
zhōnɡ ɡuó hǎi
  • China Sea
中国海 [zhōng guó hǎi]
  • [China Sea] 中国渤海、黄海、东海和南海的总称。四海相连,环布亚洲大陆东南部,面积470万平方公里

  1. 这条路依傍海岸绵延数百英里,一边是南中国海,另一边则是丛林。

    The road hugs the coast for hundreds of miles , the South China Sea on one side , jungle on the other .

  2. 这架波音(Boeing)777喷气式客机上周六凌晨在南中国海(SouthChinaSea,中国称南海)上空失踪。

    The Boeing 777 jet vanished in the early morning hours on Saturday over the South China Sea .

  3. CHAMP重力卫星结果在中国海及邻近海域的初步分析

    Evaluation of Gravity Data by CHAMP on the China Sea

  4. 在近岸,本文将采用SWAN模式计算东中国海区域的风浪场。

    In the paper , SWAN model will be used for the computation near-shore wind wave for East China Sea .

  5. 国际大洋钻探(ODP)第184航次是首次在南中国海实现的大洋钻探。

    No 184 Voyage of International Ocean Drilling Project ( ODP ) is the first voyage in South China Sea .

  6. 南中国海实验cnoidal波演变规律及其引起的声场起伏

    Evolving characteristic of cnoidal wave and sound field fluctuation induced by it in the South China Sea Experiment

  7. 投资银行花旗集团(Citigroup)的分析师在最近的一份报告中向客户表示:中越之间的巨大经济利益,可能有助于防止南中国海紧张局势继续升级。

    Analysts at Citigroup , the investment bank , argued in a recent note to clients that strong China-Vietnam economic interests could help prevent the escalation of tensions around the South China Sea .

  8. 希拉里下周将访问北京,届时她很可能会讨论近期在南中国海和东中国海出现的紧张局势,然后她将前往符拉迪沃斯托克出席亚太经合组织(apec)峰会。

    Mrs Clinton will visit Beijing next week , where she is likely to discuss recent tensions in the South China and East China seas , before attending an APEC summit in Vladivostok .

  9. 东中国海Lagrange环流的模拟结果表明:潮致余流在黄海和东海北部的浅水区较为显著,而在深水区和东海陆架南部较弱;

    Results of lagrange circulations indicate : tidal residual circulations are more evident in the shallow water of the Yellow Sea and North of the East Sea , but weaker in the deep water and South of the East Sea shelf .

  10. 本文主要工作:采用通过量阶分析的东中国海Lagrange环流动力学模型,提出相应的数值方案,建立三维Lagrange斜压环流的分阶数值模式,用于模拟东中国海Lagrange环流。

    The main work of this paper : using the dynamics theory of lagrange circulation by scale analysis , giving numerical scheme , establishing a three-dimension ( 3-D ) baroclinic dynamics model , eventually simulating the circulation in East China Sea .

  11. 基于东中国海Lagrange环流的三维动力学模型,对东中国海环流进行了季平均(冬、夏)的零阶和一阶模拟。

    So based on these we can simulate the lagrange circulation in East China Sea much better . The zeroth order and first order circulations in winter and summer are simulated in East China Sea based on the 3-D dynamics model .

  12. JASON-1与TOPEX/POSEIDON卫星高度计数据在中国海和西北太平洋的一致性分析及印证

    The Coherence , Cross-Calibration and Validation of JASON-1 and TOPEX / POSEIDON Data in the China Seas and Northwest Pacific Ocean

  13. 并运用东中国海的实验数据进行实际反演,验证了MBI的可行性和鲁棒性。

    It is verified experimentally that MBI is feasible and superior in comparison to conventional matched-field inversion ( MFI ) by using the East China Sea Experiment data .

  14. 利用WaveWatchⅢ建立东中国海区域海浪同化系统

    To build a regional ocean wave data assimilation system of eastern China seas with WaveWatch ⅲ

  15. 对海洋表层水温的研究,尤其是对包括所有中国海的西北太平洋SST的研究,将为发展我国海洋渔业生产和开发海洋生物资源以及海洋生态保护及其动态监测提供极为重要的辅助作用。

    Researching SST , especially that of north-west Pacific which includes all of sea of china , will provide help in fish culture of ocean , exploitation of resource of life-form in ocean , protecting entironment of ocean and dynamic monitoring and surveying .

  16. 东盟秘书长素林(SurinPitsuwan)指出,美国是一个高度商业化国家,在南中国海的通航涉及其重大贸易利益。

    ASEAN Secretary-General Surin Pitsuwan noted that the United States is a highly commercial nation with considerable trading interests passing through the South China Sea .

  17. 利用TOPEX卫星高度计和日本气象厅浮标观测资料,对东中国海的有效波高和风速进行比较,分析了卫星高度计资料的有效性。

    The data of the significant wave height ( SWH ) and the wind speed from TOPEX satellite altimeters are compared with the data from the buoy and the validity of data from TOPEX is analyzed .

  18. 澳洲大陆北部的冷性高压,西太平洋副热带高压西端位置西伸或东缩造成的东中国海季风区上升运动的变化,又是南北半球环流同时影响CEF变化的具体表现。

    The Australia anticyclone and the west part of the Subtropical anticyclone in the Western Pacific ( Eastern China Sea monsoon region ) are the indication of the joint impact of Southern and Northern Hemisphere circulation on CEF .

  19. 利用1993~1999年期间的T/P测高数据计算了东中国海11个潮汐调和常数值,其振幅精度优于±4cm;

    The harmonic constants of eleven constituents over East China Sea are calculated using T / P satellite altimeter data during 1993 1999 , and the accuracy of estimated amplitudes is better than ± 4 cm .

  20. 海南东方1&1凝析气田位于南中国海的西南部,与海南省陆地之间的距离约为104km,最大水深70m。

    Dongfang 1 & 1 condensate gas field lies in the southwest of South Chinese Sea . Its distance to Hainan shore is 10 4 km . The maximum water depth is 70 m.

  21. 在上述盆地中央,地幔顶部约10km厚,也是强磁性的,此外,在南中国海,地壳和地幔顶部也是强磁性的,卫星磁异常的源位于上述部位。

    In centre of these basins , the uppermost part of mantle , about 10km thick is also strongly magnetic . Moreover , under South China Sea , the crust and uppermost part of mantle is strongly magnetic too .

  22. 指出东中国海的平均海面平均以1.8mm/a的速率上升。

    A stochastic dynamical prediction model is suggested and primary discussion is also made The average rate of mean sea level is 1.8mm/a in the East China Sea .

  23. 分别以NCEP再分析风场和QSCAT/NCEP的混合风场(1999年7月之后,比前者的空间精度要高)为输入风场,对东中国海海域的海面海浪场进行模拟。

    For the simulation of the wave fields of the East China Sea , analyzed wind data of NCEP and QSCAT / NCEP blended wind data ( July 1999 later , with higher precision than the former ) are used respectively in the calculation as input wind stress .

  24. 我们在南中国海的研究结果表明,沿着从河口至外海的盐度梯度,Alpha-proteobacteria在丰度和细菌生产力方面的优势度逐渐上升;而Beta-proteobacteria则呈相反的趋势;

    Our results from the South China Sea ( SCS ) showed the preponderant contribution of beta-proteobacteria in freshwater and alpha-proteobacteria in saltwater to abundance and total bacterial production along the salinity gradient from the Pearl River estuary to the open water .

  25. 也从南中国海的西沙群岛。

    Also from the Paracel Islands in the South China Sea .

  26. 夏季中国海海流系统的高分辨率数值模拟

    Hi-resolution Numerical Simulation of China Sea Circulation Systems in Summer Season

  27. 南中国海海洋研究所

    Institute of Oceanology , Academia Sinica South China Oceanographic Research Institute

  28. 南中国海地区珊瑚礁资源的破坏现状及保护对策

    Destruction and conservation countermeasures of coral reef in South China Sea

  29. 东中国海海水透明度分布特征

    On distribution characteristics of water transparency in the East China Sea

  30. 1994年中国海灾害性海浪特征分析

    The analysis on the features of disastrous wave in China Sea