决。

    Non-linear equations are ( constructed ) with the restriction of the satellite ground trace to resolve the unknown semi-axis and inclination , but it 's too complicated to be resolved directly .

  17. 同时,在给定系统一定初始条件的情况下,利用该跟踪规律分别推出了用户星最大跟踪角度和角速度与用户星轨道高度和用户星轨道倾角之间的关系。

    At the same time , the relationships of the maximum tracking angle and tracking angular velocity to the user satellite 's orbit altitude and orbit inclination are acquired using the tracking laws .

  18. 导航卫星一般采用近圆轨道,当卫星轨道偏心率或者轨道倾角接近于零时,利用GPS卫星开普勒轨道根数拟合卫星广播星历会出现一些问题。

    When their orbit eccentricity or inclination are near zero , some problems may occur when the GPS Kepler orbit elements fitting method is applied to fit their broadcast ephemeris parameters .

  19. 自主轨道确定中日月摄动对卫星轨道倾角的影响

    Lunisolar Perturbation in Autonomous Orbit Determination for Satellite

  20. 利用一条假设的卫星轨道说明了月球引力场对其轨道倾角的影响。

    A supposed orbit to show the effect of the moon gravitation on the orbit inclination is also introduced .

  21. 通过对3种星座构型,6种轨道半长轴,46°~66°之间轨道倾角的对比计算,以回归周期内星座CV值作为指标确定了初选卫星星座。

    Through the comparative calculations on three kinds of configuration , six kinds of semi major axis and orbital inclination between 46 ° ~ 66 °, the original configurations are designed based on the constellation CV values in repeat period .

  22. 在区域间断覆盖星座设计时常常选用每天运行12、13、14、15圈的近地圆回归轨道,因而最后列出了这4种回归轨道的轨道高度和倾角。

    The near circle low earth orbits which repeat after 12 、 13 、 14 、 15 orbits per day are often chosen in designing regional partial coverage constellations , so the heights and the inclination angles of these 4 kinds orbits are listed in the end .

  23. 对地观测卫星轨道具有全球目标覆盖和太阳同步两种特性,通过设计轨道周期和轨道倾角可以获得这些特性。

    Global coverage and sun synchronization are the essential properties of the earth observation satellites , which are assumed by designing the orbit period and inclination .

  24. 针对一般运动学方法的不足,提出了一种基于零倾角轨道变换的运动学新方法,并用这种运动学新方法分析了参考卫星轨道倾角对环绕卫星轨道根数的影响。

    A new kinematics method based on zero inclination orbit transformation was proposed . The influence of the reference satellite inclination on surrounding satellite orbit has been analyzed by the new kinematics method .

  25. 在轨道关联中考虑到初轨计算的误差特征,选取近地点高度、轨道倾角和升交点赤经作为用于关联的轨道量。

    The height of perigee , inclination and right ascension of ascending node ( RAAN ) are chosen as characteristic quantity in the orbit correlation considering the character of the error of IOD process .

  26. 在太阳高纬度探测器轨道设计中,利用该方法设计了小推力转移轨道,并结合了文中提出的借力飞行轨道倾角确定算法,通过木星借力实现了太阳极轨轨道的设计任务。

    A solar polar mission trajectory design is performed using this method in the low-thrust heliocentric transfer orbit design .

  27. 针对中低轨道卫星,对平面内卫星半长轴a、偏心率e和近地点幅角ω联合调整,以及平面外轨道倾角调整等进行了理论推导。

    The theory derivation for in-plane maneuver on semimajor axis , eccentricity and perigee argument and out-plane maneuver on orbit inclination was presented in this paper .