
  • 网络fiefs;Fiefdom;Feoff System;Manorial system;manorialism
  1. 那么采邑制,这一西欧中世纪的基本政治制度,在中世纪西欧社会形成的巨大依附关系网是其中最重要的部分。

    The manorial system , basic political system , the western European medieval in medieval Western Europe social formation of the large attachment relationship is one of the most important part .

  2. 第一章:论述第一次垦荒运动与法兰克王国采邑制的发展。

    The first chapter describes the first reclamation and the development of the fief system in Frank .

  3. 西周至春秋时期楚国的采邑制与地方政治体制

    The Enfeoffment and Local Political Systems of Chu State from Western Zhou Dynasty to the Spring and Autumn Period

  4. 中世纪的西欧在建立采邑制的过程中确立了个人联合的政体形式。

    The person associated constitution in the middle Ages was established during the foundation of the feudal system of manors .

  5. 第三节,第一次垦荒运动对法兰克王国所产生的影响:促进了采邑制的发展,为封建制度的形成奠定了基础。

    The third segment is about influence of reclamation , which promotes the development of the fief system and the foundation of formation of the feudal system .