
  • 网络bioenergetics;bio-energetics
  1. 生物能量学理论及其虾蟹类的研究进展

    Bioenergetics and Some Recent Progress in Studies of Decapod Crustaceans

  2. 7种海洋鱼类的生物能量学模式

    Bioenergetics models for seven species of marine fish

  3. 本文还介绍了虾蟹类生物能量学研究一些新进展,如各种生态因子对虾蟹类能量收支的影响、SDA与营养因子关系的研究和虾蟹类响应环境突变的能量学机制的研究等。

    This paper also introduces some recent progress in studies of decapod crustaceans , such as ecological factors influence to its energy budget , studies on SDA and nutritional factors , and studies on the mechanism how crustaceans adapt to environment changes .

  4. 鱼类生物能量学模型目前被广泛应用于渔业管理。

    The bioenergetics models have been widely used in fisheries management .

  5. 双层脂和膜生物能量学中的826-氧化还原反应

    Redox reaction in bilayer lipid and energetics of membrane biology

  6. 生物能量学是研究能量在生物体内转换的科学。

    This paper mainly introduces the theory of bioenergetics on individuals level .

  7. 鱼类生物能量学模型研究进展

    Progress in the study of bioenergetics models for fish

  8. 鱼类生物能量学的理论与方法

    Bioenergetics of fishes : theory and methods

  9. 本文综述了4种鱼类生物能量学模型的结构及验证。

    This paper reviews the development and validation of bioenergetics models for four species of fish .

  10. 中国对虾生物能量学研究Ⅱ.温度和体重对能量收支的影响

    Studies on the Bioenergetics of Penaeus Chinensis ⅱ . Effects of Temperature and Body Weight on Energy Budget

  11. 海水养殖罗非鱼补偿生长的生物能量学机制

    Bioenergetics of Hybrid Tilapia ( oreochromis niloticus × o.aureus ) reared in seawater , in relation to compensatory growth

  12. 生物能量学模型必须在结构上进行改进,并经过严格地验证,才能应用到渔业管理。

    It is concluded that the bioenergetics models should be refined and rigorously validated before being used for fisheries management . Obviously , EVA model turns out a scientific appraisals to motivate the managers .

  13. 根据室内流水实验法,定量研究了黄、渤海生态系统7种鱼类能量收支组分,并建立了相应的生物能量学模式。

    Based on flow-through method under the laboratory conditions , the energy budgets were measured and the bioenergetics models were described for seven species of fish distributed in the Bohai Sea and Yellow Sea ecosystem .

  14. 研究结果表明:羊草种群的能量流动是一个太阳辐射能被羊草种群吸收、固定、转化、损耗和积累的生物能量学过程。

    The results show that the process of the energy flow through Leymus chinensis population is a bioenergetic process that solar radiation is absorbed , fixed , transformed , dissipated and accumulated by Leymus chinensis population .

  15. 关键生物过程研究:生物能量学模型和现场调查结合,估算了网箱养殖废物的输出。

    During the study of key biologic process , waste productions are studied based on field experiments and biologic-energy models .

  16. 个体生理生态学研究内容由代谢、营养、发育、抗性等生理生态研究向生物量、光合生理生态、生物能量学研究转变,研究范围向群体和器官、细胞水平两个方向发展;

    The research content of individual physiological ecology from metabolize . nutrition , growth resist has changed to biomass , photosynthesis , bioenergy .