
  • 网络Chinese Goldfish
  1. 清末年间直到今天的一百多年时间,是中国金鱼发展的又一个里程碑。

    During the late qing dynasty until today , is a hundred years of development of Chinese goldfish a milestone .

  2. 金鱼养殖业作为中国金鱼产业的基础起点,有着十分重要的地位。

    Goldfish breeding industry as the foundation of the industry from China has a very important position .

  3. 悠久的历史、丰富的金鱼文化和高超的养殖技术,奠定了杭州在中国金鱼发展史上地位&中国二大金鱼流派之一。

    Long history , rich culture and superb goldfish breeding techniques , laid the history of the development of Hangzhou in China , the status of goldfish-one of China 's second largest school of goldfish .

  4. 在中国,金鱼应该比人类受到更多保护。

    Goldfish get more protection than humans in China .

  5. 中国是金鱼的故乡,日本作为一衣带水的邻国,与中国有着悠久的文化交流历史。

    China is the hometown of goldfish , a narrow strip of water in neighboring Japan , and China has a long cultural history .