
pí tuō ɡuǎn
  • Pitot;Pitot line
  1. 通过采用车载法对200W浓缩风能型风力发电机相似模型的流场进行测试,运用皮托管和数字压力计测试了各断面特征点的总压和静压,获取了能量转换特性。

    The flow field of resembled model of 200W concentrated wind energy turbine was tested outside in truck and the static pressure and total pressure of special point in each section was tested by Pitot and Digital pressure gauge , and the characteristics of energy conversion was obtained .

  2. 皮托管泵在小流量超高扬程领域的应用及前景总压梳状管,梳状皮托管

    Application of Pitot Pump in Low Flow and Ultra-high Head Situation

  3. 自动皮托管平行测速烟尘采样仪使用中几个问题的解决方法

    Solve method for the problems existed in flue dust sampling instrument

  4. 以孔板和皮托管为标准器的风速测量装置

    Measurement of Air Velocity by Orifice Plate and Pitot Static Tubes

  5. 皮托管测量气体流量的列线图

    Nomography for Gas Flux Measurement by Means of Pitot Tube

  6. 皮托管平行测速法烟气监测方法的改进

    Improvement of flue gas monitoring method of forecasting velocity

  7. 总压梳状管,梳状皮托管梳棉机锡林与盖板间梳理力研究的现状及展望

    Study on Carding Force between Cylinder and Plate in a Carding Machine : Present Situation and Prospect

  8. 本文结果表明,锥形头的皮托管也可以用作普列斯顿管,并且具有相同的统一的校准公式。

    It is also shown that tapered Pitot-tubes can be used as Preston-tubes and they respond to the same universal calibration relationship .

  9. 在用出口侧管道进行风机性能试验时,常采用皮托管测流量。

    Pitot tube is often used to measure airflow rate while fan performance test is carried out by the outlet test duct .

  10. 针对不同型号的皮托管进行了较系统的试验,旨在研究检测杆和安装角对皮托管测量的影响。

    Aiming at investigating how the air horn and mounting angle affect a Pitot tube measurement , experiments were carried out on various Pitot tubes .

  11. 为了讨论皮托管全压孔和静压孔几何参数对其测量特性的影响,采用试验和数值模拟相结合的方法,对不同型号的皮托管进行了研究。

    Experiments and numerical simulations were conducted on various Pitot tubes in order to study the effect of the geometrical parameters on their measurement characteristics .

  12. 建立了以孔板和皮托管为标准器的风速测量装置,介绍了该装置的结构和特点。

    In order to meet the requirements of calibration of the anemometers , a system combined orifice plate and Pitot static tubes as standards is developed .

  13. 运用皮托管方法测量车辆底部的实际风速,验证流场模拟结果,评估车底风资源状况。

    Then take the method of pitot tube to measure actual wind speed and verify the results of simulation to evaluate wind resources under the vehicle .

  14. 在现场使用中,皮托管不可避免地会偏离其标准使用条件,从而引起附加误差。

    Used in working situations , extra errors are inevitably added to the measurement results of a Pitot tube due to deviations from its standard usage conditions .

  15. 此方案采用皮托管。本文介绍皮托管的测点和安装,以及如何由皮托管测量的管心流速确定平均流速的方法。

    It also discusses the location and installation of Pitot tube and introduces the way to determine the average flow rate from the central flow rate inside a pipe measured by the Pitot tube .

  16. 均速管流量计是在皮托管测速原理基层上发展起来的新型流量检测元件,本文重点介绍了均速管的新型检测断面、表面粗糙化处理及流量计成套技术。

    The velocity-averaging tube is a new measurement element based on the measuring speed principle of pitot tube . The technology of velocity-averaging tube about mew measuring section , roughened processing of surface and complete sets of flowmeter are introduced .

  17. 结果表明,在被测流速较低时,皮托管检测杆直径的大小对全压的测量影响较小,且测量值误差也较小;

    The results show that , first of all , in the lower velocity measured , the diameter of an air horn had little influence on the total pressure and the measurement results had small errors compared with the reference values .

  18. 基于流体力学皮托管测量流体流速的原理,提出了一种用于测量流体流速的复合式传感器,由一个静压和一个差压传感器构成。

    On the basis of the Pitot tube principle used for measuring fluid velocity in hydromechanics , a kind of compound sensor ( consisting of one pressure sensor , and one pressure difference sensor ) used for measuring velocity of fluid is developed .

  19. 结果表明:对于皮托管全压,在流速较低时,由较小的全压孔测得的全压较接近参考值,而在流速较大时,大多数全压孔的测量值误差都比较大;

    The results show that for the total pressures of a Pitot tube , those values obtained from a small total port were closer to the reference value in the lower velocity , whereas in the higher velocity , most measured results were of large errors .

  20. 为了测量速度,可把皮托静压管放在试验段内各个地方并测量多点上的动压。

    For the velocity survey the pitot-static tube is moved around the jet , and the dynamic pressure is measured at numerous stations .

  21. 从无人机(UnmannedAerialVehicle,UAV)皮托-静压管测风对磁偏角的敏感性出发,借助无人机皮托-静压管测风原理和误差理论,建立了磁偏角对测风影响的风速误差数学模型;

    Based on the research on sensitivity of geomagnetic declination on wind measurement by UAV ( unmanned aerial vehicle ) with Pitot-static tube , mathematical model of wind speed error to effect of geomagnetic declination is set up in virtue of wind measurement theory and error theory .

  22. 无人机皮托-静压管测风误差分析

    Analysis of Errors in Measurement of Wind Speed by Pitot - Static Tube on UAV

  23. 在此基础上,用差压法进一步测量了模型底部燃烧尾迹区轴线上的皮托压力和静压。均速管是在皮托管测速原理的基础上发展起来的新型流量检测元件。

    Furthermore , the pitot pressure and the static pressure along axis of wake are measured . The velocity averaging tube is a new flow measurement element based on the measuring speed principle of Pitot tube .