
xiānɡ duì fēnɡ dù
  • relative abundance
  1. 甲基菲比值F1和F2是依据甲基菲的4个异构体相对丰度提出的一对成熟度参数。

    Methyl phenanthrene ratios ( F_1 , F_2 ) are another couple of maturity-parameters , based on the relative abundance of four methyl phenanthrene isomers .

  2. 在PVA降解过程中,微生物的相对丰度发生了显著变化,这反映了菌群结构的显著变化。

    During PVA degradation , the relative abundance of the mixed microbial culture significantly changed . These results reflected a significant shift in microbial community structure .

  3. 结果表明:1.这些化合物都显示分子离子峰,它们的相对丰度似有随R链的增长而减弱的趋势;

    The results showed : ( 1 ) All of these compounds revealed molecular ions and their relative abundances seemed to decrease with increasing chain length of R.

  4. 土壤中的PAH降解菌的相对丰度与PAHs的去除率没有显著相关性。

    Abundance of PAH-degraders in soil was not significantly related to PAHs dissipation rate .

  5. 所产气体分为两大类:Ⅰ类为无机气体,由N2、H2和CO2气体组成,以CO2相对丰度最高为特征。

    There are two kinds gases produced from pinus pollen . The ⅰ kind is inorganic gas which is composed of CO 2 , N 2 and H 2 , within the CO 2 abound is the highest .

  6. 蓝藻细胞密度为5-2052个细胞ml-1。深圳水库最高蓝藻细胞密度出现在6月,其中丝状蓝藻的相对丰度在75%以上;

    Cyanobacteria density ranged from 5 to 2 052 cells ml-1 . The maximum cell density was found in Shenzhen Reservoir in June with filamentous species abundance over 75 % .

  7. 添加沙尘A2组中,三个优势种的细胞密度分别为对照组的251倍、3068倍和350倍,相对丰度分别为45.4%、25.8%和27.6%。

    In the A2 group , the cell density of three dominant species was 251 times , 3060 times and 350 times of that in the control group , and the relative abundances were 45.4 % , 25.8 % and 27.6 % .

  8. AITC的水解产物二硫化碳的相对丰度分别为14.37%、25.40%、51.67%;

    Carbon disulfide , a hydrolysis product of AITC , accounted for 14.37 % 25.40 % , 51.67 % of total volatile compounds respectively .

  9. 在较高金属丰度([Fe/H]≥-1.5)情况下,对于给定的初始金属丰度,较大质量AGB星He壳层内铅的相对丰度并不容易超丰,而质量越小对铅的超丰越有利;

    Under the condition of [ Fe / H ] > - 1.5 , at a given metallicity , AGB stars of low mass are easier to display the overabundance of Pb in He shell than those of high mass ;

  10. 在1982年的气球飞行中,球载塑料核径迹探测器CR-39在气球高度飞行了10小时.测得E3.6GeV/n的银河宇宙线相对丰度,结果与卫星探测数据基本一致。

    The plastic nuclear track detector CR-39 is exposed for about 10 hours in balloon observation in 1982.The relative abundance ( E3.6 GeV / n ) of the galactic cosmic rays is obtained and compared the result with the satellite data .

  11. 吉林陨石锂同位素相对丰度的初步探讨

    Relative abundance of lithium isotopes in Kirin chondric METEORITE-A preliminary study

  12. 根据出现在质谱中的各种大小的碳原子簇的相对丰度,分析了由激光产生的碳原子簇离子的统计分布,研究了这些统计分布与碳原子簇结构的关联。

    Statistical size distributions of laser-generated carbon cluster ions have been analyzed .

  13. 各采样点硅藻优势种的种类和相对丰度与水质密切相关;

    The number and species of diatom are related to the water quality ;

  14. 大豆不同品种的酰脲和酰脲相对丰度比较

    Comparative studies on ureides and relative abundance of ureides in different soybean cultivars

  15. 猪肠道硬壁菌门和拟杆菌门数量的检测及其相对丰度与脂肪沉积的相关性研究

    Detection of Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes in the Pig Gut and the Correlation between Their Abundance and Fat Deposit

  16. 农业社会中土地私有产权的产生和废弃主要是应对资源的相对丰度变化做出的调整。

    The originating and abandoning of private land ownership is response to the change of resource endowment condition .

  17. 结果表明,改进的线性混合像元分解方法可以对滇池水体的藻类,悬浮泥沙等各类杂物质的相对丰度进行快速评价,较好的反映它们在全湖的空间分布。

    The results prove that the improved linear mixture model can give a better understanding of the pollution of Dianchi lake .

  18. 文昌组浮游藻类相对丰度高,表明始新世珠江口古湖的表层水初始生产力高。

    The high relative abundance of the fossil planktonic algae indicates the high primary surface productivity of the palaeo-lake within the Oligocene .

  19. 正构烷烃广泛存在于现代海洋沉积物中,不同碳数的正构烷烃的相对丰度可以反映沉积物中有机质的来源和热成熟度。

    N-alkanes widespread in modern marine sediments and the relative abundance of different carbon number n-alkanes could reflect the source and thermal maturity of organic matter in sediments .

  20. 干酪根脂肪酸赋存量是强干酪根脂肪酸的3倍以上,且前者直链二元酸的相对丰度大大高于后者。

    The volume of kerogen fatty acid is over three times that of enhanced kerogen fatty acid , and the former has much larger relative abundance of straight chain binary acid than the latter .

  21. 分析研究了南海西部308个表层沉积样品中的钙质超微化石,发现除一个样品外,所有样品均含有钙质超微化石,但相对丰度相差悬殊,在0~1725个范围内变化。

    Calcareous nannofossils analysis has been carried out for 308 surface sediment samples taken from the west of the South China Sea within a wide range of water depth from 36 to 4 245 m.

  22. 咸水氵舄湖环境下的烃源岩中3-甲基菲和2-甲基菲相对丰度增加,其甲基菲指数也偏大;

    The relative abundances of 3 - methyl phenanthrene and 2 - methyl phenanthrene increase in the hydrocarbon source rock under the salt lagoon environment and the methyl phenanthrene index is on the high side .

  23. 沙林和梭曼断键的位置和碎片的相对丰度主要受键能以及各种稳定化作用的影响,如p-π共轭效应、共振效应、空间效应等。

    The position and relative abundance of the fragments of Sarin and Soman depend on bond energy and any stabilization factors such as p - π conjugating effect , resonating effect and interspace blocking effect , etc.

  24. 监控特征离子峰(m/z268、266、231、176),以总离子流的保留时间和质谱碎片的质荷比以及质谱碎片的相对丰度确保定性结果可靠。

    The qualitation were safety to monitored ion current ( m / z 268,266,231,176 ), with the mass-spectrum and diagnostic ions ( m / z ) and relative abundance and retention time of total ion current of samples showed .

  25. 其质量丰度,原子丰度和相对丰度列于表1。此外,还按10类(78种)元素分别讨论中国大陆岩石圈的主要化学特征。

    The abundances by weight and by atomicity , and the relative abundance are listed in table 1 . The main chemical charac-teristics of this lithosphere are also discussed individually by the abundance of 78 elements which be divided into 10 groups .

  26. 对沉积样品抽提物的脂肪烃组分进行了色谱分析和色谱-质谱分析,并在质量色谱图上测得无环烷烃和环烷烃化合物的相对丰度及有关参数。

    The aliphatic fractions were separated from the extracts of the samples and analysed by means of GC and GC / MS instruments , giving a number of parameters such as relative abundances of alkanes and cycloalkanes as shown in the mass chromatograms .

  27. 根据对其实验记录的激光等离子体质谱进行分析,发现钒硫原子簇的化学键基本上是共价型的,对应于相同钒原子数目的正负离子的相对丰度分别符合于不同形式的对数正态分布。

    By analyzing the mass spectra , it is found that the vanadium and sulphur atoms are bond by covalence bond in cluster , and the size-distribution of clusters with definite V atoms and different number of S atoms can be fitted by lognormal curves .

  28. 油层剖面上含油包裹体的相对丰度可作为一种记录常规方法检测不到的油气显示指标,反映储集层原始含油性和古油藏油水界面变迁。

    The relative abundance of oil-bearing fluid inclusion on the formation profile can be used to record the oil and gas show targets that cannot be detected through conventional methods and to reflect original oil-bearing saturation of reservoirs and migration of oil-water contact of Paleo-reservoirs .

  29. 此时,氨氧化菌和亚硝酸盐氧化菌的相对丰度分别为24%、15%,硝化菌占总真菌数的39%以上,系统具有良好的硝化效能。

    At this time , the relative abundance of the ammonia oxidizing bacteria and the nitrite-oxidizing bacteria is about 24 % and 15 % , respectively . Nitrifying bacteria occupy about 39 % of the total eubacteria number . Nitrification system has a good performance .

  30. 热SDS处理的2-DE胶蛋白质点质谱可获得高质量质谱图,并可以检测到相对低丰度的血清蛋白质。

    Mass spectrometry of the 2-D gels treated with hot SDS method generated high-quality mass spectra , and the sample preparation method allowed detection of relatively low abundance protein .