
cǎi jí
  • gather;collect;harvest
采集 [cǎi jí]
  • [collect;gather] 收集材料或实物

  • 采集标本

  • 给了我一束在雨中采集的鲜艳玫瑰花

采集[cǎi jí]
  1. 蜜蜂从花朵上采集花蜜。

    Bees gather nectar from flowers .

  2. 然而,虽然他们的模样改变了,本性却依然未变。直到现在,他们仍然会到别人的田里采集人家的劳动成果,贮存起来留作自己的食物。

    But , though their forms were changed , their nature remained the same : and so , to this day , they go about among the cornfields and gather the fruits of others ' labour , and store them up for their own use .

  3. 她的卵子已经采集下来,冷冻后以备她将来使用。

    She had her eggs harvested and frozen for her own future use .

  4. 已采集患者的血样供测定血型用。

    Blood samples were taken from patients for typing .

  5. 他们采集血样供一个国家实验室进行分析。

    They collect blood samples for analysis at a national laboratory

  6. 贝扎尼奇正在潜水采集海洋生物。

    Bezanik is diving to collect marine organisms .

  7. 不用说,所有这些都是从电台报道中采集来的二手材料。

    All this , needless to say , had been culled second-hand from radio reports

  8. 如果你只采集了一个样本,那么所有的数据就有问题了。

    If you only take a sample then all the statistics are up the spout .

  9. 天文学家们必须要从这些恒星上采集更多的光谱来证实他们的推想。

    Astronomers will have to collect more spectra from these stars to confirm their suspicions .

  10. 警方已经采集了指纹,并对尸体作了身份确认。

    The police have already taken fingerprints and identified the body .

  11. 他们住在山洞里,猎取野兽,采集果子。

    They lived in caves , hunted animals and gathered fruit .

  12. 原始部落靠渔猎采集为生。

    Primitive tribes lived by fishing , hunting and gathering .

  13. 十天之中,我们采集到一百多个品种。

    In ten days we collected over 100 varieties .

  14. 他们正在采集节日用花。

    They are gathering flowers for the festival .

  15. 当你在美国和欧洲的树木园或公园采集时,很难找到一株典型的纯种树。

    It is difficult to locate a tree typical of a pure species in the arboretum and park collections of the United States and europe .

  16. 一些科学家在研究从南极洲采集冰川的可能性,据估计,南极洲蕴藏着地球上最大的淡水资源。

    Some scientists are examining the potential for harvesting icebergs form Antarctica , which is estimated to have the biggest reserves of fresh water on the planet .

  17. 研究者采集了水稻、小麦、玉米和大豆这四种最重要的农作物的大量数据。

    The authors take a vast number of data points for the four most important crops : rice , wheat , com and soyabeans .

  18. 在这个世界仍被狩猎采集者掌控的时候,那些规模小、联系紧密的群体就形成了他们各自独立的语言模式。

    When the world was still populated by hunter-gatherers , small , tightly knit groups developed their own patterns of speech independent of each other .

  19. 大多数餐馆都是从粮秣员那里得到熊葱的,这些人在森林中寻找它们生长的小块土地来采集熊葱。

    Most restaurants get them from foragers , who collect ramps by searching forests for some small pieces of land where they grow .

  20. 它是通过光电传感器来采集信息再由PLC控制系统来实现控制的

    It gleans information through infrared sensing units . It is controlled by PLC system .

  21. 《珍珠》ThePearl如父亲和祖父一样,基诺是一个贫穷的潜水员,每天从海床上采集珍珠。

    Like his father and grandfather before him , Kino is a poor diver , gathering subsistence .

  22. 我采集了得多唱片。

    I have a large collection of CDs .

  23. 他们正采集熟了的淡红草莓

    They 're collecting the ripened reddish berries .

  24. 固件程序具有较高的采集响应速度和数据处理速度。

    It has the following characteristics : high speed of data acquitting and data processing .

  25. 这个团队只对他们采集样品中最常见的三种包装塑料进行了分析。

    The team only analysed their samples for the three most commonly used packaging plastics .

  26. 科学家在志愿者入洞前和入洞后采集了志愿者的大脑活动数据。

    The volunteers ' brain activity was also collected before and after they entered the cave .

  27. 工蜂将那些从花朵中采集的花粉(粉末状的黄色微粒)储存在这两个“篮子”里面。

    In these two baskets the working bee stores up the pollen6 , or yellow grains like dust , which it gets from the flowers .

  28. 《条例》规定,市场信用信息提供单位不得采集自然人的生物识别信息以及宗教信仰、血型、疾病和病史等其他个人信息。

    Market credit information providers will be banned from collecting information needed for biorecognition and other personal data , including religion , blood type , and medical history .

  29. 市场信用信息提供单位不得采集自然人的收入、存款、纳税数额等信息,但是明确告知提供该信息可能产生的不利后果并取得其书面同意的除外。

    Personal income , savings , and tax records are also protected from information harvesting unless the collectors informed the clients of possible consequence and sought their written permission .

  30. 为了评估室内生活方式的影响,科学家们观察了另一种会为睡眠搭窝的哺乳动物—黑猩猩—他们从坦桑尼亚伊萨谷的黑猩猩巢穴中采集了样本。

    To assess the impact of this indoor lifestyle , scientists looked at another mammal which builds structures for sleeping in – the chimpanzee – collecting samples from nests in the Issa Valley in Tanzania .