
  • 网络Chemistry;CHEMICAL SCIENCE
  1. 绿色化学科学与工程及生态工业园区建设进展

    Advances in development of green chemistry and engineering and eco-industrial-park construction

  2. 现代GC-MS将维护矿山化学科学的严肃性

    On modern GC-MS technology maintaining solemnity of mine chemistry science

  3. 于上周二发表的这则声明,是该政府太空机构的系统水下生物地球化学科学和勘探模拟(SUBSEA)项目的一部分。该项目将帮助NASA探索海底火山口附近存在的生命体,并更好地了解我们自己的星球。

    The announcement , made last Tuesday , is part of the government space agency 's Systematic Underwater Biogeochemical Science and Exploration Analog ( SUBSEA ) project and will help aid NASA 's search for life in deep space , as well as better understanding of our own planet .

  4. 发展我国煤化学科学研究的对策刍议

    Discussion concerning with the measurments of developing coal chemistry in China

  5. 简析化学科学美与审美心理

    A brief Analysis of Scientific Beauty of Chemistry and Aesthetic Psychology

  6. 浅析化学科学语言的类型及功能

    Brief Analysis to the Types and Functions of Chemical Science Language

  7. 本文综述了分形理论在化学科学中的应用和发展。

    Fractal concepts and its application in chemistry have been reviewed .

  8. 化学科学和化工技术在满足人类社会生活需要方面,起着十分重要的作用。

    Chemistry plays an important role in meeting the need of humans .

  9. 学生对不同的化学科学方法掌握情况不尽相同。

    Students to grasp the situation is different on different chemical science .

  10. 化学科学的研究新领域&超分子化学

    New Field of Chemistry Science Research & Supermolecular Chemistry

  11. 科学探究的自主性特点决定了元认知在化学科学探究中的重要作用。

    The characters of scientific inquiry determined the importance of metacognition in chemistry inquiry .

  12. 化学科学中的美学表现和美育实施

    SCIENCE The Manifestation of Aesthetics and the Implementation of the Aesthetic Education in Chemistry

  13. 化学科学技术与可持续发展

    Chemical Science and Technology and Sustainable Development

  14. 化学科学中的形象美、感性美是生动的、直观的、显性的;

    Beauty in image and perceptivity from chemical disciplines is vivid , intuitional and explicit .

  15. 这些专利通常是在制药和化学科学技术领域。

    The patents tended to be in the fields of pharmaceuticals and chemical sciences and technologies .

  16. 但是,化学科学方法的发展却有许多阻碍的因素。

    The development of a scientific approach to chemistry was , however , hampered by several factors .

  17. 本文探讨了化学科学中存在的和谐、对称、奇异、简单等内形式美。

    The inside beauty in chemical science such as harmonious , symmetric , strange , simple are discussed .

  18. 国家自然科学基金化学科学部高分子科学学科近况介绍

    On the Grant Programs on Polymer Science of Department of Chemical Science of National Natural Science Foundation of China

  19. 第三部分主要阐述了化学科学美的特征及科学美的表现形式。

    In the 3rd part , the writer introduces the characteristics of the beauty of chemistry and its performance .

  20. 并提示随着蛋白质化学科学的发展,植物蛋白在美发护发化妆品中的应用会更广泛。

    With the development of protein chemistry science , there would be more applications of vegetable protein in hair care cosmetics .

  21. 在科学方法中,数学方法以其自身特点成为化学科学定量探究的必备工具。

    Of the scientific methods , mathematical method is an essential tool to make quantitative study of chemistry because of its characteristic .

  22. 化学科学中充满着自然美、形式美、结构美、理论美、变化美、实用美。

    Chemistry is full of its natural beauty , formal beauty , structural beauty , theoretical beauty , changing beauty and practical beauty .

  23. 小分子荧光探针在化学科学、环境科学、药物和生命科学等研究领域中有着重要的作用。

    Small-molecule fluorescent probes play an important role in numerous fields , such as chemistry , medicine , environmental monitoring and life sciences .

  24. 化学科学方法是在化学领域中发展和不断丰富的思维工具,在其他研究领域也能得到广泛运用。

    Chemical scientific method is formed by chemists in chemical activities , but it can also be applied to other areas of research .

  25. 了解化学科学领域的国际前沿,并具备较强的用英文撰写、发表高水平科技论文的能力和潜力;

    Know international frontiers of Chemistry , have strong ability and potential to write paper in English and publish high level research paper ;

  26. 随着现代化学科学的发展,化学实验在化学科学认识中,在化学教学中的作用,日益受到人们的重视。

    With the development of modern chemical science , chemistry experiment is more and more paid attention to in chemistry scientific knowledge and chemistry teaching .

  27. 化学科学中更重要的还存在着事物的内在形式美,这种内形式即是抽象的内容的结构形态,又是一种科学理性之美。

    The second is inside formal beauty , the inside form is abstract " structure of content ", this kind is also a beauty of reason .

  28. ,30.8%的学生认为影响化学科学概念掌握的主要因素来自头脑中已经存在的一些相异构想的干扰。

    30.8 % of the students think that the main element influencing the master of conceptions is the thoughts that have already existed in our brain .

  29. 加强化学科学素质教育,是化学教学自身的需要,更是培养学生的综合素质,适应社会发展的需要。

    Improving the scientific quality of chemistry is to meet the needs of developing students'mixed qualities to conform to social progress as well as the needs of chemistry teaching itself .

  30. 化学科学素养由化学基本知识和技能、化学科学能力和化学科学品质三部分组成,化学科学能力是化学科学素养的核心。

    Chemical scientific literacy is composed of three parts : chemical basic knowledge and skill , chemical science ability and chemical science quality , chemical science ability is the nucleus .