
pí miǎo
  • picosecond;micromicrosecond
皮秒[pí miǎo]
  1. X射线皮秒分幅相机在强X射线情况下的应用研究

    Application of the X-Ray Picosecond Framing Camera in Intense X-Ray Pulse

  2. 利用皮秒脉冲激光驱动瞬态X射线激光

    Experimental study of a transient X-ray laser pumped by a picosecond pulsed laser

  3. 软X射线皮秒分幅相机实验现场应用研究

    The experimental study of soft X-ray framing camera in laser-matter interaction

  4. X射线皮秒变象管扫描相机时空分辨率测量

    Measurements of temporal and spatial resolution of X-ray streak camera

  5. 皮秒激光抽运高压H2的受激拉曼散射研究

    The study on stimulated Raman scattering in high-pressure H_2 pumped by picosecond pulse laser

  6. 软X射线皮秒分幅相机的增益压窄效应

    Gain narrowing effect of soft X-ray picoseconds framing camera

  7. CCD皮秒扫描成象对光系统发射光谱研究

    Emission spectra of PS ⅱ studied by CCD picosecond scanning image spectroscopy

  8. 软X射线皮秒变象管扫描相机

    Picosecond soft X-ray streak camera

  9. 皮秒和纳秒YAG脉冲激光离体血管成形术的实验研究

    Separate Experimental Study of Angioplasty with Picosecond and Nanosecond YAG Pulse Lasers

  10. 宽频带可调谐皮秒(ps)固态激光器

    Wide - Band Tunable Picosecond ( ps ) Solid-State Laser

  11. MCP选通X射线皮秒分幅相机研制进展

    Developing Progress or Multiframe Gated Microchannel Plate X-Ray Camera

  12. 门控MCP软X射线皮秒多分幅相机

    Gated MCP soft X-ray picosecond multi - framing camera

  13. 介绍了扫描型皮秒X射线分幅相机的分幅原理,主要技术指标的测试方法和结果。

    The operational principles , dynamic measurement and experimental results of a picosecond X-ray framing camera are described in this paper .

  14. MCP选通X射线皮秒分幅相机在ICF中的应用

    Multiframe gated microchannel-plate X-ray camera used in inertial confinement

  15. 扫描型变象管X射线皮秒分幅相机在强X射线情况下,由于空间电荷效应,像质变坏,甚至无法工作。

    Image distortion of the electro-optical tube X-ray framing camera becomes serious for intense X-ray pulse operation because of the space charge effect .

  16. 20TW亚皮秒激光系统(SPS)与中子产生实验研究

    20 TW Sub-picosecond Laser System ( SPS ) Applied for the Neutron Experiment

  17. 不同皮秒非稳腔中的KTP晶体的腔内倍频效应

    Intracavity Frequency Doubling Effects in Different Picosecond Unstable Resonators with KTP Crystal

  18. SLA增益谱波长分布和漂移对皮秒光脉冲的影响

    Influences of the wavelength distribution and shift of the gain spectrum on picosecond optical pulses in semiconductor light amplifiers

  19. CdSxSe(1-x)玻璃的光双稳皮秒动力学特性研究

    Investigation on optical bistability in cds_xse_ ( 1-x ) - doped glass

  20. 并且根据得到的结论提出了一种皮秒激光泵浦的内腔式TPO设计方案。

    And I propose a design of intracavity TPO pumped by picosecond laser .

  21. 产生皮秒光脉冲的1.5μmInGaAsp锁模激光器

    A 1 . 5 μ m InGaAsP mode-locked laser emitting ps light pulse

  22. InP中皮秒快速现象

    Picosecond phenomena in InP

  23. 高能量的皮秒脉冲主要应用于激光惯性约束核聚变(ICF)的冲击点火。

    High-energy picosecond pulses are mainly applied for ignition in laser inertial confinement fusion ( ICF ) .

  24. LiB3O5参量调谐蓝紫光单脉冲皮秒激光器

    Blue-violet tunable LiB_3O_5 single pulse ps laser

  25. 光学多道分析仪(OMA)与条纹相机互连测量皮秒时间分辨光谱

    Measurement of PS Time-resolved Spectra by Streak Camera Coupled with OMA - ⅱ

  26. 平均功率近2W的被动锁模皮秒掺镱光纤激光器

    Passively Mode Locked Yb-Doped Fiber Laser with Nearly 2 W Average Output Power

  27. 利用吸收光谱和皮秒时间分辨荧光研究PANC60星状共聚物的电荷转移过程。

    The charge transfer ( CT ) process in PAN-C 60 copolymer films was studied by absorption and picosecond time-resolved photoluminescence ( TRPL ) spectra .

  28. 本文介绍一种用于皮秒和飞秒级超短激光脉冲和激光与物质相互作用的超快过程测量的IBMPc/XT计算机控制精密光学自相关器和实验数据采集与处理自动化系统。

    In this paper , an IBM PC / XT computer controlled autocorrelator and datum acquisition processing system for measurements of picosecond and femtosecond pulses and dynamic processes is described .

  29. 采用皮秒和纳秒YAG激光脉冲分别对试管内血栓、猪主动脉血栓及猪动脉血管壁进行了详细的激光气化实验研究。

    We have done detail laser vaporized experimental study on thrombus in tube , pig 's main artery and arterial wall under separate condition with picosecond and nanosecond YAG pulse lasers .

  30. 利用本文研制的测量系统对Marx发生器开关分别在大气压下及充气状态下发生器装置输出的脉冲波形进行了测试,实现了其输出皮秒脉冲信号幅值可调、脉宽可变的功能。

    The output pulse waveform shapes were actually measured using the picosecond high-voltage pulse generator designed in this paper at atmospheric pressure and in the inflated state of Marx generator switches , respectively .