
  • 网络Great Wall;the great wall station
  1. 中国最近翻新了位于乔治王岛上的长城站,使这里的俄罗斯与智利的基地显得有点落后了。

    China 's newly renovated Great Wall Station on King George lsland makes the Russian and Chilean bases here seem outdated .

  2. 中国工人已翻修了长城站,该站是中国在南极洲运行五个基地计划的至关重要的部分,包括一个室内羽毛球场和足够150人的睡眠区。

    Chinese laborers have updated the Great Wall Station , a vital part of China 's plan to operate five basses on Antarctica , complete with an indoor badminton court and sleeping quarters for 150 people .

  3. 南极长城站冬季地磁Sq变化特征

    Winter characteristics of SQ variation of geomagnetic field at the Chinese Great Wall station , Antarctica

  4. 南极长城站地区湖泊沉积岩芯的~(210)Pb分布特征

     ̄ ( 210 ) Pb distribution characteristic in the lake sediment core at Great Wall Station Antarctica

  5. BPM授时台至南极长城站短波场强测试分析

    BPM field strength measurements at China Great Wall Station in Antarctic

  6. 南极长城站地磁台CTM-302磁通门磁力仪的标定

    Calibration of CTM-302 flux-gate magnetometer at GreatWall Staion Antarctica

  7. 南极长城站与IGS站组网解算的最佳站数探讨

    Study on the best number of IGS stations for grouping network with Great Wall Station

  8. 南极长城站积雪及其消融过程

    Snow accumulation and melting processes at the Great Wall station , Antarctica

  9. 1986年冬季中国南极长城站的地震观测

    Seismological observation at the Great Wall Station during austral winter of 1986

  10. 中国南极长城站的地磁现象及其初步分析

    Geomagnetic phenomena and their analyses at the China Antarctic Great Wall Station

  11. 西南极长城站地区晴好天气研究

    A study of fine weather in the Great Wall station , western Antarctic

  12. 中国南极长城站室内空气微生物状况

    Situation on indoor air borne microbes of Chinese Great Wall station , Antarctica

  13. 中国南极长城站地磁脉动记录的分析

    On the analyses of geomagnetic pulsation recorded at Great Wall Station in Antarctica

  14. 南极长城站夏季哨声的观测与分析

    Observations and analyses of summer whistlers at the Great Wall Station of Antarctica

  15. 南极长城站地区1987年夏季大气气溶胶研究

    Study on atmospheric aerosol over Great Wall Station during austral summer , 1987

  16. 南极中山和长城站重力潮汐观测研究

    Study of tidal gravity observations obtained at stations Zhongshan and changcheng , Antarctic

  17. 南极长城站潮汐特征分析

    Analysis of characteristics of the tide at the Great Wall Station , Antarctica

  18. 南极长城站微生物考察

    Microbiological research exploration in Great Wall station , Antarctica

  19. 中国南极长城站码头的施工建造

    Construction of a Pier for Great-Wall Scientific Exploratory Station of China in Antarctica

  20. 南极长城站地磁台的建设

    The construction of the geomagnetic observatory at the Great Wall Station on Antarctica

  21. 南极长城站海湾的重矿物组成

    The study on heavy minerals in the Great Wall Station bay , antarctica

  22. 南极长城站温度场和湿度场分析

    A study of temperature and humidity field in Great Wall station , Antarctica

  23. 南极长城站的哨声定向观测

    Whistler Direction Finding from Great Wall Station at Antarctica

  24. 中国南极长城站测绘基准系统的建立

    Establishment of the surveying system in the Chinese creat Wall Station area , Antarctica

  25. 南极长城站地磁自动化台站系统

    Automatic geomagnetic observatory in Antarctic Great Wall Station

  26. 南极长城站和中山站辐射特征的研究

    A study of radiative features at the great wall and Zhongshan stations of Antarctica

  27. 南极长城站附近地区冰川的温度状况

    Temperature regime of the glaciers in the neighbourhood of great wall station , Antarctica

  28. 南极长城站大气臭氧和NO2的观测研究

    Measurement of the O_3 and NO_2 column abundance at the Great Wall Station Antarctica

  29. 1987&1988年夏季长城站地区的热力和动力特征

    Thermal and dynamical characteristics over the Great Wall Station during the austral summer of 1987-1988

  30. 南极长城站地区西湖水化学组成影响因子分析

    Factors influencing the chemical composition of Xihu lake near the Great Wall station , antarctica