
shēnɡ tài shēnɡ lǐ xué
  • ecological physiology
  1. 选择了燕麦、小麦、油菜、玉米和甜高粱等能源作物,在不同镉污染浓度土壤条件下,开展了盆栽生态生理学耐受性实验。

    Using several energy plants , i.e. oats wheat , rape , maize and sweet sorghum , this study carries out pot experiments about the tolerance of ecological physiology in different soil conditions contaminated by gradient concentrations of cadmium .

  2. 镧(La)对辣根若干生态生理学指标的影响

    Effects of La on some ecophysiology index of Horseradish

  3. 加强鱼类生态生理学和生态生化学的研究

    Strengthening Study of Fish Eco - physiology and Eco - biochemistry

  4. 该期刊发表文章的区域包括:生态学和生态生理学;

    The journal publishes in the areas of : ecology and ecophysiology ;

  5. 综述了其分离和鉴定的方法、生物化学途径、生态生理学特性和分布。

    Described it to separate and the method , biochemistry path , the ecosystem physiology characteristic for authenticate and distribute .

  6. 对郑州地区淡色库蚊越冬的生态生理学进行了研究。

    The present paper is the study on the hibernation ecophysiology of Culex pipiens pallens ( Diptera : Culicidae ) in Zhengzhou .

  7. 根据蚊虫越冬的生态生理学及同期所进行的其它生化研究对本文结果进行了分析讨论。

    The findings mentioned above were discussed on the basis of the hibernation ecophysiology of mosquitoes , and the results of other biochemical researches on this topic conducted at the same time .

  8. 包括微型生物的识别、记数和生物量研究,微型生物的细胞周期分析以及生态与生理学研究。

    Identification of aquatic microbiota analysis of aquatic microbiota abundance and biomass cell cycle analysis ecology and physiology research of aquatic microbiota were covered .