
lùn wén jí
  • proceedings;collection of essays
  1. 论文集由于作者的高水平而不同凡响。

    The collection of essays is saved from nonentity by the stature of the contributors .

  2. 他最新的论文集“时间的检验”入围本年度国家图书评论奖。

    His latest collection of essays ," Tests of Time ," is a finalist for this year 's National Book Critics Circle Award .

  3. 这本论文集已准备好可以出版了。

    The collection of the theses is ready for publication .

  4. 请注意:我们将出版会后CD论文集,并在会后开具注册费发票。

    Please Note : We will publish a post-conference CD proceeding , and issue you the receipt of registration fee after conference .

  5. 规划二进位文本对应的一个可移植演算法〉。《ACL会议论文集,1997年》。(GZ)

    Melamed , Dan . " A Portable Algorithm for Mapping Bitext Correspondence . " Proceedings of ACL , 1997 . ( GZ )

  6. 英国皇家科学院(RoyalAcademyofSciences)在《论文集》(Proceedings)杂志发布的报告称,事实上,对于男性而言,一位几乎不认识的女性拥有与其父母和兄弟姐妹几乎等同的“触碰权利”。

    In fact , for men , a woman they barely know has similar ' touching rights ' to a parent and more than a brother or sister , the journal Proceedings of the Royal Academy of Sciences reports .

  7. 自动构建用于摘要研究的大规模语库〉。《SIGIR会议论文集,1999年》。(PS)

    Marcu , Daniel . " The automatic construction of large-scale corpora for summarization research . " Proceedings of the SIGIR , 1999 . ( PS )

  8. 再来看看HOPL会议的论文集。

    Also have a look at the proceedings of the HOPL conferences .

  9. 这是我搜集并经过筛选的关于基于ABMS的交通系统仿真的相关最新论文集。

    This is what I collect and screened on the basis of the traffic system simulation ABMS relevant up-to-date collection .

  10. 由MarthaTennent主编的《面向新千年的培训:口、笔译教学法》是一部新近出版的关于口笔译培训的论文集。

    Training for the New Millennium : Pedagogies for Translation and Interpreting edited by Martha Tennent is a collection of essays newly published on translator and interpreter training .

  11. 论文集《音乐学与表演》(MusicologyandPerformance)收集了保罗·亨利·朗一生中未编成集的文章,以及他在晚年计划撰写的一部关于表演实践的著作中的一些章节。

    " Musicology and Performance " is a collection of essays by Paul Henry Lang , which have not been included in other collections of his works . This collection also includes some chapters of a book about the performance practices which he intended to write later in his life .

  12. 《1982年饲料与草地会议论文集》

    《 Proceedings of the 1982 Forage and Grassland Conference 》

  13. 群星璀灿精采纷呈&《第七届全国中医文化与临床、第十三届全国医古文学术研讨会论文集》述评

    Commentaries on the Seventh National Chinese Medical Culture and Clinic

  14. 不过,该论文集充满了思想和大胆的疾呼。

    Still , the collection is bristling with ideas and bold calls .

  15. 复分析论文集梗概

    An outline of a Collected Papers on Complex Analysis

  16. 关于政治经济学若干未解决问题的论文集

    Essays on Some Unsettled Questions Among the People

  17. 音乐学研究的新视野&《艺术中的音乐》论文集简评

    Review on the Collected Papers Music in Art

  18. 郑敏共出版诗集五种,论文集四种。

    She has published five volumes of poetry and four volumes of critical essays .

  19. 他手里正拿着我想要看的那本论文集。

    He is holding a which I long to see , in his hand .

  20. 为环境问题论文集撰稿.文件的初稿是谁草拟的?

    Contribute to a symposium on environmental issues Who made the first draft of the document ?

  21. 他创作了十三部小说,出版了十余部文学评论及学术论文集。

    He created thirteen novels and published more than ten collections of literary comments and thesis .

  22. 龙宇纯教授著《中上古汉语音韵论文集》评介

    A Brief Review of Collections of Phonological studies on Ancient and Archaic Chinese by Professor Long Yuchun

  23. 有关研究多散见于各论文集与期刊杂志,著作、译著等都很少。

    The study and more scattered in various proceedings and journals , books , translations and so little .

  24. 本文介绍了2003年中国生物医学电子学学术年会(CBME`03)会议的概况,并根据学术年会上的大会报告和分组报告,以及论文集内容,对我国生物医学工程学学科发展动向作了分析。

    This paper introduces the Annual Conference on Biomedical Electronics 2003 , analysing the development trend of China Biomedical engineering .

  25. 国际学术网路时代的英语教学,第三届英语文教学研究与电脑资讯研讨会论文集。

    English teaching in the international academic cyber time , Proceedings of the third English teaching and computer information seminar .

  26. 1976年段义孚发表了《人文主义地理学》一文,1978年这些学者一起出版了人文主义地理学的第一部论文集《人文主义地理学》。

    Yi-fu Tuan published the first article about humanistic geography , which was collected in Human Geography ( 1978 ) .

  27. 2007大学生发展与学生事务专业化国际学术会议论文集很受欢迎。

    The Paper Collection of 2007 International Academic Conference on University Student Development & Specialization of Student Affairs is popular .

  28. 重提大地园林化和城市园林化&在《城市大园林论文集》出版座谈会上的发言

    Bring up Again the Landscape Ground and Landscape City & Statement on the Publishing Symposium for Papers on Urban Greater Landscape

  29. 近20年来台港澳及海外华文文学研究述评&以历届学术年会及其论文集为例

    A critical account of researches on Chinese literature created at Taiwan , Hong Kong , Macao and overseas over two decades

  30. 他编辑出版的卡文迪什的科学论文集,为研究卡文迪什的科学思想提供了依据;

    The collection of academic theses compiled by him provided scientific basis for the scientific thought of the Cavendish experimental laboratory .