
  • 网络ecological study;ecologic study;Ecological Research
  1. 黑豆蚜AphisfabaeScopoli与其体内共生菌胞相互关系的生态学研究

    An Ecological Study of Interaction between Black Bean Aphid , Aphis Fabae Scopoli , and Its Mycetocyte

  2. 养殖场底泥中芽孢杆菌属细菌的生态学研究

    Ecological Study of Bacillus in Sediments of Marine - Cultural Pond

  3. 用于分子生态学研究的堆肥DNA提取方法

    DNA Extraction Methods of Compost for Molecular Ecology Analysis

  4. 因此,变性剂加SDS高盐法是一种更为高效、可靠且适合于环境微生物分子生态学研究的DNA提取方法。

    Therefore , denaturant plus SDS lysis could be an efficient and reliable method to extract DNA in molecular ecology studies .

  5. 近红外光谱技术(NIRS)在草地生态学研究中的应用

    Applications of Near Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy Technique ( NIRS ) to Grassland Ecology Research

  6. 恒化器(chemostat)模型是微生物生态学研究中的一个重要模型。

    The chemostat is a important model in microbial ecology .

  7. 生态位理论是近20a来生态学研究的热点之一。

    The niche theory is one of hot spots of ecology research .

  8. 一直以来,以GIS,RS及GPS为主体的3S技术都是景观生态学研究的重要支撑。

    For a long time ," 3S " technique , mostly based on GIS 、 RS and GPS , is one of the most important support for landscape ecology study .

  9. 吸虫塔(SuctionTrap)是长期监测小型迁飞性昆虫时空动态的大型植保设备,用于迁飞性害虫种群的监控和生态学研究。

    Suction Trap is a large-scale plant protection equipment for a long-term monitoring spatial and temporal dynamics of small migratory insects , it usually be use for monitoring migratory pest population and doing ecological studies .

  10. 东北四平地区蝗虫配子发生及原癌基因c-kit特异性表达的生殖生态学研究C-KIT基因在鼻咽癌患者中的突变

    Study on Reproductive Ecology of the Specific Expression of c-kit During Locust Gametogenesis in Siping , Northeast of China ; C-KIT mutation exists in nasopharyngeal carcinoma

  11. 自上世纪九十年代后期以来,伴随着全球生态学研究的深入,一个新兴的生态学领域&地下生态学(belowgroundecology)开始形成,并得到了快速发展。

    Since the later period of 90 ', following the progress of global ecology research , there is a new field in ecology domain - belowground ecology which has a great development .

  12. 采用样方调查法对芝罘岛、养马岛和龙须岛岩岸潮间带的无脊椎动物群落进行了系统的生态学研究,样方面积为40cm×40cm。

    Quadrat method is used to investigate the invertebrate communities of rocky intertidal zone . Quadrat size is set at 40 cm × 40 cm .

  13. VA菌根在植物生态学研究中的意义红壤坡地杂草群落VA菌根真菌的宿主物种调查

    Importance of Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhiza in Plant Ecological Research . Investigation on host plants of vesicular arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi ( VAMF ) within weed communities in agricultural slope land in the red soil area of southeastern China

  14. 希望通过本文的总结分析,推动NIRS在中国草地生态学研究中的应用,加速该领域研究手段的现代化。

    According to this paper , the authors also hope to promote the application conditions of NIRS in the grassland ecology research in China , and accelerate the modernization of research measures in this area .

  15. 台湾高雄稻田中的彩鹬(Rostratulabenghalensis)繁殖生态学研究

    Breeding ecology of Painted Snipe ( Rostratula benghalensis ) at paddy land in Kaohsiung area , Taiwan

  16. ISSR标记呈孟德尔式遗传,在多数物种中是显性的,目前已广泛用于植物品种鉴定、遗传作图、基因定位、遗传多样性、进化及分子生态学研究中。

    ISSR markers are inherited in Men-delin mode and segregated as dominant markers . This technique has been widely used in the studies of cultivar identification , genetic mapping , gene tagging , genetic diversity , evolution and molecular ecology .

  17. 本论文研究了高原鼠兔(Ochotonacurzoniae)种群数量动态和种群统计特征,为高原鼠兔种群生态学研究提供了重要参数。

    Population size dynamics and population statistics features of plateau pikas ( Ochotona curzoniae ) are researched in this paper , v / hich supplies population ecology research of plateau pikas with important parameters .

  18. 随着EASIZ和CS-EASIZ等国际南极区域性计划的相继出台,该研究已成为目前南极生态学研究的前沿和热点领域。

    With the execution of the programme : EASIZ and CS EASIZ , the ecological research in the Antarctic sea ice zone has become one of the most important aspects in the study of Antarctic ecosystem .

  19. 重点论述了如何应用现代计算科学和信息技术建立流域生态学研究的定量方法和模型系统,最后给出了荷兰Veluwe湖和莱茵河下游的流域生态研究及模型实例。

    The paper especially highlighted the applications of the advanced computation science and information technology to developing quantitative methods and modeling system for watershed ecology research . The case studies of the watersheds of the Veluwe Lake and the River Rhine in the Netherlands were presented as well .

  20. 矿区废弃地的恢复生态学研究

    The Advance on Restoration Ecology of Discarded Land in Mining Area

  21. 北美古被子植物系统学与生态学研究现状与发展长链烯酮化合物与生物化石

    Studies of Paleobiology and paleoecology of fossil angiosperm in North America

  22. 湄洲湾附着生物与油污染生态学研究

    Ecological studies on attachment organisms and oil pollution at Meizhou Bay

  23. 战略生态系统是战略生态学研究的核心。

    Strategy ecological system is the research core of strategy ecology .

  24. 土壤微生物生态学研究技术进展

    The Development of Methods for Studying the Microbial Ecology of Soil

  25. 论文首先从生态学研究大学学术问题的独特角度,具体分析适用于自然、社会乃至大学学术活动和现象的生态学原理及生态哲学思想。

    Firstly it analyses ecological principles and philosophy fit for nature .

  26. 山东森林植被恢复的生态学研究

    Ecological Studies on the Forest Restoration in Shandong Province , China

  27. 生活史研究为进化生态学研究的核心内容之一。

    Life history research lies at the heart of evolutionary ecology .

  28. 乡村生态学研究的尺度与等级特征

    Spatial - Temporal Scale and Hierarchy in Studies of Village Ecology

  29. 数学与计算机仿真在生态学研究中的应用

    Application and Perspective on Mathematical and Computer Simulation in Theoretical Ecology

  30. 我国啮齿动物种群生态学研究进展

    Advances in the Research on Rodents Population Ecology in China