
hù mù jìng
  • goggles;protective goggles;eye protector;protective spectacles
护目镜[hù mù jìng]
  1. 为了免受烟雾危害,你必须戴上护目镜和面罩。

    You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes

  2. 我的护目镜一直有水雾,所以我看不见。

    My swimming goggles keep steaming up so I can 't see .

  3. 该技术基于利用帮助微藻游向光的蛋白质,病人需要戴上一副特殊的护目镜以将自然光转换成适合这种蛋白质的波长。

    It 's based on the proteins that microscopic1 algae2 use to swim towards the light and requires a special pair of goggles3 to convert natural light into the right wavelength4 for the proteins .

  4. 一个有自尊心的穴居人会在晚上8点戴着琥珀色护目镜查看iPhone吗?

    Would a self-respecting cave man check his iPhone after 8 p.m. , as long as he was wearing amber goggles ?

  5. 这也许能提供一种更令人沉醉的AR体验(虚拟实境的护目镜),并有助于AR变得更为普遍有用。

    These could provide a more immersive AR experience ( Augmented Reality Goggles ) and help AR become more common , and more useful .

  6. 谷歌眼镜、能追踪体重的卓棒手环(Jawbone’sUp)和LiquidImage的护目镜摄像机都属于时尚光鲜的可穿戴技术,这个品种目前正在日益增加,苹果手表正是其中最新的一种,将于明年年初上市。

    The device , which will be available early next year , is the latest in slick , wearable technology , a growing category that includes Google Glass , Jawbone 's Up fitness tracker and Liquid Image 's goggle-cameras .

  7. 一种是用头盔护目镜和FFS棱镜重新构造HMD光学系统;

    The first one is to reconstruct a superior HMD optical system with helmet visor and Free Form Surface ( FFS ) prism .

  8. 他们的主要产品有运动休闲服,如帽子,羊毛和CVC的产品,而且技术滑雪服,如3层滑雪服,护目镜和头盔。

    Their main products are sporty leisurewear such as beanies , fleece-and CVC products but also technical skiwear such as3-layer ski jackets , goggles and helmets .

  9. StanfordA型主动脉夹层改良象鼻手术的影像学随访研究任何材料制的接目镜(不包括光学配件)(不包括玻璃)眼镜,护目镜、夹鼻镜上的

    Following up the updated elephant trunk procedures in Stanford type A aortic dissection with imaging modality eyepiece ( excl. optical elements ) of any material ( excl. glass ) for spectacles , goggles , pince-nez

  10. 拥挤的《黑骑士崛起》放映式上的一名目击者对CNN说,这名枪手当时穿着防弹背心和防暴头盔,而且一身都穿着黑衣,戴着护目镜。

    A witness at the packed screening of The Dark Knight Rises told CNN the gunman was wearing a bulletproof vest and a riot helmet and was completely covered in black with goggles .

  11. 捐赠物品包括医用口罩、N-95防护口罩和护目镜。

    The donation includes surgical masks , N-95 respirators and safety goggles .

  12. 赞比亚矿业部下属矿山安全处首席机械监察员卡特卡(BrightonKateka)说,早期,矿工缺少防护靴、护目镜及护耳等劳保设备。

    Early on , miners lacked boots , goggles and ear protection , according to Brighton Kateka , chief inspector of machinery at the Mines Safety Department , under Zambia 's Ministry of Mines .

  13. 充满活力的白色布景,等待吹风机吹干头发时可以用苹果(ipods)和护目镜来浏览一些流行佳作有了这些,mizu将会比维达沙宣沙龙连锁更加现代化。

    With crisp white interiors , iPods and goggles for screening blockbusters during blow-dries , Mizu will be a more contemporary realm than the Vidal Sassoon salon chain .

  14. 摩托车乘员头盔护目镜强度检测装置研究

    Study for the Inspection Device of Motorcycle Helmet Goggles ' Intensity

  15. 应该小心保护视力。矫正视力或保护眼睛用护目镜

    Eyesight should be carefully preserved . goggles , corrective or protective

  16. 使用符合安全标准的护面罩及护目镜。

    Wear facemask and protective goggles that accord with safety standard .

  17. 戴上全波段防护护目镜则看不到可见光。

    Goggles completely block designated wavelengths so beam is not visible .

  18. 滑雪者都戴上护目镜使眼睛不受阳光伤害。

    Skiers wear goggles to protect their eyes from the sun .

  19. 你知不知道在哪里可以找到「护目镜」?

    Do you know where can I find the blinkers ?

  20. 为什么我们水手在水底不戴护目镜就不能自动聚焦呢?

    Why can 't we landlubbers focus underwater without goggles ?

  21. 手上的油脂膏容易沾到护目镜上。

    Grease on the hands can easily get on goggles .

  22. “那买两个护目镜呢?”维斯有些得寸进尺。

    " What about two goggles ?" Wes wants to know next .

  23. 约翰逊说研制护目镜花了两年时间。

    Johnson says the glasses have been two years in the making .

  24. 你测试钻头时戴护目镜了吗?

    When you tested the drill bit did you wear safety goggles ?

  25. 唐:嘿,雅艾尔,你为什么戴着一副护目镜?

    Don : Hey Yael , why are you wearing safety goggles ?

  26. 他没带护目镜。

    Ross : He didn 't get the goggles !

  27. 真空镀膜制备高温护目镜

    High temperature goggles prepared by using vacuum coating method

  28. 医护人员应有个人专用罩衣、手套、面罩和护目镜。

    Hospital staff should have individual gowns , gloves , masks and goggles .

  29. 把护目镜摘下和我谈一谈。

    Take off the goggles and talk to me .

  30. 焊接护目镜用液晶光阀响应特性研究

    Study on the response characteristics of liquid crystal light valve for welding goggles