
guǐ jī
  • trajectory;track;locus;trail;travel
轨迹 [guǐ jì]
  • (1) [track]∶点在空间移动的路径

  • (2) [locus]

  • (3) 其位置受某一指明的定律支配的全部点

  • (4) 比喻人生的经历。如:人生轨迹

轨迹[guǐ jī]
  1. 特征轨迹设计方法CAD的MATLAB语言实现

    CAD Realization for Characteristic Locus Design Method Using MATLAB

  2. 然后分析了线性化系统的传递函数,利用根轨迹法配置系统的零极点分布,设计出PID控制器。

    Then a PID controller was designed by the method of root locus .

  3. 回顾过去时能看到一条清晰的轨迹,还是只能看到一连串毫无目的、前后不连贯的工作经历?

    Can you look back and see a well-defined path , or simply an aimless series of job moves with no coherent structure ?

  4. 看起来太阳在天空中的运行轨迹呈弧形。

    The sun appears to move in an arc across the sky .

  5. 我们可以画出地球绕太阳运行的轨迹。

    We can draw the earth 's orbit round the sun .

  6. 这些诗篇记录了诗人一生的轨迹。

    These poems recorded his life 's journey .

  7. 当然这些注重实际、具有洞察力的设计者决定了二十世纪晚期的时尚轨迹。

    Of course these practical , insightful designers have determined the course of late twentieth-century fashion .

  8. 初次记忆轨迹每被“重播”一次,记忆就变得越来越强大。

    Each time this initial memory trace is " replayed " , it becomes even stronger .

  9. 如果女性员工离开工作而不切断自己的职业轨迹的话,或者高薪职业更有利于家庭生活,她们会得到更多。

    Women would make more if they didn 't break their earning trajectory by leaving the workforce , or if higher-paying professions were more family-friendly .

  10. 每个男人都希望自己的儿子和自己相像,这种相像是指人生轨迹而不是外表。

    Every man wants his son to be somewhat of a clone , not in features but in footsteps .

  11. 很容易描绘出它们最终的轨迹。

    It is not difficult to sketch the subsequent trajectory .

  12. 按照正常的生活轨迹,他们大概会各自找一份安定的工作,然后过着每天千篇一律的中产阶级生活。

    Normally job and live a middle-class life day in and day out .

  13. 首先,全球工业产值下降的轨迹与大萧条期间惊人地接近

    First , global industrial output tracks the decline industrial output during the Great Depression horrifyingly closely .

  14. 然而,他的这个人生轨迹即将因为眼前的这个女孩而改变。

    However , his life trajectory was about to change because of the girl in front of him .

  15. 10年间,京沪高铁在中国高铁发展史上创造多项成绩,飞驰出一道亮丽轨迹。10年间,京沪高铁累计安全运送旅客13.5亿人次。

    A total of 1.35 billion passenger trips have been made safely on the Beijing-Shanghai high-speed railway since it went into operation 10 years ago .

  16. 大约2000年年初的时候当时我自己在宾夕法尼亚大学上学我对这种别样的人生成长轨迹产生了兴趣大学坐落在一个历史悠久的非裔社区旁

    I got interested in this other path to adulthood when I was myself a college student attending the University of Pennsylvania in the early 2000s . Penn sits within a historic African-American neighborhood .

  17. 我们完成的每个交易,留的每个评价,加的每个好友,标记的每封垃圾邮件或者赢得的每个勋章,都会构成我们能否被信任的轨迹。

    With every trade we make , comment we leave , person we " friend " , spammer we flag or badge we earn , we leave a trail of how well we can or can 't be trusted .

  18. 这款应用采用激光雷达来实现误差不超过10厘米的高精度地面建模,并结合一天中太阳的运行轨迹,来计算出一天中任何时候的阴凉路径。

    The app uses a tool called Lidar to create high-resolution models of ground elevation , accurate to within 10cm . This information is combined with data on the sun 's path to work out where is in shade at any given time of day .

  19. 所以在这里你能同时看到两条平行的人生轨迹一边是在这所精英的私立大学上学的孩子另外一边是在附近社区的孩子他们中有一些也在努力去读大学但是他们中的大多数却身陷囹圄

    So you 've got these two parallel journeys going on simultaneously11 : the kids attending this elite12 , private university , and the kids from the adjacent neighborhood , some of whom are making it to college , and many of whom are being shipped to prison .

  20. 教职工及学生返校前应报告健康状况及过去14天的活动轨迹,同时要求有发热、乏力、干咳或腹泻等症状的人员就医排查。

    Staff and students should report their health conditions and whereabouts in the last 14 days to the school before returning to campus . Also , schools are required to urge people with symptoms , including fever , fatigue , dry cough or diarrhea , to seek medical help .

  21. 高喜马拉雅P-T-t轨迹的热模拟

    Thermal Modeling of P-T-t Paths in the Higher Himalaya

  22. 提出一种利用圆周轨迹X射线辐射图像合成任意视角立体图像对的方法。

    A method of multiple view stereoscopic radiography rebuilding using orbit scanned Xray images was presented .

  23. 通过对双机械臂和三机械臂的轨迹跟踪控制的MATLAB仿真,证明了控制策略的有效性。

    The MATLAB based simulation results of the two and three rigid-arms system prove that PD control schemes are effective .

  24. 在CNC加工中,刀具运动轨迹的插补算法是一个重要的技术问题。

    The interpolator algorithm for cutter 's motion locus is an important manufacturing technology problem in CNC machining .

  25. 先是利用对称根轨迹确定加权阵Q和R的各种适当的组合,然后计算这些组合下系统的H2范数。

    At first the suitable combinations of the weighting matrices Q and R are selected by using the symmetric root locus .

  26. 由于根轨迹方程中未出现可变增益K,从而使计算大为简化。比传统的伊文思法要简便准确得多。

    The computation will be simplified , since the variable gain K would not appear in the equation of the root loci .

  27. 用GPS导航装置实测了移线轨迹并建立了相应的多项式位移模型。

    In this paper , the lane change locus is measured using GPS navigation system and a corresponding polynomial displacement model is built .

  28. 利用光学仪器CCD(电荷耦合器)和图像采集卡进行机构弹性轨迹的测量。

    Elastic trace of a flexible coupler is measured by optical instrument CCD ( Charge Coupled Devices ) and image card .

  29. 将CMAC神经网络同PD控制器结合在一起构成并联机器人轨迹跟踪控制方案。

    The trajectory tracking of PR is also realized by integrating CMAC Neural Network into PD controller .

  30. 建立了双杆摆的欧拉-拉格朗日运动方程,利用Matlab软件对欧拉-拉格朗日运动方程进行数值计算,给出摆球的轨迹及其相图。

    Build a Euler-Lagrange motivation function of double pendulum and numerically calculate the function for Matlab software , gives the trajectory and phase diagram of the motivation .